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Gordon R

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Everything posted by Gordon R

  1. Andy W has had his gun done there from memory - Very nice job.
  2. The Richards SBS looks very nice wood.
  3. Something to be proud of. Well done.
  4. Get the stock made adjustable. Very reasonable prices. I have even done one myself.
  5. Hello and welcome to just about the busiest shooting site in the country. Loads of people on here with a wealth of knowledge, which they will gladly share.
  6. Gordon R


    He seems to have come into a lot of criticsm all of a sudden. If he has been as bad as alleged, why have they only just opened their mouths? Perhaps they should have kept them closed.
  7. Depends where you are. A lad in Oldham does them cheap. I have done my own using a kit made in USA - £40. I have also seen Andy's Miroku and it is nothing short of excellent.
  8. I totally agree about checking the weight. That would determine how much postage was paid. If it is clear no gun was in the parcel - Police. If it was the right weight for a gun - then stolen in transit.
  9. Ignore the comments about price. Price is what someone is prepared to pay. Looks a decent gun for the money.
  10. http://www.midwestgunworks.com/merchant2/m...ry_Code=C-015-6
  11. Bit of a vague question, considering there are 32 fitting that category.
  12. He is right, but I have done the same myself. A bit belt and braces, but I couldn't see what harm it caused.
  13. I admire you for accepting that you needed help. Many will be in denial and think they don't need it. It would be a brave person who thought that they could not improve with some help. I have had the odd lesson over the years - you can fall into bad habits - which others see and can correct.
  14. Did my last one in Walnut, then sprayed it black with Plasticote. Not overjoyed with the finish. Previously used Vulcanite. You can get a good finish, but it stinks, it's filthy and gets everywhere. I too have gone down the grinder route (through impatience) and ruined a new blank. I would use Vulcanite, but take it steadily.
  15. About £100 too much - especially without chokes.
  16. Couple of cheap Benellis on Gundeals Auction.
  17. Kernel - when I was in hospital - from memory, apart from countless blood tests, I had an isotope bone scan and two full body scans. Only the last scan showed up the MRSA affecting my spine. Two consultants had a bit of an argument at the foot of my bed. The first said that I had already had the isotope bone scan and a full scan and they were too expensive. The second - Mr Doyle - said he didn't give a stuff about budgets - he said "If you don't want it coming off your budget, put it on mine, but get him done this morning and move him to one of my wards after". Saved my life. They don't get it right the first time - every time. Admitted with Septicaemia, they discharged me still with it. Re-admitted with Septicaemia and got MRSA the second time.
  18. Nope - all back pains hurt.
  19. Following a motorcycle accident, I ended up in hospital with Septicaemia. Whilst in there I got MRSA. One of my vertebrae - T7 or T8, I think - just disintegrated. Not the disc, but a vertebrae. I ended up two and a half inches shorter than when I went in. I was lucky that the MRSA ate it away quite evenly. The crumbling spine crushed my spinal chord and left me unable to walk for some time. I have had to learn to walk again twice. Nowadays I have a permanent pain in my back and my ribs - funnily enough. Some days are better than others. I just got used to the pain. I wouldn't wish back pain on anyone, apart from the odd troll. It's no fun.
  20. I was sick to the stomach reading about what they did. The mother's smug expression was the worst. Why is she not remanded in custody. She will do time for this - just not enough. I do believe in the death penalty, but accept that not everyone does. The time they spend in prison will not pass quickly. Prisoners take a dim view and I suspect they will face reprisals in prison. What goes around comes around. I trust they will rot in hell. It's what they deserve.
  21. Gordon R

    Nissan Navara

    If you get one, pray your engine does not implode. They have a reputation for engine catastrophes. Conrod coming through the block. I read on another Forum - might have even been this - that the engine bearings are faulty and need replacing with an aftermarket bearing kit from the USA. The danger mileages are 5,000 and 30,000. If they get past these you could be okay. I would not touch one with a barge pole.
  22. It will now be worth less than what you paid for it. Gundealers do not sell guns for a loss, they sell for profit.
  23. Agreed. Very good cartridge at rock bottom budget price.
  24. Not sure about the elitism tag directed at top clay shooters. I shot better many years ago competing against Jim Stafford - won British Open, Colin Foden - 2nd in World FITASC, Brendan Frost 3rd in World FITASC, Kevin Mayor - Britsh Open winner. At some point - beat all, bar Brendan Frost . All of these shot a mixture of big competitions and "straw bale" shoots. More recently - John Stafford - World DTL Champion, John Twigg - won more DTL shoots than you can point a stick at. Not one of these didn't do the smaller competitions as well. It also has to be said that there are some thoroughly decent human beings in there. Jim Stafford won many competitions, but was still a great bloke - something that sems to have rubbed off on his son John. John Twigg - smashing bloke. Kevin Mayor - no airs and graces about him.
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