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Paddy Galore!

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Everything posted by Paddy Galore!

  1. Not bad mate, seems strange tho, a couple of years ago you could have picked up virtually the same gun for a tenner, goes to show they're a bit more popular now. Cant find one under a hunnerd now.lol :(
  2. oh ******! you'll have to roll me out the door!
  3. Don't think an AAs410 can be compared to a .22lr, buy the rimmie and see for yourself. air rifle will have about 40ft/lbs at the muzzle, a rimmie with cb longs has 60, with winnie subs 100, and with HV about 120 ft/lbs There are some wierd and wonderful air rifles out there, but the air arms aint one of them. lol :( what range were you planning on shooting at? if its under 60yds then the air rifle will suffice, but anything over that and up to 120yds i'd reccomend the rimfire every time.
  4. nelsons have got clear pigeon in fibre, also rio, and kent velocity clay loads. see you got some nasty deposits up your flue, serves you right for using cheap clay loads for pigeon. lol
  5. Well done chap! :unsure: we'll see how much you remember on the big day... think i'll book one too, my mate bill ridley does coaching just outside norwich, can only help..
  6. i heard something like this too, something to do with mothers teaching their cubs.
  7. deep hole into the heartwood of the trunk, or strip some of the bark round the base of the trunk.
  8. apparently they have to be presented to the proof house, didnt you read the previous response?
  9. Sorry mate, not much chance getting your windscreen replaced, you might want to try writing to their head office[ they should have a complaints dept]. failing that get in touch with a local newspaper, drag them in the dirt so to speak. i know a chap who once had a falling out with a builder so he super glued all the locks on the site, not that i'm coercing you to do something illegal or anything.. how about the local hse, nothing site managers hate more than an inspection.
  10. oh i dunno, have they got christmas pud? not allowed fry ups anymore. we can still meet up at ten though.. By the way, big thanks to those of you who've offered to lend me a gun, very much appreciated :unsure: might have my FAC back by then but just in case cheers.. gram.
  11. I was told different, never mind learnt something new. might not be financially viable though, having it registered twice, the proofing charge, postage, not to mention the work on the gun. quite a few 2nd hand guns out there all reasonably cheap, and a new escort will only set you back about £ 400ish.
  12. Hi, it all depends what make gun you have, its best to see a gun smith about this because some cannot physically be altered. some can but might cost a bit to do, once the shot gun has been deregulated and put on a section 1 licence it cannot be put back on a normal setion 2 licence ever. Not to mention you will also de-value the gun in the process. Hope this helps.... gram.
  13. dropped mine off yesterday and got invited to a days shoot! go for it, who cares if you're an *** kisser.
  14. I've got a spare copy of "life of brian". Not just giving it away tho', want entertainin'!
  15. yep they sure do! my neighbours on the other side of our house keep chicks too, only problem is because of the numbnuts the otherside they are now having the same trouble.[ his chickens didn't even lay eggs!] foxes are opportunists as you know, and will always go for an easy target be it chickens, pheasants etc etc, believe me when i say i hear the same old stories time and time again in the shop it's just a shame that not many people seem to give a toss about the impact on the environment. the owner of my main permission owns highland cattle, he's lost 2 of them to broken legs due to them getting hooves caught in rabbit holes, his land is now over run with rabbits since most of the foxes have been shot. Go figure
  16. I agree harnser, both my parents and grandparents kept chickens. never had a problem with foxes though because they were behind good fencing, 2ft boards all the way round the run stopped ole mr fox hypnotizing the chicks. I've seen this done, fox stares at the chicks, wags his brush abit, chicks get curious and stick their heads out, mr fox grabs them and pulls them thru' cheap old chicken wire and off he goes... i've heard that story about foxes killing everything in a frenzy, never seen it though, maybe its the mother fox teaching her cubs how to kill.
  17. lets not get presumptious now. i've seen and heard all about what foxes can do sunshine..
  18. don't start him off now harnser, i think he's got a valid point the fox, although classed as a pest is one of the last wild indigenous predators we have left, i think it would be a shame to wipe them all out for the sake of it. we all have a responsibility to the local environment and that means everything in it including foxes. And while i agree with shooting to control the numbers, perhaps we should think what else we could do to prevent something like this from happening other than going in guns blazing at the first opportunity. IF he's tried to fox proof his coup, then all well and good. But if he's anything like a neighbour of mine who lets his chicks roam the garden, then all i can say is "what did you expect".
  19. poor old mr fox! Although i share your sentiments about the problems foxes can cause, i hope you first tried to make your chicken coup a bit more fox proof.
  20. have to say, i'd be dead twice over if not for the nhs, my gps are useless, didn't even hurry my hospital appointment, by the time i got to hospital i nearly lost my kidneys. thankfully there was an expert on vasculitis on the staff and got me sorted. however part of the treatment is low dose chemo and immuno suppression and i managed to pick up a bad infection, this went to my ticker, i had to wait nearly a year before they finally sorted it out, had to have an AVR, papworth were brilliant but NNUH cardiac dept were pretty slow sorting this out. point is this, not all hospital departments are run as efficiently, this is a managment problem, not the doctor/ surgeon.
  21. i dont mind mate, i might end up borrowing a gun from the shop if they don't mind, just found out i cant use a section 1 shotgun on clays cos its not on my licence. i think it'll be too much to ask the firearms dept to sort it out before chrimbo. still coming tho! i'll find a gun somewhere..
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