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Everything posted by steve_b_wales

  1. TESCO sell it at the Deli counter.
  2. I'm going to use a Hikmicro Thunder 35mm thermal scope on it, and also use it as a front add on.🙂
  3. I've still got a few bottles of this excellent lure for sale.
  4. That's exactly what I did and it worked well. 👍🙂
  5. Has anyone heard of, or used one of the above bipods? I had never heard of them until someone on a different website suggested I change my Magpul bipod (on my .308) to one of them.
  6. He did realise but couldn't make his mindup if he wanted to sell or not!
  7. steve_b_wales


    I used them a few weeks ago, to order targets and a few other items. To be fair, all was good and I was pleased with the products. Another good website for targets and 'shooting accessories is Aliexpress.com.
  8. Personally, I found that this make of shotgun was excellent. I bought a new one back in the late 1980's and it looked more than a rifle than a shotgun.
  9. I don't mind which one, although I would prefer a longer one. I intend attaching a thermal scope to the rilfe (.22 Hornet) which will be used for fox. Thanks.
  10. Has anyone got the above they no longer use and would like to sell it. I believe the dovetail width on the 527 American is 16mm. I will purchase a new one if there's nothing available second hand. Thanks.
  11. A work colleauge asked me what, on average do I spend on 'shooting' a year. I couldn't give a exact total but explained that withough purchasing 'expensive' items such as firearms, scopes, etc etc, it would only amount to less than a few £100. He commented, what a waste of money just for something to go 'bang'.' I then asked him what he spends on cigarettes and alcohol per week/year (I don't smoke or drink, neither does my wife) and, after working it out, he replied, 'around £8000 (that's not including his wife who also smokes/drinks) and I replied, 'what a waste'! I said to him 'each to their own',. I've worked to the best of my ability since leaving college, and have paid my way in society. I've paid off my mortgage many years ago, my wife and I have a new car each and we holiday abroad twice a year, and if I smoked/drank £8000 + a year, I would not be able to afford all that I have and do now. He went quiet after that.
  12. 2 hours later, she said it was okay.
  13. After I had the 'snip' and was healed, I then had to produce 'samples' so that they could be tested to see if they were 'clear'. I took a 1ltr clear plastic container with slightly diluted wallpaper paste to my local hospital and handed it to the very young and pretty receptionist, and said, 'it took me a while but here's my sample for testing'! Her face went very red!
  14. I ended up back in hospital for 2 days, as I was still bleeding.
  15. Mine was done at a 'cottage hospital' by a trainee surgeon who was supposed to wait until his mentor arrived. After cutting me twice and me nearly jumping off the operating table, he decided to give me a general anaesthetic, despite me warning him of a problem this may cause. I ended up with many stitches and a day later a huge haematoma in my 'sack'. After consulting a solicitor, I ended up having a very nice large sum after sueing the NHS for negligence. I won't have it done again that's for sure!!!!
  16. We have x2 entries. We have won 4 x £10 (£80 total) in the past two years. Monthly charge is now £12.
  17. I had an issue with this many years ago. Luckily the FEO could see who (not me ot the RFD) made the mistake.
  18. £11000 for me (so far) and the 2 wins yesterday were the first for just over a year.
  19. Having not won anything for well over a year (I've got £11000) worth, and then only £25:00, I had an email today stating that I have just won £125 (£100 + £25) on two bonds.
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