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Everything posted by Browning

  1. I will be staying behind locked doors with the TV volume turned high trying to console one of our dogs who is a nervous wreck at this time of year because of damned fireworks. If I had my way they would be licenced only to organised displays to be held well away from farms, and would put an extremely tight limit on the noise. Bah Humbug? Too damned right, I despise the bloody things!
  2. Harry, I see you are in Gloucestershire. If you would like to see a GSP in action on a shoot day you are welcome to come along to Warwickshire for the day. I can't offer you any shooting but seeing them working could give you in insight into what they are all about and what an absolute pleaure HPR's are to work with. PM me if this is of interest.
  3. Absolutely agree with Tiercel on this point, and I should have made that clearer in my post, just because the GWP's that shoot with us can be aggressive does not mean all GWP's will be. Good point Tiercel.
  4. At 14 months she's still a pup. I would do as your pals say and take her right back to basics, and stay there with her until you have 100% control under all situations. Can you get access to a rabbit pen? I would also not take her beating again this season. Give her time to mature.
  5. I've only ever had GSP's so can't comment on owning a GWP, however I do see both working every season and have to say there's nothing to choose between the two on terms of working ability. I guesss the GWP will be a little hardier due to it's thicker coat, but my GSP's have never had problems as we don't get very bad winters here. The only negative I have for the GWPs that I have seen, is that they have all had a tendancy to be a little aggressive towards other dogs.
  6. I prefer to use the '£1 coin' method. If I can get 3 shots under a £1 coin it's plenty good enough for me.
  7. Maybe the shot does look OK...to those that know about deerstalking. BUT to the bunny hugger/anti etc, it will look like "another poor deer that was wounded and ran around in pain until it died." As Highlander says...a ******** trying to big himself up by posting this on the internet without thinking of who may view it.
  8. Browning


    Maybe faster than a .22lr bullet but that's about all. I think the maths is FPS x 0.6818 = MPH
  9. Anyone in the South Warwickshire, West Northants area looking for beating? We start this coming Saturday and shoot every other week right through. Regular (safe) beaters will be invited along to shoot on keepers day, and there will be roost shooting available with me after the season. For any beaters that put in 'extra effort' there will also be invites for other vermin control throughout the year. PM me for details if anyone is interested.
  10. I feel for you Borries, we had the same issues last year when my mum needed a heart bypass operation, which at the time we were told was 'critical and life saving'. Her 'critical and kife saving' op was postponed four times and delayed by four months due to lack of bedspace, which in turn is due to lack of funds. But at least we'll put on a good olympics in a few years eh?
  11. Mrs Browning is on her second 'X' type, both have been 2.0 diesel, both have been excellent cars. The only thing that I would say is fuel economy is not the best for this class of car.
  12. Browning


    Cheers Brian. I intend to!!! Have a good one lads.
  13. Hi John, You will get more bullet drop at range, due to the fact that you'll lose some velocity as you shorten the barrel. I think the rule of thumb is 50fps per inch of barrel removed? I recently chopped my .243 from 26" to 22" and lost on average 90fps when checked over the Chrono, so I guess the rule of thumb is just that, a rule of thumb. And bullet drop difference was negligable. I would say that within 250 yards you won't notice any great difference in bullet drop, but the best way to check is shooting at paper.
  14. Check with your licensing authorities website, if they are moving with the times they may have an online 'Notification of Firearm Bought/Sold/Transferred' form. Northants do, and you get an email confirmation by return.
  15. I think the nail has been hit quite squarely on the head there Mung. You get what you pay for.
  16. Tuck, As Stu said, I have the ProHunter trousers and jacket and have to say they are, without a doubt, the best I have had in terms of comfort, wind and waterproof. They get a lot of year round wear, stalking both locally and on the hill in Scotland, and beating at least once a week during the season and they have never let me down. I can vouch for their hard wearing capabilities during 'normal to rough' beating (I'm the keeper so I get to send the younger lads into the real rough stuff ) but on one particular shoot I wear wax leggings over the top as there are a lot of low brambles to push through. This will be their third season and I will definitely replace them with the same when they are due to be replaced, although I will probably go for the leather fronted Kodiak trousers next time, just for the extra toughness. You get what you pay for.
  17. This is worrying.....Mrs Browning and I have a savings account with Kaupthing Edge.....is anyone out there "In the know" about exactly how safe the UK bank FSCS cover is?
  18. Sorry njc, but I have to ask this.........WHY
  19. I wouldn't use vinegar Paul, the acid will degrade the Zinc in the Brass and weaken it. There are proprietry cleaners that are safe to add, I don't remember offhand which one I used, but I bought it from RS Components. I'll try to dig it out and PM you. Also try doing a search on the 'V' site, it's been covered on there a couple of times.
  20. What type of pets do you have? Do you live in town? If it's not doing you any harm then leave it alone.
  21. Why not just use your Miroku for skeet Paul? Stick with one shotgun and you'll get used to it faster.
  22. I have come across four Howa rifles in .223 caliber over the past year, and all of them have performed and shot perfectly well. A shooting buddy of mine tests and writes for a couple of rifle magazines, and he thinks very highly of the Howa (.223 caliber) following some extensive testing that he did earlier this year. I think that Dunganicks experience was probably a bad one out of a batch, and if memory serves me right, was almost 18 months ago when they were new imports?
  23. Dave, if it's rifle give Chris at Anglo Custom Rifles in Northampton a call, he's done work on two of my rifles and the quality has been spot on, he's a top bloke and won't rip you off. Link to website If it's shotgun then I'd suggest Norman Clark.
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