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Everything posted by Dougy

  1. i would think about the weight of each if its used for stalking :blink:
  2. It would be nice to support your local wether it be gun shop, pub, post office or general store, But you may have one like i went to some time ago, I was told by the shop owner when i asked if he could get me a Sako75 SS laminated stock and Heavy barrel . " No you dont want one of those- you want one of these " then proceded to show me what he used. "what do you want one of those for" "you dont want to go into reloading" while shaking his head and tutting :blink: So what do i do. simple--- go somewere else. so thats the one i look after, the one that looks after me
  3. just wasted 5 minutes. going for a bath :blink:
  4. Hi, i personally would go for something less busy, if you know what i mean, and a bit better quality glass. I guess they are around the £100 mark, i have just got myself a Luepold 3-9x40 V1 very good glass a vast improvement in low light conditions they are about £200 though. What you may have problems with is too much going on with the scope before you actually take the shot, resulting in a lost bunny. Also loosing zero when changing mag from 8 - 32. Consider choice while out lamping as well. hope ive not put you off your choice, but i may save you money in the long run. dougy
  5. A quote from Mr Theodore Roosevelt.(1858-1919) and very apt but they are a pain in the rear
  6. i have seen one at weston, i was tempted but not at £129. they are very light. compared to others. I pay about £10 for 7amp/hr 12v-- quite a difference check out on the tinternet have a read up on them, that was another thing that put me off them. not a long life for the money.
  7. A bit of a waste of rabbit meat there, "60 rabbits and cant be bothered to pick them up" thats nearly £100 left in a field to rot. Sorry but i dont like the attitude
  8. just had a hunter 8 and will also do the radiators and hot water even thinking of putting a radiator down the shed. put the gas up as much as they like
  9. you would'nt think so if you saw the other side both vixens went out last night in the same field but no sign of any. Thought a dog may have been about
  10. Hi 12bore kid, just had a peep @ your profile no DOB. not mega important but helps a bit with reply, I personaly would not bother with FAC air if you have an air rifle off ticket. Why not go for 22lr 17hmr and if you feel you would be safe enough put in for cente fire as well. And dont forget to put on your application for a moderator for each. hence the reason for looking at your profile, if you were 16 years old for example then the view from the FLO may be different if say you were 60 years old. if you know anyone with a Firearms Licence and have known them for some time try asking them to be a ref
  11. photo copy and take that with you, it may not be acceptable to FLO but should suffice until you show the original. which will be safe in you cabinet at home
  12. Just a thought Andy are you 100% they are not under your high seat, having read through a couple of times, there's a chance you could be sitting on top of them. As i said just a thought.
  13. Thats all well and good but that means i go on my own, does'nt it ? so who will carry the battery, flask and who will bring the fox's and rabbits back, oh! i nearly forgot and the wagon wheels i will have to carry that lot on a serious note though its far easier with another pair of hands, and the sunshade doesn't always work that well, small bit of tape is better.
  14. I noticed some felled trees on one of my permisions so, with the cold months on the way i thought i'de check with the farmer before i started logging a few, "no problem you can take what you want" cheers thanks for that "and oh by the way had the fox about again about 22.30" right i said i will pop round later. So because of the problem with glare of the mod i enticed the other 1/2 out for a tad of fresh air. Oh!! go on then she said,. ( she dont mind coming out really). Mrs dougy was given the lamp, she is improving since she's realised now that fox's dont live in trees or fly any way into the field and out with the fox call. Its an old phone with some calls downloaded from tinternet, taped onto a pole then left to do what it does best in the middle of the field. within 10 minutes of getting back to mrs dougy and the lamp, first one was put down from just over 100yds. then after munching on a wagon wheel (the small ones ) another lamp along the hedge and another one coming onto the call. This one about 60yds. Well done to Mrs dougy ,I let her have a swig of pedi after shes learning pretty good.
  15. Just paid £25 for 200gr Nosler Partitions. should have been allot more but somebody had ordered some without getting that calibre on ticket. mind you i will need another £25 to replace my fillings
  16. yes you definatly need the land passed by FLO if you have not got an open ticket. go your local station and asked for a "land approval form" if they dont have them,then ring your fire arms licensing unit. then copy a few. then as you get land ask the landowner's to fill them in, i think it shows a certian amount of responsibility which goes down well in my experience.
  17. see your very busy at work sparkie looks good can you adjust for angle. like for teal and stuff
  18. Just to add my 2p worth. I am going Boar shooting and have been adviced to go for 30 cal minimum by folk more experienced that myself, so with that, i take the more experienced advice, not from someone who "thinks" they know. After saying that, we are not shooting from a high seat so we will be possible Boar snack's if a Boar is a bit "Pd" off by having a whole pricked into its side by a calibre not big enough to do the job. I have gone with 30.06 shooting as heavy bullet as possible with regards to accuracy and not ballistic tips or match bullets.
  19. i feel for you, I hope you get your stuff back i had a mate coming to fit my kitchen work tops. That's had to be put on hold for a while til i get some one else. Some thieving low lifes nicked all his tools from his garage last week, must have been someone who's been round his house as nobody else would know what or were he had the tools. Cant afford to replace many of the specialists tools, which only the proffesional skilled people would know how to use them.
  20. I used one about that size on Loch Allen just under the surface. some monster of a pike took it 2 chaps near me ran round to were i was they thought ide fell in, The pike took about 70 + yards of line before breaking the hook i was gutted, looked to be a poss 30+ Nice fishing ferreter
  21. happy birthday Josh, all the best have a great day.
  22. was a good weekend weather brill and some good bargains to be had with a bit of bartering, the nights entertainment was excelent, well after the bar closed some excitment near our chateau all was nice and peacefull until someone started shouting "YOU BEEN IN MY TENT" ? "NO I AINT BEEN IN YOUR ?? TENT !!" "YES YOU HAVE I SEEN YOU IN MY @@ TENT" TELL ME YOU BEEN IN MY @@ TENT " NO I AINT BEEN IN YOUR TENT" This went on for about 15-20 minutes some woman came out and joined in. had to laugh when she shouted to one of the chaps "GET IN THAT TENT" Got up in the morning to find one of the tents had gone from the top of our street :( so i guess that may have been one involved Why cant people just go out have a few beers and enjoy a good night out without falling out or miss behaving. Any way i enjoyed the weekend
  23. Oh forgot about the pint after as sparkie says you dont have to shoot straight 25's -------------- well not now i wont be going
  24. Unfortunatly i will not be able to go, sorry to let the "midland massive down" The normal procedure would be meet in the club house, fill your face with a full english breakfast and a cupa a quick chin wag and compare tools then a couple of rounds of skeet another cupa then either sporting, High tower or skeet again. It is really up to you its nothing serious.
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