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Everything posted by DaveK

  1. Except for those of us that get the same for cheaper elsewhere.
  2. You drive a house? I heard it was a shed.
  3. DaveK

    Scope Wanted

    You want a PM? You got one (well 2 actually)
  4. Sidetracking slightly ...... my opinion on safety catches for what it's worth is if you are considering making the rifle safe, then why not REALLY make it safe and unload it?
  5. April Fools day then. It'd be nice but do you really think that FLO's are going to give up their control of it?
  6. Fri - Mon 12 hour nights then one day off and back to work. Lifes a bitch.
  7. Dunno about supermarkets but any local tobacconists will have it.
  8. So what exactly changes on 1st? Apart from it being April Fools Day?
  9. I like foxing wen there's loads of snow on the ground. Hardly any need for a lamp and they're hungry as hell.
  10. With what you've just posted I think you're agreeing with everything you've just appeared to be arguing against. One thinks we are all finally singing offa the same hymn sheet.
  11. No such luck, at work. So someone else buys it on their certificate on your behalf. Even if it's stored securely, YOU have acquired it which is an offence. I notice you omitted to highlight acquire. It doesn't have to be in your possession to have acquired it and to use your own argument, if you OWN it you have to have acquired it. i don't profess to be good at being a moron (and you should knowb being head shed and all that) and I bet you have and will continue to do so. Now drink your warm milk, put your jammies on and go to bed.
  12. Oh get stretched you arrogant argumentative gimp. I give up I've taken on an idiot and been beaten by his stupidity. I just hope you're a 1st year Law student as there's still room for you to fail. How in gods name can you have legal title to something you're not allowed to own? How many different ways do all these different people have to put it before you'll get it through your thick skull. Sorry, that'd be INFINITE then. Oh BTW, when I insulted you at the beginning of this post I forgot to mention POMPOUS
  13. Same reason as you bother writing the stuff you write. Can't your mother take the keyboard off you and shovit up your .....and lock it away? Methinks the chap is, yet again overcome by the exuberance of his own verbosity. Delusions of adequacy depriving a village somewhere of it's idiot
  14. So who did the seller sell it to? Doesn't matter who's the money was. How the hell can someone have legal title to something that they weren't allowed BY LAW to purchase. Sometimes I wonder about you. In fact no I don't. Life's too short.
  15. DaveK


    well you'd know. I heard you'll do owt for a bag of sweets.
  16. Wronggggg. It's not his gun and never has been. very nice of him to buy it for you though. He didn't have the authority to purchase it and, therefore, cannot own it. Enjoy your present.
  17. Go on then I will take this ideal for lamping
  18. Go on then if it doesn't fit me it will fit the other half
  19. Primarily for what the insurance offers and for the legal representation if I ever need it without having to beg. I do n't expect BASC to do anything for me at the moment but want to know what they'll do if I rejoin. Otherwise Alex, ask yourself why else I might have left BASC and gone that route. Outrageous annual fees to pay for directors cars could be one of many. BTW I've a very nice tartan min i kilt you can borrow any time you like.
  20. +3 never seen white fox poop. Not seen much white dog poop for a good while either. Used to see loads of it when I was a kid. Can't be much calcium in dog food these days.
  21. As I was the only one to have posted any moderately contentious questions it was a fair assumption I think. Depends on the song. Hey Santa by Kevin Bl**dy Wilson wouldn't be far off the mark. It's turned to sleet now but still wet.
  22. Ain't gonna 'appen. More important things have superceded it. It's bleddy snowing here. No shooting tonight after work
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