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Everything posted by jall25

  1. No we have very few - but we do have several shoots and a turkey farm or two ! I have seen the odd fox chase the odd hare but they soon realise the game is up - they are far more inclined to chase game birds like a dog would - they keep on chasing until the bird lands and then go again - in the dark - Its incredible to see it - I once had one do it and it brought the fox to me - It will never do it again. As i watch the foxes they mainly patrol the hedgerows looking for partridge, nests and mice/voles I think because it was all hunting land - its ideal for the foxes with spinneys and coverts all over
  2. Yes thats odd The lads are going to Caithness next week - im not i didnt want to see or chase them if they have the flu - if they have the lads will go fishing - so i wonder what they will see I do wonder about the wind
  3. Seen very few passing over Derbyshire this year - usually the first shoot or two we see plenty and hear them at night too but very few - other than a skein or two the last week in September Is it because its so mild and is the wind in the wrong direction ?
  4. 11 is a lot ! Respectfully i wonder if sometimes when you have so much land to shoot over sometimes you dont see the wood for the trees Most of my shooting is done on bait piles or muck heaps and this is where the foxes come to rather than me chasing after them We have a deer syndicate just up in the borders though and do see foxes on all visits
  5. Derbyshire - prime ex hunting country actually What are you shooting over up there is it moorland or pasture ? Or a shoot or two ? I mainly shoot on our own medium sized shoot and our local Turkey farm - in the winter you can see the foxes coming from the local village (large village) to the Turkey farm or shoot
  6. Do you use thermal Foxhunter ? Im surpised by the low numbers on that size area I used to shoot next to an industrial estate and golf course where they had the scraps from people lunches etc and i could get 40/50 year from 2 spots Does anyone else shoot the land too maybe ?
  7. Good post above As we have Conor on here - who it has to be applauded continues to provide as much information as he can while not having universal support - i wonder if we could actually start a properly civil thread whereby we ask BASC to actually look at what we want ? For me - More engagement with the public through from schools - scout clubs etc Maybe make films like Jacks Game -many series on discovery showing hunting and fishing are very popular - like Alaska the Last frontier - The last Alaskans - through to some of the more edgy stuff showing crocodile hunting. See if we can get an ambassador to front it like Clarkson, Vinnie Jones or Beefy. Who would have thought Clarkson's farm would be so popular - it would be very easy to add a Shooting and Conservation aspect to this and it has been touched on already. I would like BASC to assist with land purchases and Bio-diversity surveys - during Covid they came round and advised on the shoot days formats for free - so why not push this out and help shoots become better places ? Just a couple of ideas and i appreciate some think i am part of BASCs defence committee - im not - I am actually with GWCT but i do believe we all need to try and get on the same page if we can.
  8. You said you were ignoring me on another thread so not sure you will see this but that is "in my opinion" too much
  9. Good man - i agree thermal is the real game changer - it really does see the unseen Where are you located Foxhunter ? Do you use thermal or NV or lamp ? I think the other thing round us down here where maybe its a bit more built up is foxes come from the town and the suburbs each night - maybe out in open country they dont and therefore are at lower densities because its a harder life
  10. Not sure about that TC - asked a civil question No real answer Our MPs came on a none shoot day - so it cost nothing - they went away however with a better opinion on shooting and conservation than they came with. - I have also had members of the council come local and borough and the same result. I have taken round young surveyors / children with parents from the local schools etc etc - If we dont ALL stand up for our sport then yes it may well be gone. As i say Bruno what do you do ? Try something positive
  11. Thank God BASC dont think so Maybe its time for another liberty and livelihood march ?
  12. What would you guys suggest then if we did not have a BASC or NGO etc etc ? Would you like to see a more political organisation like the American NRA ?
  13. I do know to be honest I have had our MPs out to our shoot - has it helped im not sure - but i can honestly say it has not hindered. If its not helped shooting straightaway it has certainly improved the local community as issues surrounding poaching/ off road bikes have been acted upon. What would you propose then Bruno ? Maybe - or is now the time to grasp the nettle and engage with Labour MPs who are pro shooting and conservation ? - i have been trying for the last few months with my local one
  14. And each of us as individuals should take on some responsibility to defend or promote our way of life - if that is taking the option of joining an organisation who will do a bit of that for you fair enough - i do this and also ensure i engage with politicians - members of the public to educate the best i can. Sitting moaning that other people are not doing enough or we dont like the way we think we are being represented is not enough - BASC et all have elections - read the manifestos - and vote - or put yourselves forward - Now is the time. Regards Good for you My post was RHETORICAL ie MAY
  15. Again i ask have you any idea about how business is actually done and the benefit of these high level relationships I wonder how many of you that actually sit here and whinge and moan are actually members of any organisation
  16. And neither do i but if you cant see that having an MP or public figure going and enjoying fieldsports in open view is a positive then lets leave it there. Look at how the public has engaged with farming because Clarkson went and bought a farm - imagine if we could do a similar thing on a shoot - like they do on discovery with the Alaskans etc. I would have no problem "paying" for our sport to be promoted. MPs have influence and we are better with as many as we can in our camp.
  17. Pure speculation - if it was not for so much of this sort of thing shooting MAY not even still exist Friends in high places are friends indeed - sorry but thats how society works and indeed so much of business - they call it relationships
  18. Crop of sunflowers today looked amazing as pigeon pitched in to feed and settled on it
  19. Its called networking Bruno - its a large part of what makes the world go round like it or not Better to have "friends" with benefits than enemies Do you ever engage with your MP ?
  20. You might have missed with your eye sight old un ! Lol ! Good memory mind ! Hope you are well
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