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Everything posted by Dougy

  1. I also have the same dilema as yourself A.V.T, they are not the same !!! each brand will shoot a different POI in my rifle,and many others. if they were the same then they wouldnt would they If they were the same they would all have the same tips, how can they be the same??? If you can only get decent groups with Feds then they are the ones you would have to use. The only way round it is to change the barrel. then go through the process of selecting which groups the best, Tell you RFD to stop giving you BS, or go and find one that knows what he is on about.
  2. what are you shooting and with what shot gun / join a local clay shoot, ask but get a rapour going first could take months. local pub :blink: get to know the farmers in there, build up a relationship with some local folk build up trust be a good lad, help out during silage or harvest time (dont expect to get paid) find out what pests they have Rabbits,pigeon,rats,Fox be aware they may say kids with air rifles, be very tactfull but not rude or bolshi!!! and remember its privalage after all they are giving you treat them well, as well as you would like to be treated yourself and you wont go far wrong.
  3. All the best in getting something out of this, i would be fuming to say the least. is it ticket only ? i take it you've been it touch with the clubs involved.
  4. Dougy


    cant you put it in the foundations it doesnt have to be in the building, maybe drive way out buildings anything. with regards to ****** and fly tipping, most probably the majority would be them, but what my beef is,the fact you go to the appropriate place to put/tip your rubbish and due to the amount of checking double checking and furthur restrictions and red tape IE; the giving of your add and post code and them taking your reg number,you feel pressured into dumping it down some quiet lane for no hassle at all.
  5. Dougy


    the problem you may encounter at your local tip is the amount you want to tip there, I had a right plonker when i went to dump some 8'x2' sheets 4 in total, but due to the length i had to 1/2 them to fit in the van (another issue) I was stopped and told i was only permitted to tip there 4 sheets, but because there were now 8 sheets i was not allowed to tip the other 4, How many brain cells do they need for that job, he obviously only had 1 with him that day!!! And because at the time i had a small astramax van they thought i was comercial, your obviously not allowed to by a van if its for private use only. So best of luck with disposing of it in the propper place. No wonder there is so much fly tipping, and not all of it the ******.
  6. iI hope you are shooting fly's for the correct reason, and not just for fun Crop protection !!! maybe and head shots only please---------- think of you quarry.
  7. I would not personly use molly bullets, if you go back to uncoated you are adviced to clean off ALL traces off the stuff, which can be a pain in the rear. Do "you" think you would benefit, thats the question, what are you looking to gain
  8. Best of luck with the fox, 80yards is a bit on the close side for a 22.250, You could, (of course its your call) go out to say 150-200yards from your baited area, call the cubs away from the vixen towards you as close as you can, then shoot the Vixen first then take the cubs on there way back. They may possibly hang around the dead Vixen also giving you a chance to take another shot.
  9. FAC air rifles, 177 30ftlb a bit OTT if you ask me that pellet has got to be shifting to put out that power.Its got to be an 11grn pellet doing 1100 fps that works out to be about 29 flb. Far too fast for any pellet that i know to be any where near accurate, should be more like 20ftlb. 22 cal well this is more like it, you can go up to 30grn or stick to you average weight pellet or a tad over say 18grn and be good at say 35 ftlb and the pellet doing about 950fps. with FAC air its all about the speed of the pellet some just will not go that fast. FAC air is good in some cases,it gives you the edge as far as correction for hold over at long range shots due to a flatter trajectory with practice it gives you more range, 60-70 even 100 yard shots with years of practice are more possible but at a cost. and just for the few i dont posses a tin hat, dont need one. you will find all your needs with some thing in the region of about 35flb as said before. there used to be a company not far from me that did 50cal air weapons at 300ftlb, but a tad OTT for the quarry your after,and pricey ATB
  10. Good on you Stu Nice to see you got what you were after, as said previously it looks a good size cub almost looks a year old, some of the cubs ive shot over the last few weeks have been ranged from kitten size to about the size of a Jack Russel, and thats only 3 weeks apart. Like yourself i've had request from farmers to shoot Fox's the past 2 months due to stock being taken, Ie; poultry & lambs even Fox mess in sillage feed, this is whats its all about good nights out (or days) Just to add,tonight just talking in the local i've just got another 500acres to shoot on just because i,ve gone out and enjoyed my sport- hobbie a big thanks to "word of mouth"
  11. they look a bit posh, i would worry about getting those dirty, not my leather seats
  12. If its one of those that has a type of circuit board actually in the light housing try rubbing it with wire wool and a spray with electro cleaner, other that that like above possible earth fault
  13. The ones from Motor Mania are, they have velcro down each side, IMO i think they are good value, heavy duty material.
  14. http://www.rgmstyling.com/frames/motormania.htm try that one see if there one near you
  15. Motor Mania had some good heavy duty fitted for about £25. black or grey i think, Got a pair for mine, worth it to save ruining decent seats
  16. you say " first time garage fixed it " I would say "no they didnt" still under warranty i would definatly take it back and leave it with them till they sort it, properly !!! and ask for a curtesy car. You may have to fork out some serious money once the warranty runs out. You spend some serious money on a vehicle and it doesnt work properly, or unreliable, not good.
  17. Probably not the best but the most memorable, was some years ago "Mary Millington" in "Come play with me" it was a true classic of its time Oscar winner for sure
  18. I have to agree about this type of show being over priced, I was only having a conversation with my mum on Saturday about how long we had been going to the Midland (every year) it amounted to 21 years. If i remember i think it was about £5 then to get in, but as we were showing Jack Russels we used to get exibitors tickets. I started camping some years ago with p.a.s it was £35 a pitch plus entrance it now costs £65 per pitch plus entrance thats in only 4 years.And,they try and tell you that they have improved the facilities, like yeh!!!!!! hot water in the showers and toilets that flush . you can stop in a travel lodge for less. Sorry MR MONEY grabber but not this year. yes i will be going but not camping i cannot see how they can increase the price's to that extent. the money i save will no doubt, to me anyway be a bargain. Can the organisers of these shows not see what they are doing, you only have to look at the Royal Show 170 years but no more, rant over john
  19. Dougy

    Turkey eggs

    the taste reflects the diet, assume that turkeys are not normally kept for there eggs. If fed on natural or propper egg laying feed they wont be too bad. Nice for breky
  20. "It's a cultural thing from back home. But this type of horrible crime is not exclusive just to Muslims, there have been cases in other religions.” From Back home !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is or "was" Great Britain, if found guilty they should definatly not serve any sentence in this country fly them back home preferably strapped to a skud missile!!! To call them animals would be an insult to any creature
  21. Fine choice but you must also consider the use, the above set up could weigh around 12lb so think about that before you plan to go off stalking,
  22. as far as the liner goes it depends on the state of your chimney, (internal) any loose bricks, cracks, decayed mortor due to gas fires you will most probably need a liner. Have you thought of getting one with a boiler for your radiators and water extra £200 for the stove approx, and thermostat
  23. did mine last year, check out www.firestove.co.uk. all you need from them I dont know were £100 per metre came from for liners
  24. Love it They make it only a few miles from were i live, you can actually smell it in the air if the winds in the right direction. I have just aquired a few pots and a large squeezy bottle from a friend who used to work there for only £2 brill i can put loads of it on me toast now
  25. No Burton On Trent area. are you interested in the organ or my location ?
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