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Matt Gould

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About Matt Gould

  • Birthday 14/10/1990

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  1. For sale coyote cannon Everything in photo included (if you can see them) Coyote cannon in RED and a IR pill 30mm adjustable mount 30mm handle Spares for torch 2x 21700 amps plus batteries £195posted IMG_1346.HEICIMG_1347.HEIC
  2. How long are vairiations taking, im in essex
  3. Decided to clean my barrel on my hushpower bur i carnt get it off. I have tried wd40 and a rubber glove for grip but still wont move! Anyone got any ideas
  4. I had two good days over the weekend on rape with 10-3pm giving the best sport just put out a dozen shell decoys in a 'L' like fashion with a flapper at the head of the pattern
  5. hello just curios to know what you guys changes in terms of decoys and tactics when it come to shooting in winter on rape compared to if you was shooting wheat/barley/rape.... stubble in the summer, would you spread decoys out more, take more decoys, use magnets/flappers more, what time of the day is best, thank for any help
  6. Just a quick question for people who have tried both of these torches what would you go for the nightmaster 800 or xsearcher ??
  7. I know most of this but what i was trying to ask is because i am now having ago with a 20 would i need to go up choke size up to get the same kill as my 12 whats runnin a quater, dont think i explained myself well.
  8. Hello im thinking of buying some Lofting poles for this winters roost shooting is this worth doing putting up a few decoys when roost shooting or is it more hassel than its worth ??
  9. Very quick question i currently use a sx3 12g for pigeons with quater choke. I think im going give my 20g pump a go on woodies would i still be ok with quater choke or best going up a size ??
  10. Hello, i have had a mossberg hushpower for a Few years now with just the hushpower barrel, recently i was considering buying a standard barrel for it. Is it possible to buy a barrel for it ?? If So how much hassel is it and roughly how much would it cost, thanks for any help
  11. what ammo do you use bud in your hushpower ??
  12. Hello people i am looking for a well padded decoying back pack to store about 20 ish shells a pigeon flapper, small battery and me lunch what do you suggest ?? Cheers
  13. Hello im looking into the armsan 28guage semi auto what i would like to know is how good are the guns (cycling)can the safety be change to left handed an how much quieter is 28g compared to a 12g
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