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Everything posted by Blackpowder

  1. Rats always like being under cover, if you can place a sheet of tin or an old door against a wall or fence on their route to your property they will more often than not choose to run under that. Place your trap accordingly, remember that the old style super efficient gin traps are now banned. Happy hunting. Blackpowder
  2. DOne badly at the club shoot on one of our most pigeon populated estates, loads of pigeon almost everyone was shooting from the time we entered the woods at around 3pm. High open larches interspaced with dense sitka spruc where the birds were dropping into from a great height, this is a place where a good strong breeze or even half a gale is essential - on Saturday we had bright sunshine and calm conditions. Picked up 6 and might have had one more to find , as yet I have not counted the number of shells fired but must be in excess of 40. Blackpowder
  3. I've had more boring hours than I care to mention at rape fields having been called out by farmers who think they are loosing their entire crop. Also and this is a question are there some strains of OSR whichmpigeons do not like? You will see some fields untouched while others are devistated. Among the pigeon shot last Friday one had been feeding on sprouting stubble beans, clean green half beans which is I think how a bean sprouts with the two halfs forming the first leaves, again this is a question? Blackpowder
  4. Fingers crossed for you, hope all goes well and also your son continues to improve. Blackpowder
  5. Well done that woman, absolutely brilliant. At least one of the yobs was caught by members of the public. Blackpowder
  6. There are only the eleven numbers in this series, 5001 numbers start as follows- 1927 9500 1928 9501 1929 9504 1930 9507 1931 9508 1932 9511 So if your gun serial number starts 50 itr is likely to be one of the eleven already mentioned The years 1927 - 28 have other guns produced serial numbers starting 60-61 - 62 . Then in 1931 the numbers which are now 5 digit start 193--. Blackpowder
  7. Quote from Nigel Browns, British Gunmakers:- Arthur Howell was recorded at 28 Weaman Street Birmingha, in 1909 and became Arthur Howell and co in 1917. He remained at Weaman Street until 1942 but may have removed to Whittall Street shortly thereafter. He is recorded as being there in Gun Trade membership at least until 1957. A batch of non/ejector 12 gauge A &D guns bearing searial numbers 9500 - 9511 were made for this firm by the trade starting in the late 1920s. It is not known whether they carried any further serial numbers, Blackpowder
  8. Rain turned to snow on the coast here, went away at mid-day to see if any pigeon coming and going from a very dense sheltered wood but nothing seen. Horizontal sleet at the time so took the cowards wab out and came home, now a toss up whether to do some housework or tie up some more salmon flies. Blackpowder
  9. Many thanks for the replies. Blackpowder
  10. Well pigeon were certainly scarce yesterday, 34 club members out and the best bag I saw with only 4 members to book in was eight birds, most in fact only one or two and several clean barrels. A boring 3 hours personally in one of the least pigeon popular woods with 4 shots for one bird. This was once one of our best venues, woods have matured, some badly damaged in past gales with winbdfalls and brambles making it difficult to pick up any shot birds. Ah well it can only get better, roll on next week. Blackpowder.
  11. Keep within range of the oak trees early on, as pigeon sometimes like to sit on bare branches, especially if they are getting the last of the sunshine, before dropping in to roost. Blackpowder
  12. Its our first club charity shoot today, hopefully we will have around 40 guns manning the woods on a small estate from 2:30 pm until dusk. It is not looking to hopeful in this neck of the woods at the moment with only a light west wind. Blackpowder
  13. Just back from the first impromptu roost shoot of the year. Prospects did not appear good at 2pm but by 2:30 we had a good force 6-7 from a westerly direction. Phone calls all round and we were off to favourite pigeon alley, a block of 20 year old sitka spruce backing on a deep dene with mature hardwoods and softwoods. Kevin elected for his favourite corner - I to mine with pigeon soon heading in to roost, despite the half gale these birds were cruising through the shelter of the dene before flipping up into the sitkas. Seven shots and not a bird down, blooming difficult this after those lumbering cock pheasants, but at last started to make contact often missing the easy shots and hitting the screamers. The trouble with shooting beside a steep dene is any bird that falls means a streneous retrieve, of course it is allways the wounded birds which fall furthest, my 6 or 7 times up and down there I am sure dispersed the last of the Festive belly. Final personal tally was 24 picked and 2 in the trees for between 50 and sixty shots, Kevin having 30 for around 80 shots. A truly exciting barrel warming flight just hoping there are as many birds when the first of our Club charity shoots takes place tomorrow. Praying for another gale or at least a half one. Blackpowder
  14. Anyone had a recent quotation for sleeving or tubing shotgun barrels? Blackpowder
  15. Yes had that on my caller ID but it was one of these numbers which did not accept incoming calls. Blackpowder
  16. I have been involved in syndicates which on two occasions released adult ex-laying pen birds. Fifty all tagged and recovered two tags- they wander far and wide as we never heard of any numbers being shot on neighbouring shoots. Blackpowder
  17. I've heard the same as welshwarrior regarding older sxs single trigger. Whats wrong with a double trigger, you will soon get used with it. Blackpowder
  18. Yesterday evening I recieved a phone call from a person claiming to be conductindg a survey for , 'Associated Press' or 'Allied Press' I cant remember which. He asked me which paper I read and why, because I liked one of the canine cartoon characters was my answer. The guy was quite jocular and discussed other cartoon characters before he offered me 3 months subscription for under £10 then a further similair period for under £20. It sounded as if it was time for him to ask for credit card details so I assured him I was quite happy with supporting my local newsagent, his response was to say that I would still be supporting my local outlet. Anyway the offer seemed to good to be true and I managed to end the conversation there without disclosing any more personal details. Anyone else had this type of incident? Blackpowder
  19. DOnt try and fix the ones which aint broke. If you want to avoid dirty water spillage you will need to drain the system through the drain cock. All air valves must be open to do this, when water has ceased to run at the drain cock close thje two valves on your towel rail and disconnect below the valves, any residual water or sludge will now be trapped within the towel rail. Also shut the towel rail air valve, in case the rail gets turned upside down take it outside and hose out. Re-fit, re-fill let it run for a couple of days then drain down and add anti corrosive treatment by removing completely the blanking plug with air valve and the opposite blanking plug, insert fluid through using filler and hopefully problem solved. Blackpowder
  20. With the greatest of difficulty and an application of blood, sweat and tears. Blackpowder
  21. Cold in the bottom usually means there is an accumulation of sludge, cold in the top usually air. Blackpowder
  22. I know there are a lot of anglers on this forum many will fish club and association waters on season permits or shorter weekly and day tickets. What I would be grateful for is some idea of how what percentage of permit and ticket price do tackle dealers charge on these sales. One local dealer here is asking for 15% which I consider excessive. I also know that some dealers offer this as a free service as it draws custom to their shop. What is the situation with you? Blackpowder
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