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Everything posted by Gerry31

  1. Hi up here in darkest Lancashire its the evidence which the police ask for in respect of good reason in my cassie had to keep a log book for twelve months of each outing and any need for humane dispatch ie wounded deer ect. I know what you are going to say if its not a clean shot dont shoot but it happens unfortunately anyway much hoop jumping later I did obtain a section 5 pistol with a 2 round restriction
  2. Sorry didn't realise it was an old thread and sadly no pistols as you know went years before due to a weak tabby pamby government trying to gain cheep votes and ruining law abiding folks sport. When I handed mine into the gestarpo sorry police I could have cried years of saving up and hours of overtime just to pay for them gone.
  3. Just a point make sure you get permission in writing so there can be no misunderstanding
  4. Its is posible to get a pistol for humane dispatch on a section 5 its alot of messing about but can be done however when I tried for a semi auto it was flatly refused I was granted a .38 S&W with a 2 shot restriction. Strangle enough a stalking mate was granted a semi but in a.other region
  5. As per earlier posts by others it is always difficult to start with but it will pick up just a thought for you but I started by asking my milk man who is also a local farmer he let me onto his small farm so 80 odd acres now I shoot over 2000 it just takes time and a bottle at christmas
  6. He was rubbish looked slow and clumsy
  7. Another 2 hours of my life wasted watching england
  8. Umm lovely forgot I wasn't talking to kids on facebook
  9. It sounds easy but trust me even on a carcass it can be a bloody struggle and requires practice I've now obtained a .38 revolver on my ticket just for this end. It sounds easy but trust me even on a carcass it can be a bloody struggle and requires practice I've now obtained a .38 revolver on my ticket just for this end.
  10. Nice to see my old mate lynn still plugging away
  11. As above rabbit is just to lean pork fat to help it on I've also minced goose in as well but as stated needs seasoning well
  12. Just done one similar with rabbit ummm
  13. Gerry31

    jimmy carr

    Isn't greed a funny thing I wish I paid a grand a week tax im sure I could manage on the 1600 quid left after tax if everybody paid properly then the overall tax rate would come down for all.
  14. Its horses for courses mixed with fashion and choice when I started shooting 26in guns were popular for skeet but over the years things change I now shoot 30 for sporting and sometimes 32 for fitasc and a couple of the guys have 34 so the answer to your question how longs a piece of string sorry
  15. Gerry31


    Tens of millions spent in Todmorden West Yorkshire on flood defence and as of midnight the water is 4 foot deep in the town centre. The park on which Tod show was to be held is 6 foot deep and the new pumping station is underwater. Wouldn't you just love to be in that meeting next week.
  16. I gave up 5 stone ago dooo
  17. My ex wife I repeat ex was from tenasee usa she once made me a chilli o my god I thought she was trying to kill me after that I would only use a third of the amount of chilli sauce she did it was from Texas and was called flaming ####. Im not joking it really was
  18. Have a look inside you may find they have an allen key head screw them out and fit new over sized ones from GMK
  19. Gerry31

    heads up

    I'll be there in the morning
  20. No mate but I've just checked out there web site if you are looking for one similar in the uk try joe west stocks I comes up on google
  21. Have a look at a hawke endurance ir30 with a 56 bell I've have one on my. 17 hmr
  22. North Yorkshire nearest I know of
  23. Rupert All I can tell you is 4 years ago I was shooting in France and whilst there bought a gun which was ever so slightly cheaper then in the UK however on my return to this country I was informed that because the gun is not freely available ie you need a licence to buy one it was subject to duty and VAT and u had a choice pay up or have it impounded at Dover. So this is my personnel experience should someone have better information then please excuse my ignorance
  24. In addition to earlier post when you exit the ferry you will need to declare that you are in possession of firearms and go through the red channel the customs will then ask y ou the value of the gun and want to verify this if it exceeds £135 you will pay both import duty and VAT
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