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Gordon R

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Everything posted by Gordon R

  1. Ouch. Please no - not Leeds
  2. As a lifelong Leeds United fan, I must protest - Cranfield. We are going through hard times and have had our fair share of people who spend time in court, but Joey Barton is rock stinking bottom.
  3. Has it caused damage in the removal or has it screwed out of the receiver?
  4. Only ended up in one pub on Karaoke night - by accident. It is amazing just how seriously some take it. They have dressed for the part and give it the whole hog. Sadly - never more than comedy value.
  5. Never heard of any, but it is relatively easy and cheap to convert to an adjustable stock - less than £100.
  6. Looks like a Franchi Hunter recoil operated - not gas.
  7. It is a humbling experience learning how brave the lad was. Absolute star and a credit to humanity, let alone the country.
  8. Gordon R

    Liz Jones...

    As someone mentioned Private Eye - I thought they might like copies of both articles. They now have them.
  9. Gordon R

    Liz Jones...

    Can anyone publish a current link? I can't find any of the most recent comments - just the first three. Thanks. Sorry just found.
  10. Gordon R

    Liz Jones...

    I sent both articles to the Daily Mirror to see if it was of interest to them.
  11. Gordon R

    Liz Jones...

    Still no comments on the second story where the dog guards the lamb.
  12. Gordon R

    Liz Jones...

    She is a rather attractive, serious journalist who writes for the Mail. Her articles are characterised by humour, accuracy and a telling insight into country life and successful relationships. :blink: In truth, she is ugly, with no talent for anything but making a public fool of herself. That is being quite charitable.
  13. Gordon R

    Liz Jones...

    I have written to the Mail saying that their credibility as a serious newspaper is seriously at risk if they continue to employ this woman - complete with her irresponsible views and variable stories.
  14. Cheaper end of the market, but always seemed well put together. Just below Lanber in the market.
  15. PH5172 - I think four of the people affected work for GMP.
  16. Anti squeal shims need coating with copper grease on the back.
  17. One of the lads at work today was saying that Tetra radios (body sets) were suspected of causing heart palpitations. Any techies on here who can shed any light or nail the rumour?
  18. Gordon R

    Liz Jones...

    I have written to the Mail complaining about their non-publication of adverse comments. I also questioned why a dog which the owner believed had killed a lamb, was still off the lead, saving another lamb - unless it was the same incident - re-written with artistic licence.
  19. Phoned today. Cheapest shells are £140.87 per 1000.
  20. Bought a new Beretta ABS gun case on Ebay. Didn't check the size. This will take O/U up to 30" barrels. I want to swap for a similar gun case for 32" barrels. Make not a problem. If you want to see it - listed on Ebay now.
  21. I can't and wont argue with that. Succinct.
  22. Webber - genuinely nice to hear you are up and about - better still shooting. Take it steady.
  23. Cranfield - perish the thought. We will make a cynic out of you yet. :unsure:
  24. There is talk of them appearing on the Oprah Winfrey show. Why :unsure: They are appalling parents who still find it extremely hard to accept any blame. It's the Press, the Police, the Public, but never them. I will throw up if I read about Kate McCann clutching Cuddle Cat again. At the end of the day, a kid is missing - that is the tragedy.
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