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Everything posted by Mr-Sheen

  1. Mr-Sheen

    Dog Coat

    Thanks for the sales pitch shouted at us.
  2. Just saw the absolute tool on there bragging about having over 200 offences on his record? What a worthless ****. The worst bit is he now goes acting like bobby big ******** because he got stabbed? Why oh why couldn't it have been fatal.
  3. Not a problem! My thoughts exactly adam. The first time i held a RB in 20 gauge it just fitted me perfectly and i fell in love with it. I had plans to order one this year but i ended up going to university so that idea has to wait. Such a shame as i was totally in love with it. To me the gun just felt perfect, a league above a similarly priced beretta, especially in terms of its finish and wood The round body and grip give it such a lovely look. Which of your pair do you feel you shoot best with out of interest?
  4. The Rizzini family includes many gunmakers. There were three brothers, Emilio, Battista and Isodore who all owned guns factories. E. Rizzinis were once well known in the UK as cheaper guns. That concern has now been taken over by the Fausti sisters (who, however, now focus their production on the middle of the market). The better quality guns such as the RB EL are made by B. Rizzini. His large firm has also gone for the middle market sector in recent years (and, like the Faustis, also aspires beyond it). Isadore Rizzini owns FAIR (Fabbrica Arms Issadore Rizzini). They make many of the Lincoln guns seen in the UK. This firm still makes budget and some better ones too. It does not quite end there. F.lli Rizzini are the uncles of the brothers just discussed. They are one of the most prestigious makers in Italy manufacturing best guns and rifles only. Take from Positive shooting.
  5. I have kept so many reptiles over the time, now I'm just stuck with my mother-in-law.
  6. I loved every minute of school. When i finished high school i was more of a drone to work, but when i started 6th form i soon discovered the joys of ugly women and cheep cider and went totally off the rails! Enjoyed it all but some things i would certainly rather not see again
  7. I do agree with the resale value, that would be one of the biggest drawing points into buying one. I don't however see it s being different for the sake of it rather than being individual. Wouldn't it be boring if we all had a EELL? Thanks for your input Yes i mean an Alpha Romeo, they come with their flaws but every one i have been in has been so exciting! In regards to the 5K gun comment, I'm not sure you can buy a genuinely bad one, but to me it is a lot of money and i wouldn't be happy with something that wasn't perfect for that money. I think the best bet for that cash is to buy an old english box lock.
  8. Im not denying that they are fantastic handling guns with a proven track record. What i am saying, in my opinion is that the newer guns seem to be poorly fitted together, have a poor quality finish and seem to have a lower quality to the grain of their wood than other £5000 guns do. I personally think its quite an unimaginative buy for that price, to me it is the audi or bmw of the gun world. Very reliable and quite elegant, but its what everyone else spends their money on. Give me an Alpha any day.
  9. Really? every time i have shot a EELL i felt so pleased that it wasn't me that had payed nearly 5K for one.
  10. Go big, 90+ litres. I don't see the point in buying a small bergen as the weight difference is so small between that of a small and a large one
  11. The new Batista Rizzini guns imported by ASI are some of the nicest reasonably priced shotguns i have seen in a long time!
  12. I thought you were going to tell us you own a very nice retail chain!
  13. Mr-Sheen


    I have also heard that there was anecdotal evidence linked to brain cancer, however i was more convincingly shown a direct link between aspartame use and degenerative brain conditions such as Alzheimer's by my former Pharmacology lecturer.
  14. +1 I have a a 110L german army bergen, it takes 6 mallard and 6 teal, my lunch, a flask, torch, spare clothes, cartridges, game back and some other bits and to top it off its actually got its own waterproof cover so its keeps it nice and dry if the weathers bad!
  15. In that case, do you mind helping me finish an essay on 'the accountable nature of paramedic practice?'
  16. Im currently training as a paramedic with SEACamb
  17. I will weigh myself tonight along with a few of the other land whales and start a thread later then!
  18. There we go, the fat club has begun!!!! I think a separate thread for all of us puddings is in order to share our weight loss targets and help others with some motivation!
  19. As generic as it is, i think the majority of people will be trying to lose some weight. Maybe its time for the first PW fat fighters
  20. I know you said no hearing aid-esque ones but... I have a set of ACS sonic valves and they are the comfiest ear defenders you could ask for, and the valves are super sensitive, i can easily hear wingbeats and calls with them on, sound is hardly dampened until you fire the shot! Besides they only set me back 100 sheets and that was with the fitting making them super good value!
  21. My thoughts exactly. I have also found that if you are flighting a pond near a tidal area then the flight can also be dictated by that as a lot of birds move off the foreshore.
  22. You could look at a versa max, they are quite a chunky gun and suit the larger shooter well, also very reliable and comfy to shoot. Do bear in mind though, that if you like the look of the winchester or other auto's, most of them come with shims so the stock's hight and length can be adjusted.
  23. That is so true, and quite depressing!
  24. I would personally stay a little later as i have had them flight over two hours after it became dark. That is provided that you can see.
  25. Remington 105 CTi is bottom loading and ejecting, not produced anymore. Also, i think i read that beretta's UGB was but don't quote me on it. EDIT: Beaten to it, the UGB is
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