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dead eye alan

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About dead eye alan

  • Birthday 23/10/1950

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  1. Please do as its the only excitement for me at the moment.
  2. Low life scum bags!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Tryed to pm you last time and it did not work for some reason, Dave sent me a mesage and he did not get my reply eather, both times I tryed to send you and Dave my phone number. So can you PM me your phone number and I will call you to fix up a deal. Alan.
  4. Been trying to send you PM cant understand you not geting them im going to France for a week tomorrow, will try again to send you my phone number.
  5. Open the flood gates let the stamped begine.
  6. Probobly too much red last night.
  7. Ho come on Simon you can do better than that, say what you realy think.
  8. I have a wooden box to keep my batterys in but the lid broke off about a year ago so now I cover the batterys with my dead decoys befor loading the rest af my gear.
  9. Reminds me of 30 years ago fishing lake Cassian, but 23lb was the best my son and I caught.
  10. God knows were this bloke will take us, but I fear its not a good place!
  11. Fantam pregnance?
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