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Everything posted by Browning

  1. Not really, my GSP's are kenneled during the day and sleep for most of it. A good long walk morning and evening whilst not actually out shooting and they're fine, never have ANY of my GSP's been destructive using this excercise regime. If you think about it, for every 1 working GSP there will be at least 5 that are show/pet dogs, and I'll wager that not all of them are destructive.......
  2. Pretty much summed it up perfectly there Tommo.
  3. I've gained a little experience with GSP's over the past 20 years. What do you want to achieve with the dog? i.e. Working gundog, pet etc.
  4. Four years ago on the shoot that I 'keeper we came across a dead body whilst blanking a double hedge in. Apparently the poor chap had 'escaped' from a home 5 miles away and frozen to death in the ditch. The police were really good about it and let me carry on with the shoot....they did however confiscate the stick that one of the beaters 'poked' the body with to see if it was still alive.
  5. I can possibly offer you 2/3 days picking up if you're still looking? We're about 25 miles south of you if that's not too far. Drop me a PM if you're interested.
  6. My wife was sat next to Susan Boyle in the lounge at Heathrow Airport earlier this week, SB asked Mrs Browning if she would like her autograph....Mrs Browning said "No thank you....who are you?"
  7. That'll be the Long Itch Diner. We have breakfast there after early stalking forays...very good indeed.
  8. Beretta Xtrema2 upgrade to 8 shot cost me approx £80 in bits (New tube, spring and end cap). Takes 10 mins to do the upgrade and a pint for my friendly RFD to do the transfer to FAC cert.
  9. I have been using one of these in anger for approx 4 months now, they do the job very well indeed. Very light, and don't affect the handling or sight picture of the shotgun. I can recommend them.
  10. I had the misfortune to live in Raunds a few years ago, I was burgled twice in 3 months, and I lived in the old police house which was extremely secure (or so I thought)!! I soon sold up and moved on.......
  11. I need a picker up with usefull dog/dogs for two x 100 bird days, late November and mid December, both saturdays. The shoot is on the Northants/Oxfordshire/Warwickshire borders. We have a lot of rape around this year, which will be well on, so experience needed. Two days picking up will get you food and drink in the pub after shoot days, and an invite to beaters day. PM me if any interest for more details.
  12. Speak to Chris at UKGunworks (Linky), he has had one designed and made in the UK that works very well.
  13. Happy Birthday Mike. Have a good one mate.
  14. Why?? Exactly the same as having a broken unloaded shotgun over the crook of an arm.
  15. Webley & Scott .410 Bolt Action, bought by my dad for my 10th birthday, now had it 41 years and still going strong. Hopefully be passed down to my grandson. Other shotguns & rifles have come and gone, all in the name of 'upgrading', as finances became more available. My current collection contains all I need, and should stay with me for as long as I am shooting.
  16. Tikka 595 in .234Ackley with Nightforce NXS 5.5-22x56, running homeloaded 66gn Berger High BC Varmint bullets at 3940fps. Extremely accurate vermin control rig. When a job HAS to be done effectively I prefer to use one tool, and use it very well.
  17. I usually get one 'special' bird each year. The best was three years ago when the silly sod used to square up to the quad when I was feeding.
  18. My understanding of this is that you are OK to sell small amounts of wild game directly to the end consumer, but require a Wild Game Meat Hygeine Certification to sell to anyone that will put the meat into the food chain i.e. Game dealers, butchers etc.
  19. You're very welcome to come down and have a play with my 6.5x55AI Sprags, we could also try and get the French bloke out with his .308 so you could compare?
  20. I'm surprised you dare ask that question Gray! I have owned and shot both and definitely favour the 6.5x55. No problem with sourcing ammo, and as you already reload there is a mahoosive choice of bullets available, and I certainly found the load dev to be very easy compared to all the other calibers I've loaded for. 95gn VMax for varmints and 140gn Gamekings for deer.....I reckon your .243Ackley will soon be redundant......
  21. 80% sub 200, 20% over 200. .243AI, 66gn Berger High BC Varmint doing 3840fps.
  22. Give Commercial Vehicle Direct a call and haggle with them. They beat everyone for both my L200 and Navara.
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