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Everything posted by Nmb

  1. Too big for grey partridge I'd say and slightly darker base colour than I'd expect for red leg? Can't comment on anything else as I have no idea.
  2. On a typical nights lamping on our 1500 acres we will typically see 30-40 roe and if we're lucky 2 or 3 rabbits. As a shoot we have not shot any for the last 3 seasons but it's made no difference.
  3. Nmb

    Knock about gun

    I have an old side by side for when I'm out on the shoot as nothing worse than a hoodie crow sailing past or a fox skulking about when out feeding!
  4. Lovely photos! Up here we are lucky to have plenty reds and very few greys, hopefully it will stay that way!
  5. Nice video and very artistic display of shot birds!
  6. There used to be a deeside clay club but not sure if it's still on the go
  7. Also forgot to mention we have a couple of duck ponds which we flight after shoot days.
  8. Hi, Shoots are all held on Saturdays. Half guns are all paired with another member so they can decide which shoot days they can attend. Cheers Nick
  9. Hello everyone. Due to a member moving to Singapore we have a space for a half gun on our small DIY shoot available. The shoot is located near Crathes which is a few miles from Banchory. This year we are releasing 1300 pheasants and 450 red leg partridge spread over our 1500 acres of ground. We have 10 formal days plus 2 boundary days and 2 woodcock/snipe shoots which are great fun. As a half gun you would get to shoot on 5 formal shoots and both boundary and woodcock days. Bags can be 50-60 during the first half of the season however this can reduce to 20-30 by the end of the season. We have 2 teams of 9 guns on each shoot and we operate a walk one stand one format. The price is £440 which includes SACS membership. Work parties take place every couple of weeks from April until August and although there is no minimum attendance it's important that members help to get the shoot ready for the coming season. All members are welcome to shoot rabbits, pigeons, crows etc at any time throughout the year and having just shot a bag of 82 crows this week I can vouch for some cracking sport when the game season ends. We have a lovely old bothy which is fully kitted out and has provided many good social evenings! Some of the members also pay a wee bit extra every year for clay shooting on our ground. We bought our first automatic trap this year and have a couple of manual traps currently but are looking at buying an automatic trap each season. IF you are interested send me a PM me and I can give you my phone number and let you see the ground. Thanks Nick
  10. My girlfriend is 6ft and uses a 20 bore. She occasionally tries out one of my 12 bores which she can shoot no problem she still prefers the balance and weight of the 20 but I guess she has become used to it.
  11. Will keep you posted.We have a woodcock/snipe shoot which you could come along to and we also occasionally have members cancel before a shoot day so will give you a shout. Cheers Nick
  12. I bought one for my girlfriend who is shooting clays really well with it. I like using it on the odd pheasant day and managed to shoot some real stunners using puregold 28 gram 6's. Never feel undergunned when using it and find everyone loves having a shot of it.
  13. All place now accounted for. Cheers Nick
  14. I used to tie up bundles of nettles if the birds were pecking in the pens. It worked well although they stripped them in a couple of hours. We usually pressure wash our IBC tanks a couple of times to make sure they are clean. Nick
  15. Hi, Our shoot is at Crathes which is about 5 minutes from Banchory. Cheers Nick
  16. We tend to shout "over" or "back" on our syndicate. Been beating on shoots where tapping a stick is the only noise allowed and others where you are encouraged to make plenty noise. I prefer these as I spend most of my time shouting on my spaniel lol
  17. Down to 3 spaces remaining. Cheers Nick
  18. Nmb

    The Queen at 90

    i think the queen has been a fantastic ambassador to our country. I understand the counter arguments about it being an easy job and us paying for their lifestyle however being in the public eye and being under severe scrutiny doesn't sound easy to me. I feel that if we lose our royalty then we lose our identity as a nation.
  19. Hi everyone. Our syndicate has decided to resurrect an old tradition of having a let day to help raise funds for our shoot. With this in mind we have a 60 bird day planned for the 8th of October. We are looking for a team of 8 guns and are happy to accomadate single guns or groups of friends etc. There will be a mix of Pheasant and Partridge which should provide good sport over 5-6 drives. We want it to be a relaxed day so we plan to meet for breakfast at our bothy at 08:30 this will be followed by 3 drives then lunch. Depending on the bag we will have two or three drives afterwards followed by a count of the bag and a dram. Cost for the day will be £225 per gun including breakfast and lunch. No tips are required as it is all syndicate members putting in the work. You are welcome to take a brace or however many you wish really! A few spaces have already been filled by previous guests however at the time of writing 5 remain. If you are interested give me a shout and we can discuss details as required. Ps shotgun licences and insurance are required however we can provide a days insurance if needed for the fee it costs us. Thanks Nick
  20. Tried one and really liked it! Deffinately something I'd consider buying! Know plenty of people in our shoot who have modern berretas and have had no issues. Still like my two 80's versions though!
  21. Welcome, I'm from Turriff but shoot out at Crathes.
  22. I have a newer bettinsoli and have had no problems with it. Lovely looking gun compared to my old lanber. Worth doing a bit of research but newer models seems to be the way to go.
  23. Been out lamping with both and always ended up shooting more bunnies with the .22lr. As a vermin control tool it is 2nd to none. It kills cleanly at reasonable distance and you don't scare everything after one shot. Add in the fact ammo is so reasonably priced and there isn't any comparison. Don't get me wrong I have no issues with the .17 however I always felt that you needed to headshot at distance unless you want ruined rabbits. It is handy if you see a fox but we always have the 243 or 22-250 out as well anyway.
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