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Everything posted by bigman

  1. bigman

    Rasp to thing

    Thanks for the comments there appreciated ,
  2. bigman

    Rasp to thing

    Made a kindling chopper from a old farriers rasp , it's my first full make from scratch I used files and lots of sand paper, home heat treatment with a knocked up gas forge and quenched then tempered back in the misses oven , it's bit rough and ready but the next one will be better , Iv learnt a huge amount from doing this one and really enjoyed it Handle is Irish figured maple with fibre liners and silver steel pins <iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://s1302.photobucket.com/user/Bigman686/embed/slideshow/Chopper"></iframe>
  3. What's the name of the shop bazza I'm in need of veg tan leather
  4. The identity store is very good , it is a online store but always had great service from them Looking foward to seeing what you've made ,
  5. I loved my roll ups then I un loved them , I tried a e cig and thought they are pants so I roughed it out for a few months an never looked back
  6. What's the leg length of the first pair please
  7. had a similar experiance on some maize stubble last weekend , only thing to return was the ferals I was traveling down a14 near to Burwell on Tuesday and saw a big number on rape and plenty dropping in on it to
  8. Lovely gun bud , hope you don't miss the Honda too much
  9. Get yourself on the British blades site , lots of great tips and advice on there
  10. Watched it last night on the tube , I found it to be excellant and really enjoyed it them boys are tough cookies
  11. Flicking thou the weekend evening news and imagine my surprise when I saw a pic of my ole grandad in there , gave me goose bumps for a few minutes Hes been gone for a few years now a missed everyday .
  12. Maybe try asking at a key cutters? They'll tell you if they can cut a set or not perhaps
  13. was that the shoot we shot last year Dave? If so it was excellent and them cream scones were outta this world mmmmmmm
  14. Thanks for the replys lads is there a map online I can see the boundaries
  15. Well aware of that I think ts a good thing the use of air rifles is permitted as well as shotgun
  16. Anybody a member of PX Farms if so how do you find it? I'm thinking of joining up as it basically on my doorstep and fancy having 3000 acre to go at
  17. Well done mate , I gained my permissions from starting off with a air rifle ;-)
  18. Did you wet form the sheath around the knife? Next time wrap the blade in kitchen cling film ;-)
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