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  1. When cotrolling foxes using terriers below ground in England you MUST have Written Permission in your possesion if not you are breaking the law.
  2. Grants haggis cooked on a gaz stove at dawn on rolls and butter as you watched your pike float get agitated and slowly slide away with the mist still rising from loch Lomond.
  3. Forget that yumove is specific for dogs.
  4. Yumove tablets from wwwlintbells.com
  5. Good fishing and shooting.
  6. She contacted Darren in Vietnam you can do it online myvietnamvisa.com and pick up the visa at the airport when you get there.
  7. I can find out tonight when my daughter gets in. Her mates have just moved there.
  8. There was a labrador savaged by a seal on the east coast I think Tam posted the link.
  9. vulpicide

    Moving on foxes

    When out working terriers for fox my heart sinks when the farmer says I put XYZ down the holes to move them on. Cos then I have to go out and search ALL the land to find them. Even if you destroy the holes they STILL live in your garden so A. fox proof it or B. Trap/Kill them.
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