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Everything posted by ack-ack

  1. If you're ever down in he south west drop into Trago Mills. They've got jointed plugs of approx 200mm for £1.99. They aint no Rapalas but they aint far off and if you loose them its no biggy. Great action, bit on the light side for casting with a multiplier but good for trolling
  2. At least she gave you a heads though chap, her practice couldn't do them cheaper but she tipped you the wink, she sounds like a diamond.
  3. Guys, no offence was intended, thats more fur than I've shot in the past year, nice shooting chap.
  4. Was that a bait cast for a certain member of this forum? Set your drag loose chap, when he runs you wont know what hit you!
  5. Just be thankful you took them in your self. When my mrs takes them in she allways comes back with eye drops for the Beagle. They see her coming a mile off. They 'suggest' that it 'may' be beneficial. The poor bitch has got gungy eyes, always has had, nothing they flog us works and its all a rip off. The Terrier keeps her clean and it costs me nixy.
  6. Its going to give thugs passing themselves off as 'have a go heroes' a semi legitimate reason for assaulting bellends on the tube. Awesome, hope they sell well in Canary wharf.
  7. My last rangey had arch boosters made from HGV tires. Looked the nuts on my ratty old Pig but wouldnt flatter your pretty one much.
  8. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: That was a landrover extra so that the MOT testers couldnt see that the RxM was falling off. On a more serious note when are you going to put uncut front wings back on her? And the bumper? You got parabolics?
  9. I had a day shooting over strawberrys but had to knock it on the head early as I was getting to many Jams
  10. Nice one Les, did you find out who stamped on them before you took the photo
  11. I should imagine that the processing plant was a top end job. I bet all sorts goes into them, not that it bothers me, anything that tastes that good is good in my book. I could demolish one now, box and all.
  12. Sweet jesus, they've got bad news written all over them. How long will it be before some trendy fool gets shot by SO19.
  13. Fair play to you mate, I haven't broken a PB in ages. Beautiful specimen
  14. He knows the implications of cacking over and hurting his leg, if he's up for it let him go for it. Its a civilised affair anyway. There might be a PW member there that can check in with him to make sure he's okay to give you peace of mind.
  15. Whilst waiting for a date in Greenwich a few years back I had a walk along the foreshore beneath some railings to kill a bit of time. There was a smashed D-lock every few metres on the shore and some of them were the real pricey ones. No bike is secure.
  16. ack-ack


    South Kent - the Kermits are getting it by the sounds of it. Been banging over the channel for a few hours now.
  17. Second time he's been responsible for the death of an animal in a vehicle. Okay, I was completely wrong. Doh!
  18. Didn't realise that having skim read the link but I stand by my post. For all you chaps know he was on autopilot, you dont know whats going on his private life or anything. At face value it sounds like an act of gross negligence, if it transpires later that his wifes having an affair, his mums got cancer or his kids terminally ill it would put a whole different slant on it. Impaired judgement etc etc. He's going to be getting **** for this for the rest of his career if he still has one, barking noises behind his back, bonios in his locker, endless dog puns etc etc. He'll never forget what he's done and it will **** him right up. If it turns out he's just a forgetful bell end then give him the works but its nice to have all the facts first.
  19. Tragic. I bet the poor sod is in tears. He's had punishment enough already if he's a decent human being. Perhaps a Police review of vehicle suitability for the purpose is more in order than hanging the poor bloke out to dry.
  20. All I'm saying is that if I'd dropped ammo and it was handed to me by another shooter I would appreciate it. I would rather it was found by a fellow shooter than by an anti who has preconceived ideas about the sport who could use it for negative effect. Do you not think our sport has enough chuffing opposition as it is? For all we know the guy that dropped it has a hole in his pocket / bag and hasnt a clue he's doing it. He could have been dropping the chuffing things all the way down his street for all we know. Giving the other guns a heads up is a reasonable, sensible thing to do. If you dont think its a biggy to leave live rounds lying around then thats your opinion that you are entitled to and not one that I would endorse. Come on guys, we're meant to be standing together aren't we? BTW I count every round out and every round and empty back in. It takes five minutes at the end of a session or you can do it as you go when theres nothing flying. Whats wrong with that?
  21. ....or fishing. Its still hunting, just make sure you take him somewhere thats actually got fish in it for the first few outings. I very nearly threw the towel in when I started due to constant dissapointment.
  22. Its not lack of consideration. If we are told that an area is getting hammered we shoot it to keep the permission. The headland of this field is as bald as a coot as we were very reluctant to go anywhere near it but the guy got into such a state about it that we started shooting it. I rang the local Police first and gave them a grid reference of our location and explained the situation and they were very appreciative. Whats inconsiderate about that? Whats more inconsiderate is the locals letting there chuffing kids roam wherever they want and build camps in the crops. If any of that **** goes up the combine its potentially big bucks.
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