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Everything posted by karpman

  1. Fell out with a very good friend over a nominal some of money once. We haven't talked since some 10 years ago. We both worked at the same place and come Monday he would need to borrow 20 quid for nappies etc. no problems always lent it him and always got it back Friday, this was a week in week out event so much so I always made sure I had the twenty on a Monday. After a few months of this I noticed the money was not being spent on nappies, milk etc. it was being spent on dope to feed his habit. Monday comes around and when he asked I gave him the twenty and told him to keep it since it spends more time with him than it does me. He took immediate offence and we haven't spoke since. My money lending days to mates were over lol. Karpman
  2. Dam rotten luck mate. My shottie is a beat up old thing so wouldn't be overly concerned . My excalibre is a different matter and she is awaiting a hard case after reading this , she only just fits in the slip and the zip is strained. Gutted for ya. Karpman
  3. Common as muck for em to give way there. And yes they can be repaired and you would hardly know. Karpman
  4. Haha love ferts. And that's a cracking pic. Bloody hell they can hang on at times though. Took a bite off a over excited hob Wednesday lol. Karpman
  5. I have this cracking permission albeit small. It's just a tad over 6 acres and is kept as meadow with a spinney all the way round. It's stuffed with rabbits to boot, I can shoot as much as little or as often as I see fit. The fellow who owns the perm loves to eat wild and living the good life is his way, everything recycled and nothing wasted. Wanted a rabbit for the pot and new he would appreciate it too so off I went, 20 minutes 2 in the bag. The pic is of mine shot in the neck at 40 yards stopped it clean. Second was large head shot buck which I left for the perm holder. Is it me or is there some huge rabbits this year! Most enjoyable bit of pot farming and the rws is serving me well. And I must confess to absolutely loving fac air. Versatile and deadly. Karpman
  6. Worth a try pal. Got some ratting to do tonight and looking forward to it indeed! Karpman
  7. nothing like giving a bird a good roasting..... Cracking stuff. karpman
  8. Decent boots are a must I would say! My mate bust his ankle yesterday and is awaiting an operation whilst we out doing some stuff with team wild. Made me think about getting a good pair I tell ya. Karpman
  9. Sounds to me like you have a perfectly fine gun doing its job well. I would just keep using it and save your cash. Heard nothing but good about Jb though if you take that route. Karpman
  10. Same mate sometimes just need to escape. Karpman
  11. Haha superb mate always a great read! Karpman
  12. Yeah there only begging until it's time to come here. Then there begging days are over they get paid for nothing and get to make some extra from pick pocketing etc. Karpman
  13. Immigration is so good for out country how come it's going down the pan? A living wage for low earners, most people get this. It's just a shame a good majority of it is made up of tax credits because greedy employers let the government pick up the tab for there large profits. As for jobs like fruit and veg picking I should imagine a good number of these workers are either working under radar or Are illegals. Them types of jobs buy en large pay cash for cheap labour which can be taken when your living 6 to a two bedrooms house that is being paid for by the state. And let's not forget about the surge in organised crime that has come with immigration. Karpman
  14. Good old friend ya bumped into there mate. It's that "rush" that's keeps is hunting and venturing on through the rain and **** I reckon. Karpman
  15. Yeah this is one of the reasons I like hawke. Chairgun pro on my i5. Don't think its compatible with some of the MTC rets. Karpman
  16. Gulls quite readily predate each other and other birds. Quite common for them to snatch each other's young and predate the sick one . Reckon he must of been coming for a easy meal. Karpman
  17. karpman

    dog wanted.

    A mate of mine has a couple of good pups left in leicestershire. Good lines been docked a de clawed ready to go. Think he has to bitches left. And maybe a dog. Black cockers. Karpman
  18. Don't get me wrong bud I'm yearning for a new scope. As soon as funds allow I shall be getting one lol. The glass I'm getting a panorama 4-12x50 or whatever will do just the same I suppose. But I like it and I want it and sometimes that's enough lol. Karpman
  19. To be honest mate a Hawke panorama or anything similar should do all you need. Great glass isn't gonna put more stuff in the bag and the jump in quailty is not so great going from say 100 quid to 300 quid Now if ya spend 6-700 quid your gonna be into some serious glass. That is a 14 shot group shot yesterday with fac air on my dinner break off my bonnet at a measured 40 yards. With a 60 quid richter optics 6-24x50 lol. Not lost zero in constant daily use and has no turret caps. Now if I was really in the the need to spend 300 would have to be a sidewinder with hawke map12 ret me thinks. Karpman
  20. Yeah but it's not a personal issue and unfortunately that opinion could land the op in hot water. Bloke got prosecuted for drowning a squirrel. Karpman
  21. That 500 smith and Wesson wow. Felling lucky punk lol. Karpman
  22. Put o fork in trapping them up one end of the trap making shooting them easier. Karpman
  23. Well done bud for keeping so positive. Let's hope you get back to some normality in the not to distant future! Best wishes Karpman
  24. You were in the wrong. Do the course take it on the chin and move on. Karpman
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