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Everything posted by steve_b_wales

  1. I will do Bob, although (touch wood) the problem seem's tp have gone away despite me not actually doing anything.
  2. As I'm getting older, little, or not so little things annoy me and get my back up, which years ago, wouldn't have bothered me at all. One, at the moment is that stupid advert where the 'lady' mentions her 'Bulky Pee Pants'! I'd like to get them and wrap them around her face. Another (advert again) is the guy who's in the SunLife advert. Over to you!
  3. Yes, it states as the above. This is the problem I've been having. When I can't connect to the internet, I check in 'settings' and it shows that I still have an internet connection. I'm using my desktop computer now to type this, but earlier I could not connect at all.
  4. No, it appears that I'm not losing the connection, as I can access the internet from my mobile phone and laptop. It's my desktop computer is the problem. I;m using it now, but an hour ago I could not connect to the internet. When I can't connect, in settings it states that there is a internet connection. I'm using Google Chrome. I have noticed though that sometimes when I reconnect to the internet, a message states 'Google chrome did not shut down properly' so I wonder if that could be the issue.
  5. This time, every now and then, when I click onto anything that needs internet acces (PW, Facebook etc) when I click onto them, nothing happens. Checking the settings etc and it shows that the internet (via Vodafone) is connected. I can access anything else that doesn't need the internet, so the mouse is okay. My moblie phone and laptop have no problem connecting via the WiFi signal. Restarting the computer doesn't help. Then after 15-20 minutes, all's okay. The problem is that I need someone (like my daughter) to take a look at the computer when I've got this issue, but that's not possible. I'm at a loss to be honest.
  6. I take Combodart which is Tamsolusin and 'something else', I can't remember what, which I believe is to help reduce urine output as well as 'helping' the prostate. To be honest, it/they don't work for me.
  7. Personally, I use a RCBS beam scale for weighing the powder. It's very accurate. I also check a few of the weights on an electronic(battery powered) scales. The automated scales, although very accurate, are too slow for my liking. By the time that the powder is trickled into the pan, I can 'throw' at least 5-8 measures using my beam scales. As mentioned above, the RCBS scales are excellent. The one I am using was purchased in the early 1990's when I used to reload pistol calibres, and it's still going strong. +1
  8. My mistake, sorry, it's a Yildiz Yes, my mistake. It is a Yildiz. https://hatsan.com.tr/product/escort-fieldhunter-410/ https://hatsan.com.tr/product/escort-fieldhunter-410/
  9. I've had a cancelled order for two bottles. After wrapping and sealing them in a box, the 'person' (not off this site) changed his mind. The two are now for sale @ £24:00 posted to the same address.
  10. Take a look at the Hatsan range of .410 shotguns. I have a lovely S/S and thinking of buying their pump action model.
  11. I had an email in work tonight, from payroll, who now say that they are ' happy to pay the full amount' once my manager has signed and authorised the claim forms. They also stated that they have not received the forms, despite me submitting them twice and my manager informing me that he had forwarded them to the payroll department. Irrespective of this, payroll have changed their minds about paying me the full amount. Hopefully I will get the payment in my pay at the end of this month. Watch this space!!!!
  12. Earlier, I spoke to my union rep' and she stated, 'what nonsense'!
  13. No, head office is separate, and we also train at a different venue. I'm not home based. As mentioned, if I am actually in work during a training session, then mileage is paid from work to the training venue and return. Outside working hours, we have always claimed from home and return.
  14. The company I work for refunds you (45p/mile) for any journeys you make for training etc, and allow this from your home and return if it's outside your normal contractual hours. I have just been informed by the Payroll department HMRC now only allow journeys from head office etc to your home and not both ways! Only a few months ago I claimed to and from head office to my home and was paid in full. I have asked the payroll department to further explain this and I'm waiting for the reply. Has anyone else heard anything about this? I honestly believe that the payroll department are totally wrong.
  15. Correct.🙂I don't know where I got the other model/s from.
  16. I disposed of the rifle a few years ago but kept the stock etc. Yes, it was a semi auto but I honestly thought it was a 1415/16 model. There was nothing on my FAC to say what model it was.
  17. Apologies, it's off a 1415/1416 .22 S/A. Photo's now added.
  18. For Sale. In excellent condition. £15:00 plus postage of your choice.
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