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Everything posted by apache

  1. It was June 2009. Not the ideal method, but perfectly humane. Can't see why they couldn't look to re-home the dogs? Since this incident the RSPCA has changed a number of their policies regarding euthanasia and for a time the 'inspectors' didn't carry out the act themselves under any circumstances. I have mixed feelings on the RSPCA, but the world would be a worse place without them.
  2. Or find out what is wrong with the dog! Loose stools are usually related to parasitic or bacterial infections in these young dogs.
  3. Do we have the name of a town or village so we can get an idea of how far away you are?
  4. But they are not yet in your possession! Just make this very clear when filling in forms and have your interview. That is another one interpreted differently by different forces. I share a shotgun cabinet with my wife and North Yorks see no reason to list the shotguns twice. They say I can borrow any gun for 72 hours without notification anyway. We share some firearms and they are listed on both certs.
  5. TBH all sounds good. 1. You have none in your possession! 2. Yes again. 'Vermin' for the .22 and 'Fox and vermin' for the .243 simple. If your father has moderators (silencers) then make you you ask for slots for them too. 3. Yes you should, just a very simple explanation that he gives permission for you to share his guns and have them listed on both certificates. 4. Referees sound fine. 5. The ammo sounds sensible. If you are sharing storage with your father then I suggest that you put whatever ammo allowance he has! Good luck
  6. Easy option is a short bipod/tripod rest http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MINI-STALKER-HUNTING-SHOOTING-TRIPOD-EXTENDING-GUN-RIFLE-REST-STICKS-FOX-DEER-/180781059399?pt=UK_SportingGoods_Hunting_ShootingSports_ET&hash=item2a17640d47
  7. Depending on when and I'd be interested
  8. Depends how fussed you are about head shots. I usually chest shoot them at this range and the HMR kills well. Don't worry about range.
  9. I've shot a rabbit at 130m standing off sticks. Further with a dead steady rest. If you go to mildots and holdover you'll push it a lot further. I bought a wood stock, but for the bashing about in the car and in the dark I may have gone synthetic if I did it all over again. Doesn't really matter. I'm zero'd @30m and then dead on again @100m. Just easier to re-check zero @ 30m. (my .22 is now zero'd at 60 yards)
  10. That may be the worst website in the world to send someone to who can't decide which knife they want! So many I find it overwhelming.
  11. CZ is reliable and accurate. If I won £100,000,000 on the Euro lottery I'd keep my .17HMR/.22RF from CZ.
  12. I'd say that the blade would be a bit too wide for things like the rectum of small deer. Looks nice
  13. Do you NEED to sell one? You will regret it.
  14. Any parents or friends with a FAC? Easy if your father had a ticket, gets him to add slots and 'share' or 'lend' them to him.
  15. apache


    .17HMR not great for deer but a great bunny gun. Not really a range gun. If you don't have permission to shoot on land (vermin etc) your path of least resistance would be to get a CF rifle initially for target use (something deer legal - maybe a .308? dunno much about range shooting) and then after a while book some stalking and ask the police to amend your conditions. I can highly recommend the DSC 1 if you want to learn more about deer.
  16. I like the way the 'grip' on the scope is spread equally around the tube of the scope. I have Sportsmatch mounts on my .22 and if I could get Optilocks that fitted I'd use them. With the Sportsmatch mounts the scope is squeezed from above and below. Never seen a crimped scope from Optilock mounts. Just not damaging a decent scope could save you the cost of the mounts by not devaluing your expensive scope. My gripe is the soft metal on the Optilock screws. Some seem to be made of cheese............
  17. Bloody hell - my D3 will do 28 round and about and 32ish on a run. I could get a coffin in the back there.
  18. The D4 needs two keys and the vehicle present. The system is designed to block out lost keys.
  19. You need a computer, either Landrover's or someone with a Faultmate and multi vehicle licence.
  20. Just goes to show how you don't need all this fancy camo, you can kill bunnies in a bright pink coat! Good job. (looking at the gf I do hope you're not 55....)
  21. An older Disco. See this thread: www.disco3.co.uk/forum/topic84136.html
  22. I have often thought that people who are on benefits just for unemployment should do some community service for the money. There is so much litter, graffiti, even get them mowing old ladies lawns. I don't care. Not a fan of paying them to sit at home and watch Jeremy Kyle........ I know it is not a popular view but many people on incapacity benefit can do some work. Even if they just sit in a call centre. I work bloody hard for my money, if they are able to they should give something back to the community. I am in favour of the welfare state, but only to the limit of keeping people warm, dressed and fed. It should be a miserable pittance of an existence. They should strive to get a job so they can afford things.
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