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Everything posted by Browning

  1. That's he one Berettaman, my local. Cat, I'll be there on Sunday, I'll be the one shooting the Blaser and looking hacked off.....
  2. Would that be the Holly Bush by any chance? :yp: The problem with Honesberie was made greater by the local councellor and his mates living in and around the village, nothing but a load of to**ers.
  3. Make the most of Honesberie while you can, it's not looking good for Nick at the moment, he's appealed against the closing down order, but unfortunately Honesberie may not be there this time next year. Yet another case of townies coming into our countryside and complaining about our rural pursuits. :yp:
  4. About time ! Looks like our staking trip is on for the New Year then?
  5. I always thought that Plod HAD to attend if firearms were involved?
  6. Hunter, I'm working on a similar project at the moment. I've decided on a 6.5x47 Lapua, which will be used for everything. My main objective was for a 600 yds long range varmint rifle, with the odd stretch to 1000 for range work etc. My rifle is being built now and should be ready April/May. The rifle is:- Rem700 action, blueprinted. 26" Border barrel, in Rem PSS (Varmint) profile. Jewell HVR trigger. Badger Ordnance dropout magazine system. Badger ordnance Picatinny rail. Devcon bedded into a Wild Dog Tactical stock. I still haven't decided on optics yet, but it will probably be S&B or Nightforce. PM me if you want more info on this.
  7. Hoppes Benchrest does the job on my rifles.
  8. Yeah I thought about that mate. Are they as good as cockers / springers ?? Does anybody on here work one? Iaindp Iain, I work a Sprocker, and in his first season he's showing lots of promise, very biddable, loving his job, and working as well as any pure bred spaniel on our shoots. However, this is my dog, and every dog is different, only time will tell, and the amount of effort you put into his/her training. This applies to ANY dog you get, whether it's pure bred or a crossbreed. Put the effort in and you should be able to produce a tidy working dog.
  9. Spot on that man !! £85 a corner on my L200 and good for 70k miles.
  10. As long as you stick to the general rule of starting low and working up slowly, checking for pressure signs at every stage you'll be Ok Oly.
  11. In my opinion, and experience, I would say yes. I am a firm believer that almost any suitably bred dog, with the correct amount of time and effort put into training, can be made into a reasonable gundog that would suit most of our needs. (I'm not talking field trials here, just a 'reasonable' rough shooting/beating/peg dog). I am also a firm believer that the best bred dog in the world will be no more use than a fireside lap dog if the correct amount of time and effort are not put into training. My current GSP dog was a 9 month old rescue dog, with no notable working lineage noted on his papers, a pure show dog that we took pity on. He has turned out to be an amazingly good worker. However, he has had a LOT of time put into his training. Whatever you go for, pure bred or first cross, be prepared to spend lots of time on him/her and you'll be fine.
  12. Back on track for you Iain. I have a sprocker and am chuffed to bits with him so far. This is his first season and so far he is turning out to be a very worthy dog. The only reason I went for a sprocker is because this litter happened to be there when I started looking for a spaniel and I was given pick of the litter. My particular dog has a cocker sire and springer dam, both are known to me and are good workers on the various shoots that I beat and shoot on. He is hunting well and getting better with exerience, he's a brilliant swimmer, retreiving OK at the moment, but again experience should help with this. On the peg he is as steady as any other dog on the shoot. BUT....this is my dog, and all dogs are different. It is all down to the time and effort that you put in to him. My opinion would be, if you know both parents are steady working dogs then go for it. Put the time and effort into him/her and you should come out with a good working spaniel.
  13. etc etc I am really chuffed with mine, fit, handling, feel, quality, looks all great AND my scores and consistency have improved very very well since I bought it.
  14. Is this for real? Trakkers thread removed because of two objections?
  15. Browning

    O man

    Mung, you owe me a cup of tea and a new keyboard.
  16. I'm with YP all the way. I was introduce to the Islay malts about 10 years ago on a stalking trip, and have built up a nice collection. Even better (In my opinon) are the Jura malts, a small island aout 500 yards off Islay, stonkingley good!!!
  17. Don't you get the Deerquest CD as part of the package when you sign up for a course? I'm pretty sure it will also have changed recently to take into account the new rules that came in on 1st October.
  18. Can't fault your choice of the Rem 700 VSSF, for an entry level rifle they are excellent. I definitely think you should stay away from the SPS, nothing wrong with the action/barrel etc, but the stocks are rubbish. The SPS however is a good low cost starting point if you're thinking of adding custom stock like I did. What calibre are you going for?
  19. Browning

    Meet Alyssa

    Many congratulations Pin. Very best wishes to you and your family.
  20. Like LV we will be at home with every TV in the house turned on and the volume up, curtains drawn, trying to pacify one of my terrified GSP's who will mostly be shaking with fear. She was showing great promise a couple of years ago, broken to gunshot very well, and just starting out in the field with me. Then the ar**holes a couple of doors away decided to have a firework party and launch morter bombs over our house. This was on the 28th October! We live in a small village full of dogs, cats, cows, sheep, horses, and every year it's the same. A village full of scared animals. I despise firworks at home and would support any attempt to ban them 100%.
  21. At 9 months she's still a baby Ziplex. I just keep it to the every basics of walking to heel, returning when called, sitting and staying until my GSP's are at least 10 months old. I wouldn't attempt a "Get On" just yet. Just keep her close to you until she is 100% at coming back from close range before attempting any distance work. Let her enjoy her youth for a couple more months and get the basics solid. GSP's are pleasure to own and work, she'll come good as long as you don't push her too soon.
  22. Hi Dougy, I'm not really one for posting pictures of things that I've shot, unless it's something different or spectacular, after all we've seen so many pictures of dead foxes and they all look the same to me...... I did however take a couple of foxes last night, both touching on 200 yards, and the 75gn VMax certainly did it's job. I also culled some mixy rabbits yesterday afternoon. The longest was ranged at 247yds. All shot exactly at point of aim, so I'm very happy with the rifle so far.
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