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Everything posted by karpman

  1. Lol been there done that, if it don't fit in the fishing box I got from the car boot it don't go lol. Karpman
  2. Took guys out ratting, rabbiting etc. they moan whine and generally want to **** off early. Don't bother much anymore Karpman
  3. Just throwing this out there, RWS excalibre old and fairly rare. Beutiful doddle to maintain adjustable power and 7 shot mag. Mine took some hunting down and was a pile of junk when I bought it. Would change it for anything now. If ya already have a rapid I would sell it as non fac and buy one already fac you will have enough change left for a decent used scope. Use my fac air on anything from rats to rabbits and everything In between flat shooting from 10 to 50 yards. Awesome Karpman
  4. Also interested if it's not sold if like ya number for a chat too:) Cheers Karpman
  5. Interested mate on iPhone so can't see your location Karpman
  6. karpman


    Hehe yeah the great British backbone does seem to be on the verge of extinction Karpman
  7. Don't let him get to you mate, if he's playing such idiocy he won't don't to well anyhow Karpman
  8. What a boy. Bet he will sleep well tonight! You must be proud, well done to both of you. Karpman
  9. karpman

    What is this?

    Looks like the image has been played with and badly to me. The tail is especially suspect. Karpman
  10. Some of out pigeons end up in France, and other country's. This is proven by rings being collected. So it's not unreasonable to assume that some pigeons from over there would end up over here. Seems not many folks are particularly interested in ringing pigeons and certainly in no great number. The more ringed the better and more accurate the results would be. Karpman
  11. +1 been using this method a long time on gunked up cooling systems. First started using in when the oil coolers were failing on the astra 1.7dti. Works a treat. Karpman
  12. Gonna give it me best shot guys. Will keep you post. Frenchieboy is a top man with big heart. Many thanks Fella
  13. Hey frenchie if it's not already gone I would like to take you up on your kind offer and comply by the conditions Karpmam
  14. According to the BTO Scotland is one of the least populated areas of the uk, and there's evidence of at least 200,000 birds moving south from there over the last few days. Can't leave very many for the Scottish shooters amongst us then lol. Karpman
  15. Seems Scotland lost just the 156,000 pigeon lol http://www.birdmigration.co.uk/wordpress/ Karpman
  16. Get ya kids to knick one of them little bean bags from school. Seconds thoughts that's not a very good idea. The outlaw made me a little bean bag coat pocket size and I must say it has many applications and sits in the sticks or anything else really well for that matter. Drapes over the car window, sits on a post etc. etc. Karpman
  17. karpman


    Make sure you buy the proper fenn mk4's mate they copy's ain't upto much Karpman
  18. The French shoot them on migration lol. Karpman
  19. Was out ratting last night looking a water trough with a good size rat whole at the front. Old whiskers pops his head out and looks at me pop head shot a few twitches dies in the the mouth of the hole. No worries a run out of either side they like to appear from too and learnt that if you keep the beam on the whole edge they pop out and stop. Well was watching when the dead rat disappeared back inside the hole and another comes out the same entrance pop dead. Hole partially blocked 10 minutes later rat disappears and another pops up and was swiftly dispatched. Went down at dinner to find the other two holes blocked with bedding and bread mash so got the fork had a dig around and found poison plenty of it too were the farmers wife had tipped it into the wholes they had practically blocked them selfs In to avoid it. After digging some I couldn't locate the shots rats and I assure they were very dead lol. Karpman
  20. I'm with this man. And if you fail and you will at some point don't always blame the kit. Karpman
  21. Mate that all looks bloody beautiful! Karpman
  22. Great mate nothing like ratting! Karpman
  23. "By all means express how you feel" yeah right, then be branded a racist and fascist and outcast to the corners of society or even worse. Banished from pigeon watch! He makes some fare points though and good on him for standing up and having a say. Karpman
  24. Lol thanks for the insight fellas. I couldn't give a monkeys what they think, has been the same for the last four years or so was just curious how other people were greeted. I have tried to convert them though from goose pie to squirrel currys, they ain't having any of it and fair enough to em. We do on the plus side get prezzies dropped down work from pheasant to grey geese to the odd muntjac and guess who's has em lol. Karpman
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