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About harrycatcat1

  • Birthday 11/06/1910

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    Sunny Chesterfield

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  1. I have ordered a cheapo one now, but thanks for asking anyway πŸ‘πŸ‘
  2. How did you know I knew when I didn't know πŸ€” I did that and it came up with millions, forgive me but I thought that this forum was for asking advice and opinions πŸ€”
  3. I knew you two would know the answer thanks πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
  4. I just wanted something cheapish tbh, thanks anyway πŸ‘ Might investigate that as I’ve just been diagnosed as having diabetes πŸ‘ I don't always carry my phone though. The reason I want one is I don't know how many I do πŸ€”
  5. As above i am after just a bog standard contraption that fastens to my wrist like a watch and counts my steps. I am curious of how many steps πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ I take in a day. I dont want to spend an arm and a leg but not something that is so cheap it doesn't work. There may be apps on my phone but I don't carry it half the time so that's out. Thanks for your advice πŸ‘
  6. Is that a euphemism? "tapped silver birch" πŸ€”
  7. Thanks for the advice πŸ‘ πŸ™
  8. I know it's not actually wildfowling but I thought it the best place to ask. My question is, are goose decoys sentries necessary πŸ€” I am thinking of buying some more sillosock decoys and there is no difference in price for 8 feeders and 4 sentries compared to 12 feeders. Thing is though sentries are more awkward to put away I'm not really bothered either way but curious what folk think πŸ€”
  9. I've been doing a bit of sorting out my shooting stuff of late and came across a few calls and one was an Eddie Nixon pink call. I remember ringing him up and he was a very pleasant fella so I placed an order for a call. I thought that I'd paid about Β£20 then I came across this attached, written by Eric Begbie. Did anyone else get one πŸ€”
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