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Everything posted by steve_b_wales

  1. Earlier, I spoke to my union rep' and she stated, 'what nonsense'!
  2. No, head office is separate, and we also train at a different venue. I'm not home based. As mentioned, if I am actually in work during a training session, then mileage is paid from work to the training venue and return. Outside working hours, we have always claimed from home and return.
  3. The company I work for refunds you (45p/mile) for any journeys you make for training etc, and allow this from your home and return if it's outside your normal contractual hours. I have just been informed by the Payroll department HMRC now only allow journeys from head office etc to your home and not both ways! Only a few months ago I claimed to and from head office to my home and was paid in full. I have asked the payroll department to further explain this and I'm waiting for the reply. Has anyone else heard anything about this? I honestly believe that the payroll department are totally wrong.
  4. Correct.🙂I don't know where I got the other model/s from.
  5. I disposed of the rifle a few years ago but kept the stock etc. Yes, it was a semi auto but I honestly thought it was a 1415/16 model. There was nothing on my FAC to say what model it was.
  6. Apologies, it's off a 1415/1416 .22 S/A. Photo's now added.
  7. For Sale. In excellent condition. £15:00 plus postage of your choice.
  8. I have purchased sample pack/s of the above. These are .217/5.51mm and are 21gr / 23gr / 25gr / 27gr and 30gr. If anyone is interested in trying them in their FAC air rifle, I can provide 15 of each weight. Price is £10 posted. I paid £21:00 for them.
  9. The above for sale.Excellent condition. Sell for £65:00 inc 2nd class /signed for postage. https://www.nightvisionstore.co.uk/cobra-dsa-c2x14702115
  10. The above are offering a free catalogue by contacting sportsmk.co.uk/contact or telephone 01206 795333
  11. 1 ltr bottles of the above for sale. Excellent stuff, tried and tested. £14 per bottle which includes 2nd class/signed for postage. 2 bottles can be purchased for £26:00 (sent to the same address) Payment by bank transfer please. This is an excellent attractant with a very high success rate. It can be sprayed on bushes/grass etc, or poured on rags and placed in an airtight container, removing the lid at your chosen spot.
  12. Are you a member of BASC? They have given free tickets to members in the past.
  13. I use a mix of soda chrystals, dishwasher tablets and washing up liquid (very small amount) to clean my cases. Depending on the amount (usually 100-150 cases) I leave the wet tumbler on for approx 2hrs. I am more concerned that the inside of the case/primer pocket is clean, rather than them looking shiny. As mentioned, sometimes, after drying them, I put them in my Lyman 1200 cleaner which really puts a good shine on them.
  14. My wife an I both have a daughter from previous marriages. We made a will as soon as we were married, basically leaving 'all that we've got' split equally between them both. Should one of them pass away before us, then their 'share' goes to their children. Our children are financially okay, so far, and we stand to receive a fair amount should we chose to go ahead with the equity release. Our daughters would then get the remainder of the sale of our house once the equity release company get their share, including the interest. We've calculated that our daughters would still get a fair amount between them.
  15. I use a wet tumbler to clean the cases, and then (sometimes) finish them off in a dry media cleaner (Lyman 1200 Turbo) making sure that there are no bits in the primer holes once polished.
  16. First of all, I would strongly advise your friend to make a will. He can then leave the value of his estate/savings etc to whoever he wants (charity etc) and to stop the government getting their hands on it. We had sound advice from AVIVA. If he does go ahead with an equity release, then after his death, the company get's their 'share' and the rest goes to who he has chosen. Personally, I would ask myself, why not enjoy the rest of my life travelling etc, especially knowing that the government will get their greedy hands on the value of his estate etc.
  17. Consider a .22 Hornet. A good hard hitting humane caliber and very effective out to 150 yards.
  18. As mentioned, copper tape or wire. I've used coils of copper wire (stripped from old electrical lead) and formed a loop around my plants. It's worked everytime.
  19. I've never had any issues with any Hawke products. If anything had to replaced it was due to the part etc being lost or damaged by myself.
  20. All sorted now. Your first PM took over 4 hours to reach me. Not sure why though?
  21. He sent a message earlier and only now 15:15pm it came through, but the second one he sent later, came through straight away. I'll check my inbox though. Thanks.
  22. It is illegal to release Grey squirrels. There are one or two exeptions where a licence is granted.
  23. I've just read this on Facebook and wouldn't have thought of it. THEY'RE AT IT AGAIN ........... ! This time, Car Park machines. You know those nice little QR codes that you can scan with your phone to make a payment ? Their latest brainwave is to stick their own little QR code over the real one they can nick all sorts of info about you and your card. A quick peel to check is the way to thwart 'em. Keep your eyes peeled…….
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