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Everything posted by DaveK

  1. I had a MTC Taipan on mine and it certainly did a job for me. Keep an eye out for a decent Zeiss Conquest. I picked mine up for just over your top end but I could have haggled better. Already mentioned is the Zeiss Duralyt. Bit economical in magnification but superb optics. There's loads of options out there it's just a case of finding something that works for you and at the price you want to pay. As mentioned on another thread by someone, everyone can recommend the scope they have and it's invariably the dogs danglies and perfect for the calibre and the only one to buy. But that's their opinion and may not be right for you. It's taken me years to get the right scopes for my rifles and that includes taking the right scopes off to put RIGHTER scopes on then finding out I was wrong, and putting the old scopes back on and finding they don't work as well as they did before they were taken off. It's a minefield. Best of luck.
  2. And, consider all the options. Just because a scope is GUCCI kit and expensive doesn't mean it's right for you. Lorraine had a Simmons WTC 6.5-20x50 on her HMR for years and the combination was awesome. You can find them @ £120 but not made any more. The HMR is a rimfire so any good air rifle scope will do the job. You just don't need to spend shedloads for a decent scope.
  3. Not really. I've seen a lot worse. Someone will benefit from it, I'm sure.
  4. Typical. It's Sunday, I've run out of Stella, Grolsch and popcorn and the threads still running. B U M M E R.
  5. I wasn't asking. I was replying to Mr Smith's post . It may say that in the Act but it's an accessory classed as a firearm in it's own right. Otherwise why do you need a variation to acquire one and if you sell one why does the purchaser need a slot and once sold why do you need a variation to be able to get another one? I hope that clarifies the situation for YOU me old mate. And make it a crate of Stella and a crate of Grolsch. i have a thirst.
  6. It's surprising how quickly you can go off people
  7. Hmmm. Interesting thought. So let me get this right. If kids come in my garden I can stab their balls when I'm 105? can't wait.
  8. I think maybe this thread will have arms as well as legs ........................................
  9. So are we going halves on a crate of Stella then?
  10. No it isn't. It's classed as a firearm. That's why it's entered onto your certificate in the firearms sections and why you can only have one if you have a slot for it on your ticket.
  11. Nope and for christs sake don't let Lorraine see this. You know what she's like
  12. Unusual ................... VERRRRRY unusual for me to jump to Jonathan's defence but I think you're being a wee bit menstrual. Again, and I'll not make a habit of it, i agree with much of what Jonathan has posted and, in fact, rather than him having lost the plot as you suggest, I suggest in this case he has actually found it. Now pick your teddy back up and play nice, this is (or was) a well delivered topic. I'm certainly interested but just in case ------ SCULLY, can you get me a bag as well please? And maybe we can go halves on a nice crate of Stella or Grolsch.
  13. Just been for a look and dribbled all over the keyboard.
  14. I've had a couple of captive bred Jays as pets in the past. They're lovely birds but in the wild .............................................
  15. My pet load is 75gn Vmax over 41.2gn Viht 140. Has worked well in several different .243's
  16. Can't see the problem. Guy wants to sell it, guy quotes a price. If someone wants it at that price that's between them. If someone doesn't want to pay that much, make an offer or move on. Nothing there for you. Or am I being too simplistic. ???
  17. Sportsmatch windage and elevation mounts work well http://www.uttings.co.uk/Product/649/104304/sportsmatch-uk-2-piece-double-screw-fully-adjustable-high-30mm-mount-tm3336/ I'm sure you can find them a fair bit cheaper.
  18. How about it being an offence to discharge a firearm within 50 feet of the centre of a carriageway if it interrupts or causes distress to people using it. or words to that effect.
  19. It's better to have and not need .................... than to need and not have. Gettem bought.
  20. DaveK


    Sorry I'm late chaps, just been digging up a body I found in the back garden.
  21. Ring 101 and ask to be put through to firearms licensing.
  22. Oh dear, you got me. My eyesights bad but not that bad. It was a 190 yard hare naturally.
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