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Gordon R

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Everything posted by Gordon R

  1. Gordon R

    Paul McCartney

    Colleen McLoughlin made the top 100. It just demonstrates that people who vote in these polls have an IQ in double figures. Heather Mills - do me a favour. She wouldn't make the top 100 if there were only 99 women on the planet.
  2. Guernsey - very nice. Jersey - the pits. I would not waste my money again.
  3. Gordon R

    Paul McCartney

    You seem to be having a pop. You are ill-matched and out of your league. If you wish to be exposed as sadly lacking, feel free to continue.
  4. I worry that this is something more than family politics. The mother clearly had an inkling. Knew her daughter had been abducted, but would not say why. Debts of some sort?
  5. Gordon R

    Paul McCartney

    kdubya- You seem to have something in common with Paul McCartney and it isn't a brain. Even though I could afford Heather Mills, why would anyone go for someone as plain and rough as her. If that is your standard - pity you.
  6. Stensby's £65. They are first class. http://www.stensby.co.uk/
  7. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/staffordshire/7295255.stm Last Updated: Thursday, 13 March 2008, 18:44 GMT Man jailed for £30,000 giro fraud A former postman who carried out a £30,000 benefit fraud with stolen giro cheques has been jailed for five years at Stafford Crown Court. Antonio Quissema, 47, of Carnarvon Road, East London, arranged the cashing of giros at post offices in Staffs and across the UK. Other places where the cheques were cashed included Wrexham, London, Brighton, Manchester and Warrington. He admitted five counts of conspiracy to defraud at a hearing in December 2007. The "sophisticated" fraud was carried out between 2002 and 2005 and is believed to be linked to a wider £3.6 million scam involving more than 11,000 giro cheques. 'Foot soldiers' The father-of-four's fingerprints were found on 82 cheques, which had been stolen, altered and then cashed at post offices across the UK. The court heard that "foot soldiers" had taken the forged cheques to post offices across England and Wales. Sentencing, Judge Paul Glenn described the fraud as "well-organised, sophisticated and professionally executed". He said: "I am entirely satisfied that you were at the heart of these conspiracies. "The eventual victim of these offences is, of course, the taxpayer, but the initial victims were benefit claimants who never received the cheques they were entitled to." 'Inside knowledge' The court was told the fraud emerged in 2005 when the Department for Work and Pensions became aware that a number of "manipulated" stolen giro cheques were being presented at post offices in Staffordshire. Six investigations were carried out and Quissema was arrested in April 2007. When police raided his former home in Chingford, London, they discovered a map of Staffordshire, with post offices marked out. The court heard that Quissema, originally from Congo, worked as a postman between 1999 and 2001 before the offences were committed. He therefore had "some inside knowledge" of the Post Office, the court heard. He had also set up a charity to help Congolese children and had just been offered a job at the Congolese embassy in the Republic of Burundi.
  8. Carbine - if you would hang him, I do not know what you would to to the man in Stafford Crown Court today. The £25k pales into insiginificance.
  9. A friend and myself bought 5.000 of these in the 80's. Noisy, confetti filled, but the Skeet shells went on forever. I shot sporting using only Skeet - never found distance a problem. Not brilliant through an auto as the cases were not perfect.
  10. If there is anyone in the Stoke area, keep your eye on the Stoke Sentinel. Case in Stafford Crown Court today makes this £25k and £0.5m seem like chickenfeed.
  11. Gordon R

    Paul McCartney

    Anyone who has witnessed his failing career, dodgy taste in women and an even more stupid hair dye should not be shocked. It's probably 30 years or more since he wrote a half decent song - please don't say Mull of Kintyre. He was never very bright and should stick to being a has been - albeit a rich one.
  12. Martin - all mine are adjusted the once and do not change. The only exception was when I had a Browning XS - the comb crept down gradually and had to be adjusted every few weeks. It was the single allen key type and I have heard that they sometimes do this. All mine are now the Miroku - two allen key type.
  13. Sporting stocks are always far too low in the comb for me. Browning Trap stocks fit me straight out of the box, although I own three adjustable stocks.
  14. Martin - makes no unusual noise, but trigger pulls are lighter than Browning / Miroku standard. The GTI is the best handling of my three Browning / Mirokus. I have just put my MK38 Trap stock on my XT. The XT came with a Gracoil recoil device fitted on the end of the stock. I put a couple of spacers on the tubes to prevent the device working. I cannot get used to the "bounce". I got fed up with the stock and swapped them over. I rarely use the Miroku. Now all I need to do is find someone who likes Gracoil devices and wants to swap for a standard XT stock. :blink:
  15. Martin- I only shot it the once. The stock had the highest comb I have ever encountered. Swapped it for a Miroku MK38 Trap with adjustable stock. That is in the gunsafe - semi unused. I shoot a Browning XT Trap 32" with Teague chokes. My son uses my Browning 32" GTI - adjustable stock (did that myself), choked 3/8 and 3/8.
  16. Last Engineer - I am grateful . I bought a 525 Advance Trap last year and was very disappointed to discover it had the standard Invector chokes. Never thought to check - just made sure they turned freely in the thread. It only came with the two fitted - no spares. Why are Browning still making them with standard Invectors? It seems a retrograde step.
  17. Got to agree with Cat. From memory, the tracer followed, or was part of the wad. It never went anywhere near where you were shooting. At night they looked good, but rank with the chocolate fireguard as the best "must have" items.
  18. Plinker - I stand corrected. The standard 525 has Invector. If you pay the extra, you can have Invector Plus. TheInvector Plus are clearly marked as such.
  19. Every time someone gets bitten, someone trots out the "dangerous dog" statement. Rotties and Bull Terriers usually come in for the most stick. It appalls me that people are so gullible. I have listed before the dogs that have a proven record of attacking people - Jack Russells, Collies, Labdradors, Rotties, GSDs, Dobermans - the list is endless. Any dog will bite. Only a complete fool would say "my dog would never bite" and "it's never bitten anyone before". I accept some dogs are bigger, but pulling a Jack Russell off a baby would not be the easiest matter. There are bad owners who fail to train and control their dogs. Anyone who leaves a child with any dog - runs a risk. I hope it does not come back to haunt them. I own Akitas and they never, ever go near my grandchildren, never go off a lead and are never left alone with anyone - including friends or adults.
  20. B525 has standard Browning Invector chokes - not Invector plus. On Invector chokes, the thread amounts to almost half the length of the part that screws into the barrel. On Invector plus, it would be less than a third. Winchester winchokes fit these guns. Usually some on Ebay.
  21. Yorkshire Lad - I vaguely remember Limewire Pro being just like Limewire, except that they extracted money from you. My lad, who does computers for a living, told me they were both illegal.
  22. Gordon R

    Stubborn nuts

    Is it alloy - in which case the welding is out?
  23. Gordon R

    Stubborn nuts

    It's not a normal nut. Is it the one which screws into the tubes (fork legs)?
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