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Everything posted by Browning

  1. So why don't you ask them to clear this piece of ground? Then try to organise the clearance day when it's p**ssing down, then insist on walking every square foot of the ground and pointing out where your safe/unsafe shooting positions are. Then do the same with another piece of ground. One wet and muddy clearing officer = easy unrestricted ticket. Believe me it works!
  2. Stuart, Having to scroll down is a definite 'no no' on any website. Shrink your images down so you can have three or four on a row, and then have a link to the large image under each thumbnail. i.e clicking the thumbnail will open a new window with the large image displayed. Definitely reduce the size of each image title and remove the clock from your home page. Maybe think about collating your images into groups (i.e. Animals, landscapes, people) and change your navigation headings to suit each group, rather than just having gallery1, gallery2, gallery3 etc. Keep it simple.
  3. Excellent choice of gunsmith Neil. The lads at SYSS are top notch. Any problems with the rifle and I'm sure they'll be more than willing to help you out.
  4. :blink: And for a nice change try Port instead of wine.
  5. Sounds interesting. I have to ask, do Lapua make brass that size, or do you have to form them yourself? Stu, Lapua make brass that size now, it's not exactly cheap at........£60 per 100.
  6. I eventually went for .270 as opposed to 6.5x55 due to being made an offer I couldn't refuse I stuck a T8 on her and she shoots like a dream. (Thinking about replacing that with a muzzle brake this year). Don't notice any excess recoil, and she is very accurate.
  7. 2 years on, and no one has invented a better calibre. I'll tell you in March when my 6.5 x 47 arrives..........
  8. Absolute rubbish !! In the old days it was always known as keepers day, for him to do with what he will. On the shoots I used to beat on the keepers invited the people that had done most of the work, (regular beaters) and maybe some non-beaters that had helped him through the year (farm hands etc). Nowadays I do the same on the shoot that I keeper, those that do the work get the shooting, but it is by invitation, and not a god given right.
  9. Another thing to think about, if you don't want the expense and hassle of setting up to rear your own chicks, is to speak to your game farm and see if you can do a deal with him. My game farm gives me three poults next season for every hen bird I take to them. My pal who keepers the shoot next to me gets a very good deal on day olds.
  10. SS, Have you set your catcher on straw? If not then try it, it will definitely help. With my catchers I have a "pop hole" (rabbit netting funnel) at each end. Sprinkle wheat all around the outside of the catcher, and inside the funnel, then have a large amount just inside the catcher. Mine usually take a couple of weeks before they start producing much, but once the birds find them they keep coming regularly. Remember you are not allowed to 'catch up' out of season.
  11. Mrs Browning is at Heathrow due to fly out on business. Apparently the PM's plane was due to take off around the time that this plane crashed, so the authorities have now closed the airport, cancelled all incoming and outgoing flights, and placed an exclusion zone around the airport. No one is allowed to leave the airport unless they are walked out by security staff.
  12. Absolutely agree with John on this one. I have an SPS Varmint in .243 and the standard stock is **** (No, I mean ****). I bedded mine into a Wild Dog stock and the outcome is a very accurate rifle. By the time you've messed around buying the SPS and a replacement stock, you may as well just go straight for the VLS or VSSF II.
  13. I was given an old broken collar last week, he'll be wearing it this saturday. I'm hoping the action of removing his normal collar and putting on another collar will be enough........
  14. Hot-Shot, Speak to Roger at South Yorkshire Shooting Supplies, they import the Wild Dog stocks, he tells me that Wild Dog are almost ready to do a Tikka version.....
  15. My GSP dog wears one all the time on beating days, I very rarely have to use it now, but the crafty ****** knows when he's not wearing it...... It makes the difference between me being able to take him in the beating line and not being able to take him in the beating line, so both of us benefit from the collar......Him because I can take him out doing what he loves to do, and me because I can take him out and watch him doing what he loves to do.
  16. Sambo, I bought a T3 in .243 a few years ago, and it gets a lot of use, and after (so far) over 1000 rounds through it I've had no problems at all with accuracy. I also bought a T3 in .270 two years ago, and although that has only had about 500 rounds through it, I've have had no problems with that either. Both have T8's on them and guess what.....I've had no problems with those either.
  17. Maybe we should invite Mr Grieve and his publishers to become members of PW, they certainly need advice!
  18. Mrs Browning bought me the book that accompanies the TV programme "Wild Gourmets" for Christmas. One page in particular was very interesting, so I've scanned it and posted it below. I doff Mon Chapeau to the first one to spot the deliberate mistake........
  19. Browning


    The farm next door has half a dozen moggies.......and still we have starlings.
  20. Browning


    This year seems to have seen a much larger population of Starlings in my corner of Oxfordshire, and about 500 of the greasy, smelly, noisy little &£^£%"$! have taken it upon themselves to roost in two large fir trees next to our bedroom window. Apart from ******** everywhere and making a right royal racket from first light every day, they have cleared our garden of all "nice" birds. Bearing in mind we live in a nice quiet village, and have neighbours to think of, does anyone have any ideas on encouraging them to "relocate"?
  21. What a load of rubbish Personally i think partridge are loads easier than pheasant, to rear theres no doub partridge are easier. Absolutely agree with Georgehare, Partridge are simple to rear when compared to Pheasant. Keeping them around and getting them over the guns.....now that's a different story
  22. arr me too Yep me too. Bought secondhand by my dad for my 10th birthday, still in the cabinet and getting plenty of use.
  23. I was speaking to Nick last night, he sounds fairly optimistic about his appeal, so fingers crossed for him.
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