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Everything posted by TaxiDriver

  1. He has that effect on most people to be fair Nice shade of pink that.... "Suits you Sir"
  2. Meet Flo' She's 4 weeks and 5 days old, And had just woken up lol Will be joining the household end of May ?
  3. Is there anyone near Chelmsford/Braintree who's got a metal detector I could loan for a day ? Or, know where I could hire one ? My daughter in law has lost a very sentimental bracelet whilst doing a boot camp yesterday evening @ Gosfield Lake, been looking today but it's on grass and quite an area.
  4. Start with old series Land Rovers
  5. I read this as " makes a massive difference to your wedding pleasure" Looked across at Mrs TD and now realise that's how it must've happened
  6. Scotslad thanks, We didn't go looking for Crossbred, Mongrel or Hybrid (pick whichever dependant to your point of view) The litter that we found were an accidental mating between the dogs of two different people who shoot/beat/pick up on same estate. They're priced I think respectfully at £250 which given the vet checks, feed, worming, flea treatments and anything else, We don't feel is that bad. So long as we get a stable, trainable, proper outdoorsy pet dog (which is largely down to our input) then we'll be made up . If it happens we get some of the working abilities, That'll be a Brucey Bonus.
  7. Well, As I said, we are not interested in breed snobbery, or kennel club or so called pedigrees. I've just paid a deposit against what I think is a fairly priced lab cross puppy that both my wife and I spent over an hour choosing from a litter of 7. She'll never make crufts, nor will people be queuing to Stud their pedigree fancy named mutt to, But we luv her and little Flo' will be joining us at the end of the month :)
  8. Bushwear do a number of different jackets/vests upto 60c or 4XL & 5XL
  9. Can I respectfully refer you back to my earlier posting #68
  10. Wonder if you can still get 120 roll film nowadays I had one of those as a first camera at the age of 10 yrs old, and a family friend who was more like a surrogate grandad taught me to develop the b/w film, IIRC you only got 12 or 15 shots on a roll.
  11. This time it wasn't a kids face It was my wife's face that looked like the wound on the back of my hand. The original owner had expressed concerns to his vet in January over aggression towards his wife, 23hours after they gave it up and it arrived with us, The dog attacked my wife without warning ! Now Spaniel Aid UK will have it back.
  12. Scotslad : I believe you're right, We've previously had a couple of Springers (together) one of whom was a rescue that was only a week away from being euthanised as it was a nervous cowardly wreck that no one would take on. Both were fabulous family pets, proper outdoor dogs that we'd be out with all day at weekends hence our love of spaniels. We are going to look at these Spanadors as the chap calls them, tomorrow as the wife feels ready and we both feel it will help with the emotional healing.
  13. From the Police point of view, it's an usual situation that the 2 Sergeants and 2 Constables and a PS from the dog section haven't come across before. One where both myself and my wife were the victim and the perpetrator (owner of the dog by virtue that we were looking after the dog) As such there's nowhere to go Or anything to gain by prosecuting us. The contact and support we've had from Essex Police officers who've been involved from the Dog handler who attended on the night and secured the dog to those who've reviewed the situation has been brilliant. Because of the way the dangerous dogs act is presently, Because the dog attacked us in our own home and we were in effect it's owners at the time it doesn't stand up under the dangerous dogs act , Because of this they have no choice but to return the dog to its 'owner' Spaniel Aid UK I have no control over any comments left by third persons on Spaniel Aid UK Facebook page where Pudsey can be seen if you scroll back to around 11/12 of April
  14. Have heard from Essex Police today that Pudsey the ESS is to be returned to it owners SpanielAidUK A situation that my wife and I find absolutely incredulous and distressing. Pretty disgusted with SpanielAid UK who have shown little or no concern for us humans, Not so much as a 'Get Well soon' card or flowers or hospital visit (we were in 4 days). All they have done is to block me from commenting on their Facebook page which I can now only view, and deleted me from their private Fosterers chat group.
  15. There's some I've seen today on a Facebook group called 'Gamekeeping and gun dogs for sale' They're male springer X black lab, And are not millions of miles away.
  16. I would imagine are both the same thing ? We want a dog mainly for a family pet, as a good reason to get out and about exercising more, not worried about breed snobbery or further breeding. To be honest, we don't really want to spend £6-700 for a pedigree puppy. We've had Springers and a GSD before but never a Labrador but our recent unfortunate experience has made us wary of an ESS or WCS If a Spanador or Springador would make a sound family pet (child safe?) with the bonus of the possibility it might make a casual working dog that'd be brilliant.
  17. I find with lots of clothes that are sold based on chest size my problems are more apparent at belly level even with the correct chest sizing.
  18. My biggest downfall is fried food & chips. In a cafe it could breakfast with chips, Maybe a portion of chips from chippy at lunch, Teatime = fried something with chips I'm at a loss what the hell do you replace chips with
  19. Washing machine , Build of dirt around the seal on the door ? Or partially blocked outlet hose (particularly if teed in the sink outlet as dirty water/fat can flow back into washing machine outlet pipe)
  20. When my old GSD got a bit arthritic in his later years cod liver oil tablets seemed to help, And they were at the suggestion of the vet.
  21. TaxiDriver

    horse win

    Congratulations But please....Don't let it change you
  22. If 2.5 stone is a serious amount of timber, Jeez I'm in trouble, something like 8-10stone for me. Inspired by my son and his partner who've been going to 'boot camp' a couple of times a week and eating better and are seeing some results, I dug out our scales to see where I'm at, Turns out they must be broken as the numbers start changing & flashing and then when I got both feet on it goes "Err" Further down, Yod dropper makes a good point about Motivation versus Discipline For me sadly, I feel it's a lack of the latter, I can do a session in the gym with someone telling me what to do/pushing me, but the minute I'm left to my own devices I lose all direction.
  23. she's ok, probably going to have 3 distinct puncture mark scars that will probably look like bad pock marks, Only time will tell really, but her cheek did resemble the photo of my hand, but surgeons done a brilliant job minimising the physical scar. Look like that ? cheek lol, We've been dog lovers & owners most our lives, NOW, Can't even stand the sight of my next door neighbours JRT or the neighbours dopey cocker bitch, Was in town today for a hospital appointment and a homeless guy with a long coated black GSD came round a blind corner made me jump, and the dog barked lol. - newsflash : I can climb anti climb paint if I have to !!
  24. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1597884160241709&l=2bf390fb34 This link if you click, shows the back of my hand after nearly 3hrs surgery, There's a similar wound on the outer edge of my hand running into my palm.
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