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Paddy Galore!

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Everything posted by Paddy Galore!

  1. I have two, the first is from shawshank redemption when andy dufresne asks red for "rita hayworth" AD- well, can you get her? red- well sh4t andy, i dont have her stuffed down the front of my pants right now i'm sorry to say, but yeah i can get her. the second isn't really a quote, more of the whole scene from "no country for old men" where javier bardem [the psycho] enters the garage to pay for his gas, the attendant says something the weather and where he's from to which he replies "what's it to you, FRIENDO?" and then just about the rest of that scene really creases me up..
  2. might be a damaged shock absorber, rubbing on the inside of the tyre wall, had a ford capri with a broken spring did this and eventually burst the tyre. check the inside of your tyre walls...
  3. has the rubber band slipped off the giggle pin?
  4. yep, i missed last years show, i'll have some of that...
  5. no, i didn't mean that, he doesn't care too much for them, just don't get him started!
  6. it doesn't matter that you can only afford one now, get them listed on your application first then you can buy them later, dont forget sound moderators for each, my advice would be to buy a 22lr first.
  7. you'll do alright then he's a damn fine chap, just don't mention the polish.
  8. How true! i know i can waffle sometimes but i hope i never feel the urge to B/S on such a grand scale as that.
  9. get both, might want to put a 22 semi auto on there aswell. as far as makes go most people on here like CZs, good reliable little gun and cheaper than some.
  10. who is it? is it paddy bowe? get some decent tea & coffee in aswell!
  11. this is my main concern, NO EVIDENCE, just to clarify, the chap was in the gun shop boasting about it to the shop owner in front of 3 other customers. Maybe a word of warning is all that's required, i don't know for sure.
  12. Tried it yesterday and it was fine, hmmm..
  13. On my main permission the bunnies are out all day. the area is a mixed bag of hay meadow, water meadow, woodland, and sugarbeet. When i first met the land owner and had a walk round we were literally tripping over the damn things, this was about 5pm on a summer afternoon. With such a varied area of land i found it quite easy to shoot a few in one area, then walk along and catch a few more and so on and so on until i'd usually had enough after about 4-5 hrs. If the bunnies were in short supply there were always crows and pigeon to take care of, also some fox although i was asked to leave them as they help with the bunnies. I cant wait for the rabbit population to pick up again so i can get back there soon. I could do with another permission like this one so it would keep me busy all year.
  14. seen a few dbs, not a pretty site, quite traumatic, don't want to go there again thankyou very much.
  15. Paddy Galore!


    Why, what happens on your 500th post? i'm only asking cos i'm nearly there myself!
  16. i take it you've already got a rimfire of some description, there is no definitive answer, some people get centrefire straight away, others may have to wait a year or two. It really depends on your land and your requirements. How much experience do you have with centre fire rifles? the local FEO may require you to be mentored by a more experienced shooter, the best advice would be to ask your FEO about your options.
  17. I've been thinking about this all day, i've come to the conclusion, i'm working in that shop on monday so i'll get all his details then. I also know a policeman who frequents the shop [ he's a shooting man] and i'll pass all the details over to him. Failing that i'll call the FEO and get him a formal warning at least. You guys are right, ignorance is no excuse and it's behaviour like this that really screws it up for everyone.
  18. i vote cammo the bitch up so when it breaks down on you in the middle of a field somewhere no one will notice it if you just leave it there! 43000 on the clock? only another 20000 before the gearbox siezes/ suspension comes thru the floor/ electrics catch fire and burn everyone in it to death...
  19. hi guys, thanks for the info, sorry if it's been a bit vague but it's a complicated situation [friend of my boss] etc. I did tell him it was illegal ie shooting a deer with a sub standard load, at night, no permission to shoot deer on the occupiers land, but the man is a fool! when i see him next i'll give him the run down of the consequences he faces and make it explicitly clear that i'll drop the dime on him next time, i'm still tempted to do it now, or at least have a chat with the local feo. In his defence he said that it was a close range shot of about 15yds but this doesn't account for his attempt on the second roe, and no, they weren't injured, so i really don't have much sympathy for him. What is worrying is that he's thinking of joining a target club to aid his application for an FAC, he wants and i quote "A HUGE EFFIN RIFLE FOR DEER AND COLOUREDS" luckily he doesn't have his own permissioned land as yet and i hope he never gets it.
  20. i think the law changed, anyone who's known you for the last 2-3 yrs can do it, if they're kosher.
  21. try four, a 28g 7.5 cartridge was used...
  22. Don't think you're allowed a family member as a counter signator, no matter how far removed.
  23. Sometimes it's unavoidable, but what i always do is remove the bolt and lock it with the ammo in the glove compartment. The rifles are locked in the back of the van anyway, but keep them out of sight.
  24. hi, just been reading the BASC web site about deer stalking, although it lists the restrictions regarding lamping/ season, i cant seem to find any mention of the penalties incurred if say, someone were to shoot a deer at night with a shotgun while out lamping for foxes. Also, how or would any of you go about reporting such an incident were it to come to your attention? Just the facts guys, cheers, gram.
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