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Everything posted by Browning

  1. I use the BEC 75 style hanging drinkers in all of my pens and get on OK with them. I hang them from a frame (two uprights and a cross bar) approx 2' high, keeping the length of line short to minimize swing in the wind. My pens are quite sheltered so I've never had problems with losing water because of swinging too much. Make an upturned 'V' out of wire mesh and pin it to the top of the frame to stop the poults roosting on the frame and crapping on the drinkers.
  2. You obviously have no idea what you're talking about, so I won't waste any more of my time trying to convince the narrow minded.
  3. Good advice if you want to risk having your FAC revoked.
  4. Thats why they use rangefinders, wind meters, ballistic calculators with confirmed drop charts, and countless hours behind the trigger practising on inanimate objects. As al4x said, there will be far more quarry injured/wounded by shotguns than with centrefire rifles at long range.
  5. I've actually been here for a long time pal, and still visit because there are a few that do know what they are talking about. The problem I have is that "people that don't" are happy to slag off "people that do", even though the "people that don't" have never tried it and have no idea what experience the "people that do" have.
  6. You are correct Harnser, that is why I said 'most' on here can't/don't shoot long range. It's a pity that any forum member that posts a perfectly reasonable statement has to be met with two pages of sarcasm and **** taking, but that's the way this forum has been going for some time now. Most likely because it has more than it's fair share of keyboard shooters.
  7. Wrong forum for long range talk Crocket, as most on here don't/can't shoot long range they will tell you it is impossible/immoral/unbelievable. I'll PM you another forum to look at if you're interested in long range work, a forum where you will get good help and advice rather than sarcasm and **** taking.
  8. Personally I think you've started too young, let him be a pup for another 3 months whilst just concentrating on the basics. I only ever work on the basics (Walking to heel, return, sit, stay)until they're 9ish months old, then get into more advanced work. May not work for everyone, but it seems to have worked OK for me ovr the years.
  9. Not used the .222 variance, but have seen the .223 and .22-250 in use with very good results. I seem to remember approx 200fps extra over standard factory loads. Accuracy was very acceptable in both rifles, and the brass is good quality for reloading afterwards.
  10. What about non BASC members?
  11. Rubbish! A jay will do just as much damage to eggs and nestlings as a magpie, just less conspicuously.
  12. :good: Spent many a year hunting with the Pennine Foxhounds, and lots of visits further north with the great Barry Todhunter and the Glencathra. But then again that is 'proper' foxhunting, non of your namby pamby poncing about on horseback
  13. I was lucky enough to win a Third Eye Spartan sound mod at the weekend (Snowz knows all about it!) and it will be replacing the old T8 on my 6.5x55AI in the not too distant future. I took the Spartan to bits last night to have a closer look, and I have to say the craftmaship/workmanship is outstanding!
  14. 6.5x55AI. Soft shooting, extremely accurate, easy to load for. Load up with 95gn VMax for vermin, 140gn SGK for Deer. 142gn SMK for 1000 yard gong bashing. A very capable caliber indeed.
  15. Nice one NickyT, had me worried for a moment with that one.
  16. Are you 100% sure of your facts here?
  17. You can also substitue the word 'Club' for 'Forum'........
  18. Chris at UK Gunworks does all my work and has done for a number of years. No complaints at all.
  19. Nick Hollik at Honesberie Shooting starts his summer series shortly, should be within reach of you. Details are HERE
  20. I agree with Luckyshot. In fact, having just sold my HW100, I have a 12.2litre 232bar dive bottle and charging adaptor, complete with guage and hose, for sale if you are interested.
  21. Yep, I shot at Stoke Park for the past 3 years, right up until it closed down last Christmas. Still looking for another local shoot that is as good.....
  22. Close to me then Seamus, I'm about 10 mins from Fosters Booth, I have a couple of shooting buddies that live between Fosters Booth and Flore.
  23. Give Chris a call at UKGunworks in Northampton, not too far from you and he does a very good job at a good price.
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