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A Sick Old Man

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Everything posted by A Sick Old Man

  1. I had an Arrow for years, they are as tough as old boots and run well http://www.chaseheating.co.uk/multifuel_stoves.asp If you want cast iron, get a good one. The cheap stoves are easily broken, Chris
  2. It refers to Walter Mitty http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter_Mitty This is shortened to " Walt " a well known Services term for a Want To Be, or I have done it all merchant. Some of them are really funny, and really stupid!! Most easily found out, some Ex Servicemen take a dim view of it and will give a " WALT " a smack for his trouble.
  3. Thats hit the nail on the head, I would always recommend getting something proofed. I think the London Proof house only chARGES £25 to proof something, this link is worth a look at, http://jacksonrifles.com/zz-silencers/proofcounsel.htm
  4. All the best, and have a good one
  5. The Mrs and I saw a Honey Buzzard over Purfleet on Monday, there is a definite increase in raptors in the South Essex area. But on another note I have hardly seen hide nor hare of Foxes, just two cubs and one adult so far this month, most odd as we are usually full of them.
  6. They are £515 here http://www.totalfield.com/riflescopes/schm...iflescope_1.htm The only snag with a variable scope is that you do lose a bit of light gathering capability, 8 X is pretty powerful so should do the trick.
  7. I would look at this http://www.totalfield.com/riflescopes/peca...iflescope_1.htm You can not beat a bit of quality glass, forget you variable scopes you really do not need it for 100yd shooting small pests. I have one of these and they are very very good, pay a bit more on your scope and you will not look back
  8. I always use these folk for feed as its top stuff, not the cheapest but very good quality http://www.marriagefeeds.co.uk/poultry_feeds.htm A very good and very cheap way to feed them up as a supliment to good quality feed is veg Have a chat to your green grocer and ask if you can have all the brassica off cuts, cabbage, kale, broccoli, even gone off salad bits they will hoover the lot up, the fowls love it, I tie it up in bunches and hang it in there run. Any spare meat you have will do, I run a rabbit through the mincer and they will clean it up in no time. They will eat any natrual product, no packaged food though, salt is not good.
  9. There was a thing not so long ago for potato guns, I will not put a link as I got in "Moderator Trouble" for it One thing I was wondering, why did he put the items all the way down the tube? He could have just stuck them and inch up the other end Lethal bit of kit though, much safer than the black powder cannon my mate and I messed about with when we were kids. That was made out of Copper Tube, we were lucky not to have been hurt
  10. Oh I see Extreme FISHING I must wear my Glasses
  11. I would get a rod, which you get a free Jag with. A nylon and bronze brush and a few packs of pre cut patches from these people, http://www.deweyrods.com/ Very good quality, good shipping. Or if you want to stay in UK then http://www.rimfiremagic.co.uk/index.htm Give them a call, they are not rip off merchants All the best, Chris
  12. I agree with Pedro, she will be placed on Gardening leave for a bit, then get to fly a mahogany spitfire around for a while. Then back on protection Now if it was a blokey type chap who had left his SLP lying around, he would be hung out to dry by his nuts
  13. I have been in touch with a mate who is a right boffin on law, he stated that if you have written permission to shoot on the land, and that your written permission states that you may be in the company of a shooting partner you can then let a non certificate holder use your Firearm or shotgun providing they are old enough, this is the act, its Sect 16 (1) of the 1988 act 16 Borrowed rifles on private premises (1) A person of or over the age of seventeen may, without holding a firearm certificate, borrow a rifle from the occupier of private premises and use it on those premises in the presence either of the occupier or of a servant of the occupier if— (a) the occupier or servant in whose presence it is used holds a firearm certificate in respect of that rifle; and ( the borrower’s possession and use of it complies with any conditions as to those matters specified in the certificate. (2) A person who by virtue of subsection (1) above is entitled without holding a firearm certificate to borrow and use a rifle in another person’s presence may also, without holding such a certificate, purchase or acquire ammunition for use in the rifle and have it in his possession during the period for which the rifle is borrowed if— (a) the firearm certificate held by that other person authorises the holder to have in his possession at that time ammunition for the rifle of a quantity not less than that purchased or acquired by, and in the possession of, the borrower; and ( the borrower’s possession and use of the ammunition complies with any conditions as to those matters specified in the certificate. We would be calssed as " Servants " of the land owner, Mungler may clarify this
  14. I must apologise and admit that I can not find the bit about gun bearers being able to carry a Sect 1 firearm for the certificate holder, but this link will help with finding it. Like all legal stuff its a bit of a drag, I guess Mungler can make sense of it all. http://www.opsi.gov.uk/RevisedStatutes/Act..._2#pt1-pb1-l1g1
  15. If you are a shotgun certificate holder and are over 21, you can with the relevant permission let someone who is over 14 use a shotgun under your direct supervision. If you are a Section 1 Firearms Certificate holder you may not let another person use your weapon even under direct supervision, a person may carry it for you ( Unloaded ) take care, Chris
  16. These links will explain the sory,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, http://forums.nitroexpress.com/showflat.ph...an=0&page=0 http://www.opticstalk.com/forum_posts.asp?TID=9607 sad they are gone, schmidt will undertake repairs if you send them a Pecar.
  17. I jest you not Balders, Pecar was swallowed up by Schmitd when it went out of bussiness they made a very good quality scope, my old outfit used to use Pecars fitted to Enforcers. When we changed to Styer they fitted Swarvos and we had quite a few problems with the Swarvo, the Pecar was sorley missed for its tough construction and crystal optics. A chap I know in the Optics trade advised me to get a fixed power on my old Brno, he advised that variable mag scopes lose a lot on light gathering and if possible always stick to a fixed power, how right he is. Even with my Swarv on 4X the Pecar is far brighter and the fixed post is very clear. You can still get Pecars from http://www.totalfield.com/riflescopes/peca...iflescope_1.htm I got mine from E Bay and am well pleased with it, be wary of older tubes though, they have odd sized tubes.
  18. I know a few peeps who use them in there line of bussiness, they are a good bit of kit. But the illuminated reticule **** falls off sometimes, thats about the only problem they have. Exellent after service to boot
  19. I agree with Fister and others who say that you can not beat good quality glass, I have a 4X40 Pecar Berlin Champion with a post reticule on my .22RF and its a huge improvment on my Simmons Whitetail, even though the smaller size worried me at first. Its good at low light, and I find the simplicity of having no zoom a boon when it comes to judging the distance. It has a better light gathering ability than my Swarvo which is a 3_12 X 56
  20. Mrs Sweepy, Why would you want to Freeze your chest?
  21. Its not that ambiguous mate, you just have to know what you are allowed to do in the rare event that you have to defend yourself, others around you or your own or anothers property. Personaly I would only use force as an absolute last resort, you are right that you will get hung out to dry by the defence lawyers. Even experienced witnesses such as Coppers, customs excise, and the dreaded Tax inspectors will have had there hard times in court. They are trained in the use of Law, and one would hope are telling the truth So what chance some poor person who has never set foot in a court of law, and is not versed in the twists and turns of legal wording. Lambs to the slaughter
  22. Labour are not going to change anything with regard to how victims are treated, Sect 3 of the criminal law act has been around for a long time and I think the public at large should know this one piece of legal mumbo jumbo, it could save your bacon one day. http://www.parliament.the-stationery-offic...018/2006018.pdf I would be very aware of what you say to the law if you should be so unfortunate to be in a sticky situation, best say NOTHING at all untill you have spoken to a solicitor, the Police will supply one for free and you are entitled to one. If you paint the picture incorrectly you will get the full force of the law at your door. As for the criminal legal system, well its in melt down in my opinion, and this is not down to the Copper on the street. I feel the rest of the system has let them down and all of us who rely on it to allow us to lead peaceful lives, we need as a nation to turn the clock back and prehaps take a more robust stance against the Yob element.
  23. I bury my CZ in the compost bin when I have finished shooting ( It has a home office approved lock) I find the coating of GlooP and strands of rendered plant matter makes for a far smoother action, if it starts to get a bit scratchy I boil up Offal and Lard and give it a good soak. They are like Land Rovers, they work better when they are caked in tons of ****
  24. I Have a SYSS trigger mod on my 10/22 and my BRNO 3 .22 and CZ .17HMR, they are the Dogs Do Dah's. Do not use a cheap end of the market rifle without fitting one, Ta Ta
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