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Everything posted by sable

  1. ive just built 2 gun cabinets for the guy that owns our fabrication company but he has bought 4 cheap 7 lever locks witch are naff does anyone know of anyware i can get some reasonbly priced ones are if anyone has any to sell even in ones that whould be helpfull thanks for any help
  2. sable

    Human Rights?

    how many innocents whould still be alive if executions was still in place bring back barbarism
  3. ime just having a 2 story extension built when it came to the trusses the company that makes them came out mesured up and they was with us in a week thats how its done not from the plans they are plans not technical drawing
  4. sable

    Human Rights?

    execution is the only sane outcome for all those that commit pre meditated murder. terrorism rape pedhaphilia and arson should also be included the sentance should be carried out shortly after. these people that commit these crimes that are let out do the same again why should more innocents suffer because we have become too civalised
  5. sable

    Human Rights?

    bring back the death penalty a dead murderer can not kill again after release witch has happened loads of times
  6. catch them castrate them they cant be allowed to breed to make more stupid bxxxxxxs
  7. some very lucky peeps
  8. what a lot of miserable bxxxxxxxs some of you are have you even been to a gig proberly not you actualy make me ill you havent a good word for anything and its always the same people grow up get a life
  9. i had the same problem no place to shoot so i bought my own land at auction it took me 2 years to find still looking for more its off a certain water company i bought 2 plots i rent one out to graze horses on. and the prices was unbelavable
  10. sable

    More cuts

    gimlet with you 100%
  11. fabricator welder can make nearly anything
  12. hello has anyone had a letter from south yorkshire police wanting information on what guns they own and when bought
  13. its the theifs running the banks and politicans of all nations thats has brought us to this situation dont forget that and the reason they get away with it is ?
  14. sable

    Labour U turns

    ok everyone agrees lab con lib are awaste of space so who its ukip for me the other three are usless ukip cannot be any worse
  15. the English Bill of Rights 1689 which states "Subjects which are Protestants may have Arms for their Defence
  16. dose anyone here make there own shot with pure lead if so any problems
  17. i have to pay 3 times on fuel duty tell me why farmers should only pay 5perent me and my wife pay 20 percent of our wages on petrol just to get to work and then pay taxes on top and you want people to feel that you are hard done to forget it
  18. sable


    name them please
  19. hello dont use old oil it is corosive steam clean when its dry mebon it this will stop corision and cure any rust then waxoil after that you can drive it across the north sea it will not rot ever
  20. carp fishery about 2 mins walk from my front door i dont fish but ive seen them stop for a week one bloke stopped for 2 weeks beyond me harthill by the way
  21. sable

    hunt sabs

    anyone up for a new sport membership £5 yearly
  22. harthill about 4 miles from renishaw hall the dead centre of england beat that
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