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Everything posted by Blackpowder

  1. I think there is a place on the west side of Achencairn Bay called Balcary |POint which was well known for producing large cod - perhaps this time of the year. Blackpowder
  2. Just did a brace using rascal's video instruction, but also cut the skin. Brilliant, dead easy. Many thanks Blackpowder
  3. That trap looks spot on, perhaps a bit on the small side but has a huge advantage in being very transportable. That looks like an excellent well equipped workshop, I would be reluctant to divulge its location if I were you. Blackpowder
  4. I have not bought Shooting Times for many years now , but it is inevitable that the same subjects crop up season by season related to shooting, game bird rearing vermin control etc. Can anyone else remember when the editor was , "Tower Bird" , aka Noel Sedgwick,I could scarcely wait for the next issue, but then in my late teens I was new to shooting, and shotguns and was eager to extract every last bit of information from the printed page. Of special interest were some of the articles by aged wildfowlers who had pursued their sport in the interwar period, bags of geese and duck from the foreshore which would be difficult to achieve today. Town Gun , Gough Thomas,Geoffrey Boothroyd and others I wonder if they would hold my interest so avidly today? Well they might as the mention of a damascus barreld hammer gun always causes my antennea to go into search mode. Blackpowder
  5. Throwing away the legs is a total waste of good meat and what I consider the best eating meat on the pheasant. Rascal that video clip is magic, it appears so simple and after years of breaking the "knee" joint and wrestling , twisting and pulling I cant wait for next week to give that a try. Thanks for posting. Blackpowder
  6. Having processed at least hundreds of pheasants over the years I still seem to have difficulty in cleanly drawing the leg sinews every time. Sometiimes its snap - twist and the complete sinew thing is withdrawn at others its a tug o' war and the sinews stay in the lag. So is there a sure fire way of twisting the leg once the joint has been snapped to give a clean sinew less leg every time? Thanks Blackpowder
  7. For the past 11 seasons I have worn a ,£60 "Bronte" tweed shooting jacket, purchased from a market stall, unfortunately the zip packed up last week but otherwise the jacket shell and external pockets look like they would go on a further 11 seasons. With a quilted lining and a waterproof drop liner this has been warm and snug in the coldest conditions, as another post has said they are Heavy when wet but do retain some warmth even in this condition. Blackpowder
  8. This is typical of the lunacy which makes up the european union, mainly caused by politicians who have not the faintest idea of what they are dealing with, abetted by some equally ignorant civil servants. Blackpowder
  9. Side by side no problem, you are used with it and obviously like it, most likely thousands of pheasants are shot with sxs in Britain compared to hundreds with other barrel formats. Last year a friend was picking up at a major Borders shoot and was behind two well known Northmbrian brothers who were sweeping high birds and he said they were HIGH birds from the sky. Being curious as to what ammunition was being used he had a look at the cartride pile on the way out which he describeds as " bog standard 12 bore 2 1/2 inch game loads. So be not afraid point her in the right direction as other posters have said. Blackpowder
  10. Not so sure about welding up new gadgets but put me down for the rest plus an unhealthy interest in classic British sports cars from the 40-s to 60-s era Blackpowder( over 21)
  11. Make it with salt in it to taste. Eat with honey , top of the milk or plain ordinary milk, eat it with whatever you want and disregard the old wive's tales of it should only be eaten with salt while standing. Blackpowder
  12. I am sure the male singer from Boney M died over the last week or so. Blackpowder
  13. This is another attack on rural life, country dwellers who have no access to public transport will be hardest hit. Everything we buy from food to fuel to bus fares must rise, once again a Governement has seen the motorist as an easy target, millions of people are dependant on buying road fuel for work and business- abstension is not an option. Blackpowder
  14. Over this past weekend I have cooked two three course meals for five people using in each course something from the wild. Meal one starter smoked salmon provided by a fishing friend who is also a proffesional salmon curer. Main course pheasant pie. Dessert plum fool made from frozen summer harvested wild plums. Meal two starter hot smoked mackeral pate hot smoked in my converted wash boiler. Main course roast pheasant. Dessert merangue nest with frozen summer picked cherries, also slipped in some cherries which had already done duty making cherry whisky. Great satisfaction in introducing more people to game and wild meat. Blackpowder
  15. Decoying or roost shooting - a good old fashioned folding sit upon shooting stick, light to carry and hieght adjustable for a whole lot of shooting situations. Blackpowder
  16. Sad news to hear of young lives snatched away. My nephew was killed over 20 years ago on his bike by a middle aged driver who pulled out from behind an oncoming car to overtake. It is understandable for the young to show off their cars and their "skills", what is not understandable is the fitting of noise producing devices and driving repeatedly around the same urban streets. Any one got an answer to the last sentence? Blackpowder
  17. A bbc good food guide recipe of passata , onions, cannalina beans. rosmary, garlic and cabbage stew into which you cook white fish fillets for 4 minutes. Blackpowder
  18. Ya must have forgotten the almost bullet proof qualities of thornproof, still have stud on leggings in fact for rough stuff. In fact I have a vague memory from years ago of 'keeper being peppered by a peer of the realm near here but avoided more serious injury- it was said at the time - as he was wearing a thorn proof jacket. Yes great for beating I would agree. Blackpowder
  19. Gosh are people still wearing waxed jackets. Having owned two from THE maker, of these garments I found them to be cold, sweaty and clammy- not as they were once advertised to be breathable. Recalling evenings trudging across Fenham Flats wearing mud pattens, bailing out a box and really warm, sit down to await evening flight and frozen within half an hour. Highly overrated, to be fair fairly waterproof when looked after but bring on the Gortex as far as I am concerned. Blackpowder
  20. Spent more frustrated hours than I care to mention trying for pigeon on rape fields, best I think if you are fortunate to have a bit of breeze is to try and intercept them as they flight into the field. Blackpowder
  21. Most central heating oil is kerosene and unsuitable for deisel engines- but the sugar would still mess up a pressure jet oil burner. Blackpowder
  22. At our Club Shoot yesterday we had drives at Three Lords Well, said to be a one time boundary between 3 estates where the owners had periodic meetings, of the well there is no sign. Also what we call Marnic but most likely Moornook, with the still deep snow we did not venture to Divot Hall, from where this came no one seems to know. Blackpowder
  23. Contrymen will be aware that fields and woods have names which sometimes are and some time are not shown on standard ordnance survey sheets. There are the usual field names Cow Field, Steading Field, House Field etc. In a similair vein you have Long Woods, Castle Woods Church Wood etc. But what are the more unusual field names wich forum members have come across. Two examples from the farm where I was born and brought up in, and this is field names, Archie Mathew, whoever he was or what he had done to leave his name as a place name no ione knew. Or what about Cauldsides what shivering turnip shawer named this north facer. So forum members what have we got throughout the land? Blackpowder
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