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Everything posted by Ackley

  1. and do you still do things to the book ?? Just thought this may be a good subject to debate. I have had it since 2007 I dont feel its made me a better stalker/hunter.My opinion is you can learn something every day or from others you go out with,the test is just like your driving test,once you have passed it dont stick to the highway code. There is a thread on here about taking the test in a day or over a weekend,some say its wrong "why" a pass is a pass no mater how long it takes to do please if replying keep things cival and constructive thank you
  2. well thats a matter of opinion over the money side of it,but the driving test ananlogy fits the bill as you can do a weeks intensive test and pass what is required then when you have passed you really learn how to drive,as I said just like passing level 2 again as I said "who actually sticks to what you had to do to pass level 2" I know I dont,neither do i stick to the speed limit once you have passed level 2 you dont need to do another test,just like your driving test just becsue someone has passed level 2 dosent make them a better stalker just like driving
  3. its the same as when you did your driving test,you start learning when you have passed,no different to level 2,I would like to know how many level 2 holders do the job "by the book" just like driving your car how many follows the highway code to the letter if you shoot 3 deer in a park or 3 in a forest the end result is the same "a pass" only difference is one will take a long time and alot of money to do,espeically if you have to keep paying for days out the choice is yours
  4. your wrong mate,even if they wasnt in a park havnt you shot 3 deer in 1 day before
  5. Just e mail Privi and ask,or do things the old fashinoned way and stick some boards out at various distances,even if you get the BC you will still have to feild test as no rifle will perform the same
  6. my lamp man has had his renewal in since sept 29th,still not got it ,the bitch whos dealing with it should be sacked
  7. a lot of level 2s are done in a park so killing 3 deer in a day or a weekend isnt very hard to do.
  8. Rob Akin who uses Chatworth does it all in one day,he usually stands at the gamefairs,I aint seen him for a while but can get you a number I think it works out about £500 but not quote me on that
  9. not smart mate I just do the field testing
  10. just like flat base and boat tails,both will work different over a certain range
  11. are you turning to the dark side of "dailing in" get those Bergers down the tube,you will see then what can be done
  12. I have a block of Oak in my workshop it is about 12 inch square I use it for fireing bullets into to test load pressures,the bullet doesnt pass through and that from basically point blank,I also have a large chuck of Cherry I do the same with, used all manner of calibers on it
  13. yep can believe it,did you try to get them gouping by adjust the seating depth
  14. that can happen with some rifle barrels you either have a good one or a bad one you wont know without a bore scope,but if the gun dont shoot after a good cleaning you alreay have the answer the reason why some barrels dont shoot is the machining marks which are down the barrel,these strip copper off the bullets and make them do weired things,once the problem area is full of copper it settles down and shoots once more,this is why a match grade hand lapped barrel will shoot from clean. another way to try and make the barrel shoot is from new is to run it in basically shoot one and clean one,this will iron out any machining marks
  15. were not talking about pigeons,but nice to hear you do amush your aniamls from a high seat
  16. we see many posts when people jump up and down and say "thats not stalking" so what really is stalking,we can all quote what it says in a dictonary,but what does it actually mean to you, do you class yourself as a hunter or a stalker stalking to me means following an animal so not to make it aware of your precence then to be able to take a safe and humane shot or leave it alone and let it walk away. high seat "stalking" isnt stalking at all its an "ambush" sitting in wait untill your quarry shows itself,we see many adverts for stalking which is really sitting up a tree in a chair. now I think "hunting" is the word that should be used as it covers all aspects of what we do so over to the masses for another adult dabate
  17. depends on the quality of the barrel,some do some dont,mine do but there not standard barrels.its a case of suck it and see
  18. sorry,wrong chap then as that guy lost a leg
  19. shoot aniamls at long range to save wearing out shoe leather and your knees on your expensive designer shooting trousers
  20. OK I will try another angle does one of your freinds live and did shoot in Ropsley
  21. Ahh I see,but that wasnt the question,the OP didnt ask if anyone had an open ticket from there first application he asked "if anyone got one when they first applied" IE appliying after a few months or weeks of being granted an FAC anyway matters not are you refusing to answer my question about knowing a chap called Martin
  22. quite right trees and woods arnt backstops
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