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Everything posted by pimpkiller

  1. As a pc/android man I can do anything, run anything, upgrade anything and at half the price. Ive had the odd bit of apple gear like ipods and keep going into the mac shops and think the quality and prices are terrible. It all looks shiny and nice and they have slick sales pitches and advertisement but cant stand the things. How many posts do you see on here about I-stuff problems?
  2. pimpkiller

    Spiced Rum

    Dont like sailer jerry at all way too weak and vanilla captain morgans spiced is nice but maybe too sweet for most. Bacardi oakheart is worth a crack much more taste like a whiskey and is cheap as chips. There are a few knocking around aldi/lidl that im not familiar with that look good.
  3. pimpkiller

    Windows Scam

    Just interupt and say oh my god you've found all the bodies
  4. pimpkiller


    Wear a canary yellow jumper flatcap and bright pink golf trousers then your mates will be laughing so hard they wont be able to hit the ball. Thats what the pros do
  5. Im supprised someone hasnt had a word with them. Double the price and decreased the odds seems extream to me
  6. Oh deer oh deer Looks like a young bear, that deer is putting up a good fight.
  7. Wow more money kept in the bank for them
  8. What made top gear good was the 3 completely different older blokes talking rubbish in their different ways just like your mates do. Chris evans? With his ginger hair and souless dead eyes no thanks and if they bring in a woman no chance of any un-pc banter then. Im sure lots of peole will tune in just to see what they come up with and the bbc will claim it as a success but it will be rubbish
  9. Non of this was your sons fault, I would just meet up and answer questions but dont have a go at his mum thats who brought him up just put your side across
  10. The thing-excellent case in point totally agree
  11. The problem is they tend to remake good films which is a bit pointless they should concentrate on older films that could of been good or at least bringing it into modern day era adds something to it, casino royale springs to mind
  12. Red dragon is the remake of manhunter, I prefered manhunter.
  13. Non, they should come up with new stuff
  14. Peter jackson said to lee " try and imagine the sounds of a knife going into someones back" he replied " I dont have to imagine"
  15. Smokers, vappers, cyclists and cats all the same
  16. Loved how the humane fox removers just block up the dens so the fox has to move on making it someone elses problem and leaving the potential for more work
  17. pimpkiller


    So hsbc are sort of selling up and moving to asia shedding loads of jobs around the world. Is this abit suspicious?
  18. ^ correct imho so who do they stamp down on? The disabled where fraud is virtually 0 because its easy to do
  19. They should have the same restrictions as normal smoking. Sat in a restaurant with oh and 2 year old then a bloke starts chugging like a choo choo train and it reeked. The staff did quickly ask him not to So wasnt too bad. It almost seems alot of people take up vapping just so they can beat the ban and smoke indoors.
  20. Armsid, yes good idea. I just think instead of getting doctors or whatever from abroad why dont they consider why non are coming out of our education system and working here?
  21. We dont have a lack of people so shouldnt let any in. As for skills they import from abroad cheaper thsn this country and neglect our own peoples opportunities, good to make a quick fast buck but in the long run terrible
  22. 955i I have no problem at all with what you're doing I and my mother have arthritis and her brother has ms and can understand the need to do something about it yourself by any means necessary. I find prescription medication to be useless or you would have to have something so strong you might as well be a crack-head.
  23. pimpkiller


    Its a brave man who uses a DE razor on his sack, I know ive tried it.
  24. got rid of our samsung 37 inch lcd last year wanting something bigger got an lg ln5400 42 inch led for £299 from argos and frankly its amazing and uses stuff all electricity
  25. All those drivers caught on something, I wonder what punishment they got?
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