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hutchie the white hunter

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Everything posted by hutchie the white hunter

  1. Well as for your laws 1 and 2 you can ram them because if you run a cat over in your car then you donot have to report it but if you run a dog over then you do so in other words dont let your stinking cat out or if you do be it on your own head (tough)PUT IT ON A LEAD AND TAKE IT FOR A WALK
  2. yea hammer pegs in just the trick to give the rabbits a heads up that you are there,The golden rule donot make a noise ,also donot stand in line with of the holes.When i was younger and just learning to ferret if i did one of these things i would get a crack in the back of the heed way a big wooden walking stick fae my granda beleve me i didnea dae it again :good:
  3. yea that was good i like watching him ,alot better than that nutter willson.
  4. hey hang on a min put a leash on your cat then or dont let it out to **** and **** everywhere if the owner decides to let there stinky cat out he does this at his or her own risk
  5. hmmmm dont know about the back stops on that one? mabe just the way the camera makes it look.just with the sheep in the background, you know the old saying dont shoot if your not 1000000%
  6. so exciting that video it just made me want to jump out of my chair and run to the shop and buy one, NOT what alot of p.sh
  7. Cant see it for the camo net ,dont fancey leaving that at your **** and tryn to find it again .It looks good though looks as if it could hold around 6 ferrets in it ,like to carry mine in a pillow slip no noise you know
  8. are you going to cross her again ,bit late eah,mine are doing just great they are fighting fit !!
  9. My jill was late this year very late indeed that is the kits just opend there eyes ! just wanted to know what is the latest anyone has had a litter
  10. yea man you can say that again i went to the that same shop to buy 25 carts and the only had 2 left bas***d eah.
  11. only ferret when the month has a [R] in it you will just be killing your own sport not a good idea really to be killing young bunnys if you have to get rid of them shoot them dont ferret!!
  12. a fox and a black and white can live in the same set while the fox is a messy animal the badger is a clean one it will and has been known to clean up and brush out all the sh=t the fox has left in the den so you never know if the den is fox or badger
  13. A good trick i do is to put baloons onto sticks and into blown patches where thay are in feeding it seriously works an it is very easy to do doesnt take long, or a rope with white poly bags tide to it from one pole to another stops them feeding in that part or park all together
  14. hi any one lookn for some ferrets!!!!!!!!!!
  15. that was good i wonder if he got it back or do you think he sent the dog in to get it back
  16. Thats what its all about showing people out there what the wee bas**R*ING charlies are all about and what devistation they can cause in just a few seconds (well done)
  17. not had one jill die in 25 years from it because i have always crossed them
  18. i just want people to have good working ferrets and have the enjoyment that i have always had if i could not get rid of the kits then i would just have hobs and no jills but me and my granda have never had a problem with being able to get them away thats all so its not an issue to me
  19. mine go at 8 weeks and not a day past or b4 just kidn 8 weeks will do
  20. nice kits they are very dark mine are alot lighter than that well done
  21. yea i know its a long way away and sorry for shouting couldnt be bothed correcting it when i noticed ,i took them over from my grandad when he passed a way last year but i have been ferreting since i can remember with him he tot me every thing and anything about them.Im also looking to buy a hob at the games fair just because i need another cross next year i had 26 kits last year and people from glen shee were asking for them but i didnt have any left ,i was looking for a grey hound ferret you know what am on about but i need a good one ,oh last year i put a board up askin people if they wanted ferrets at scone but i got soo many calls i had none left at the end of the day lol cheers for the replys :yes:ps iv only got 13 this year though i went through some amount of food last year so i cut the kits down this year iv only got 2 jills this year last year i had 4 and 2 hobs so this year i have 2 hobs and 2 jills i had 7 and 6 from the jills keepn things easy one of my jills is gettn old though she is 6n a half so i will be getn rid of one of my hobs and buyin a new one and keepn one of her kits that iv got just now, if anyone that anybody knows that wants some good furats just pm me no probs gvs a shout.
  23. Have a look in the sporting gun £130 odd for a thousand (GAMEBORE)
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