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Everything posted by jall25

  1. We are still at 4.50 - fingers crossed - order placed
  2. Jim - it would be worth hiring a 360 machine for a week and pulling any brash into banks - to stop the wind and allow access through it - If funds allow It totally transformed our shoot
  3. 57 Tonight - with my 2 pals 22 lr and night vision and thermal TOTAL 330
  4. Ours love the warmer weather and go in the cold ! - Where to ? No idea ha !
  5. What was you actually aiming for ?🤣 You have a serious skill Simon !!!!!
  6. You topped him! They always stop well 99.9 %
  7. 43 with 12 bore pump last night 2 in traps TOTAL 273
  8. 1 yesterday in the garden Having a day on the feeders on another shoot tomorrow - so could be a good number TOTAL 352
  9. I have shot more crows this year than ever before - which i would also describe as weird - i put a thread up in the summer about how easy they would decoy and the fact that i was even shooting them out of the hide in the open during collection and relocation of decoy periods. Dont worry about the clearfell - it will be great for your pheasant shoot very shortly !
  10. Yes i get that - i realise its how long is a piece of string - but so can a pen be too Some of commercial shoots i have heard are circa 50 birds an acre - Just after any other numbers really for interest
  11. Guys Wondered if any game shooters / keepers would advise on their stocking density Not in the pens but actually how many birds do they stock per acre of shoot Thanks in advance
  12. Yes thanks I have been out with the rifle and managing 5-15 each time but had an issue with it so i thought i wonder if i can get the thermal to fit the shotgun Hey presto my gunsmith did it for me and i just have a stroll feeder to feeder and round the beetle banks ! Perfect !
  13. 182 last 4 nights ! Mounted a thermal on a moderated 12 ! WOW ! 2 in traps TOTAL 228
  14. As i say - if someone did this about my shoot - That would be the last they would come. I wonder what has happened to gentlemannery conduct and conversation - benefit of the doubt and all that LLoyd - so many shoots are not for the landed gentry - as you know - and if everyone was paid in full for a job most shoots would fold. I also find threads like this amusing as well as distasteful because beating is a great way into our sport - next week im sure there will be post about people not able to gain permissions !
  15. Being part of a shoot and that community is a two way street - You have only been there a year you say - well i would be asking questions of the people in charge and not posting on a forum. Anything could have happened - if my shoot was plastered all over the internet no way would you be welcome back next year anyway
  16. Well poor you - may i suggest you take up another hobby !
  17. jall25


    Hhaaha - yes sometimes Im shooting through brash so the power helps
  18. jall25


    Yes maybe - but on a real role with the work i am doing on the shoot Shot over 100 foxes last year - hundreds and hundreds of squirrels , crows and magpies - Just starting to really see the place flourish with life now And just think how much grain all those rats eat !
  19. jall25


    Another great night ! Feeder to feeder - bank to bank - walked 5 and a half miles 68 more !
  20. jall25


    Just got in from a night on the rats Had an issue with my 22rf so because im shooting feeder to feeder in the woods and on the beetle banks i mounted the thermal on the moderated 12 WOW ! Ended up with 70 odd ! Only came home because i ran out of cartridges and i dont think i could pump the gun much longer hahah Weighs a bloody ton but worth it !
  21. 2 tonight Mine with 270 182 yards my pal 204 40 yards Both on a sheep farm - hit them hard before lambing Saw another 2 or 3 TOTAL 15 Total now
  22. Great work - Sorry you are giving up - Good luck in your new interest
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