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Everything posted by karpman

  1. Cracking mate some large rabbits there. Some how seem bigger to me this winter. Karpman
  2. I'm with you, we dish money out to immigrants who do nothing and I mean nothing.. To this country. Well nothing worth having. Karpman Edit: and no by on large I don't count there cultures as a contribution before someone starts.
  3. Looks a cracker wouldn't mind that myself. Mind if I ask what ya paid. Karpman
  4. Yes heard a lot of good things about daystates customer service, second two none so I hear which can't be a bad thing. When my gun had a problem I had to resort to fixing it my self lol. It does seem though after a bit of research that daystates are prone to the odd problem or three and isn't there a problem with the airwolf that practically writes it off. That aside with a bit of research there is some bargains to be had out there. My RWS was the first pcp to do sub inch groups at 100m it's reviews on review centre are 4. 9 out of 5. It looks like a proper gun and shoots and cycles like a dream. It is far more accurate than I will ever be. As a hunting rifle it's a true classic and highly recommended, yeah it only do'es 30 shots at 30fps but that's a week at least before it needs a top up lol. Oh and it was £250 and I'm a very proud owner lol. Karpman
  5. Sorry to hijack you thread underdog but here was mine. Karpman
  6. Quite keen on mine 30ftlbs 30 odd shots a bit of a fettle and I could probably squeeze a few more. Service kit is a tenner and a doddle to work on. Takes quarry as well as anything else I have used, not to mention she is dressed is some really nice walnut. Rws excalibre Karpman
  7. Daystates seem great bits of kit but £180 quid for a service. Eye watering. Karpman
  8. Hey mate, I always use B&T gun repairs Hatton Derbyshire. He does an amazing job and is very reasonable on price. You can find him on gun trader or I can pm you his number. Some of the repairs have to be seen to believed, repaired my laurona 3 times now and you wouldn't no it was split. Two different ones in the forend and one in the stock. And yes I'm hard on my guns lol. Karpman
  9. Nice one bud. Had a 200 mk2 in .177 only gun I have ever regretted selling! Almost too deadly lol. Karpman
  10. I shoot foxes and rabbits on a small hill surrounded by very posh bungalows. The ground is actually owned by a consortium and is rented as grazing by my farmer. After speaking to the head of the consortium it was agreed the foxes were indeed causing a problem and the rabbits really needed thinning out, I always let the police know when I'm There as there is one do gooder that calls them every time without fail. She even tells me her intentions, and occasionally will try to film me coming and going. Since notifying the police of my intentions never had them actually attend. I give them the times I'm there and stick to em. Karpman
  11. They get canker from dirty bird feeders/tables and would probably be dribbling too. They were probably ****** on berrys or fallen apples. Have a look what's around in the fields at mo. Could of be acorns also bit I find the ****** theory more appealing lol. Karpman
  12. Ya sound like a bunch of ****** lol. That's all I wanted to add. Karpman
  13. Brilliant mate, the new rifle is game changer for you keep at em. Karpman
  14. Second that. Cracking little guns, one of the best. Karpman
  15. karpman

    airgun bbs

    Yes same username
  16. Dam wish him a speedy recovery. Dam I'm 33 and it's made me sit up. Karpman
  17. Hi Guys, Got a customer well a friend actually in need of a single cab Pickup for ranger or similar. Looking up to £3000 Will travel to any were in England for the right truck. Karpman
  18. Pretty sure most of us have been there pal, still get it my self from time to time. Calling a fox into shotgun range always gets my heart racing. More recently I had to take a step back from taking a shot from my new airgun on a squirrel. It took me 3 to 4 trips to find my quarry and the excitement was to much. Took the gun down steadied my self and made the shot perfect. Take ya time and try not to rush, it will all come together. Karpman
  19. Excellent advice thank you Karpman
  20. In my eyes it's not breeding the animals for sport /killing were. It's how you treat and deal with them animals whilst there alive. Making comparisons over what there doing to the driven sport in this country is flawed. Let's face it how did they get so many grown birds rounded up and into boxes and how far were they transported before they were handled and cast into the air. Our small syndicate shoots. only gets a 30 percent return at best. The locals like seeing the "wild" pheasants under there bird feeders and some may even go onto breed. I would also like to think the time they spend with us there fairly well looked after. Most so called wildlife in this country is now introduced or managed in one way or another. I include everything from deer to the humble sparrow. Karpman
  21. You get that look when the harvesting the maize he runs out realises your loaded with 42g 1's lol. Is the only time I see startled foxes. You get the what the **** has happened to the field moment then they see you. Pretty sure this is what he was trying to replicate lol. Karpman
  22. Well not really, more a curiosity and wanting to know. Wondering what age you started your children on live quarry and such. My boy is 3 1/2 and has seen plenty of "dead" stuff but was wondering if it's the done thing to take him along ferreting this season. He loves to here about my adventures, and enjoys helping me get my shooting stuff ready coming to the gun shop and just being around dad doing grown up things lol. Now I'm not meaning to age him prematurely. Maybe I'm thinking to much and should just go with my gut, but would love to hear how you lot handled it. Got a cracking little we can walk too in 4 to 5 minutes for a bit of ferret and if he gets cold. Mum can soon fetch him back. Karpman
  23. Dunno reckon there could be a couple kicking about lol. Seen one just over a week ago whilst on the flight pond. Was dam near on dark. Karpman
  24. Mollycote 111 should see you alright mate Karpman
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