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Everything posted by Scully

  1. I must admit my OH reckons I'm a very confrontational type of person, not to the point where I grow aggressive and want to fight someone ( although I can't deny it has sometimes ended like this in the past ) but I think it's possibly borne from being bullied at school. I was at one time a fairly timid and shy child but from about the age of 12 or 13 I was bullied on a very regular basis in secondary school, from merely being punched or kicked in passing to being held underwater to the extent I was convinced I was about to die. I witnessed and experienced this bullying outside school also, from older kids and indeed figures of authority inside as well as outside school. However, I grew up to be a big lad and those still at school while I was doing the growing, grew to regret their actions. Looking back I think I may have possibly over-reacted in some instances, and for some time I had a very bad name for which I have grown sincerely sorry. Hindsight is a wonderful thing. However, I now have an unhealthy distrust of figures of authority, ( though believe this was mostly inherited from my Dad ) and will not tolerate bullying of any description, and find injustice and deliberate misrepresentation for the sake of an agenda despicable, and will and do confront either on a regular basis. It has got me in all manner of scrapes over the years I'm sorry to say, and my OH hates it. My kids don't like me 'having a word' with their teachers either but I just can't help myself. I simply find it impossible to sit back and do nothing in certain situations. I hope this goes some way to explain why some on here may find me obnoxious and belligerent, which is bad enough perhaps, but I would be mortified to think I came across as bullying.
  2. If you're firing from one position then I can imagine it will be difficult to remember where they all are and to find them. It's amazing how easy they disappear even from a vehicle when lamping,which is why we now use those little white freezer bags. Getting in and out of a vehicle to pick up each shot rabbit just disturbs everything, so we now have a collection of white bags with a small stone tied in each one. We toss them out of the window to mark each rabbit we shoot then when we've finished in that field we drive around and pick them up. The white bags show up clearly in the lamp.
  3. Scully


    Medication not working?
  4. Anything parasitic gives me the heebie jeebies so I wont be watching that, thank you very much.
  5. Am going towards the end of the month. Will let you know if I find any.
  6. Scully

    carry on film's

    "i can recommend the Porter" "Then send him to my room"
  7. I only have the one, but it's a big one! Will take pic' and post tomorrow.
  8. Scully

    carry on film's

    "Oh my, I appear to have got a little plastered"!
  9. Very nice. I may be wrong but I think PW member CHAOS shoots a repro' 1887. It may be worth PMing him to see if he's interested in an original.
  10. Very nice. Thanks for the pic's; look nothing like mine!
  11. On one shoot on which I used to beat they bought in ducks and fed them on two ponds. I have seen dogs in the water in an attempt to get the ducks up, many of which simply dived whenever a dog got too near, and the kids amongst the beaters running themselves ragged trying to get them off the ground. I was scowled at once by the 'keeper for suggesting they fire them from a trap. Other times some would get up and fly around about ten foot off the ground before landing on the water again, and other times they would get up and simply disappear, or as one old boy was fond of saying "Aye, they've ****ed off again"! We feed a pond on our rough shoot but all the birds are wild.
  12. Have you shot a group anywhere on the target even if it's off centre?
  13. No preference really, but even a 28" makes for a long gun on the end of the receiver.
  14. Scully

    carry on film's

    'Do you mind if I smoke? ' Gorgeous looking woman in her day, and still on the go.
  15. We'll never know for sure unless someone spills the beans, but I reckon the crew could have been a lot less subtle if the intent was there. Top Gear is renown for many things but subtlety isn't one of them.
  16. I spoke to a local shooting MP many moons ago about this very point at the time when some bloke had devised a method by which the lead pellet was contained within an impervious outer shell (it may well have been nickel; I can't recall now) and his reply was that the general consensus is that 'no matter what it is coated in, it is still a lead pellet'.
  17. If you centralised (meaning the turret has an equal amount of 'clicks' on either side of its starting point, if you see what I mean) the windage and elevation turrets before mounting I can't understand how you 'run out' of either, all being ok with reticle and mounts of course. I would suggest you take it back to your dealer and explain what is going on; they are in the best position to help really. Let us know how you get on.
  18. That's fair enough; I'm not disputing that. The applicant has an obligation to fulfil as do licensing.
  19. Scully

    carry on film's

    Compensation culture? I wonder if I could sue my education authority for all the years of bullying and abuse I went through at school?
  20. Sorry for the late reply but I was waiting for the OP to reply, but it doesn't appear forthcoming. The point you make above is a good logical point, but doesn't even 'reducing the bag' as the OP states merely mean the same circumstances exist? I just can't see how it is proposed for numbers to regenerate unless steel is banned or in fact shooting is banned, bearing in mind the reasons for the policy.
  21. Ditto; a lot of immature birds around on ours just yet due to late broods.
  22. Sorted. Send in a photocopy and keep hold of your actual tickets. :good:If you still haven't received your renewed tickets with about a couple of weeks to go, I'd be requesting a temp' one. They cannot refuse to issue a S7 permit if needs be.
  23. Just out of interest what makes it way better than the T3?
  24. My nephew bought a 'pop-up' at a game fair some years ago when he was in his mid teens, and loved it as it was light enough to carry anywhere and was erected in seconds. He said his only regret was missing the 'craic' with his mate as it wasn't big enough to share. He shot some impressive bags from it.
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