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Everything posted by Browning

  1. I'll second that I know a few lads that shoot FITASC with these carts, to very VERY good effect.
  2. I look at it very simply..... Outsource work overseas = less work for UK = greater unemployment = worsening credit crunch?
  3. I have a SWB Shogun and can't fault it....(yet). Currently averageing 450 miles to a £75 tank of diesel, this is on short trips to work and lots 4 wheel drive off road around the shoot. Back seats are permanently folded forward so theres plenty of room for the dog crate and shooting kit etc.
  4. Nope. I've never had any problems with mine, and it's had well in excess of 15k cartridges through it so far, in sun, rain and snow, on the clay ground, in the field and in the hide.
  5. Yep mines the same Stu. I found out when I sent my tickets back for a change of address.
  6. Mmm, how strange......any article that reccomends cleaning from the muzzle end should (in my opinion) be completely ignored.
  7. Very good idea......but rather limiting. It looks like you get less than 360 degs of rotation on the turret, so it's no good for long range stuff. Maybe OK for the flat shooting calibers out to 300 yards.
  8. RIP Ernyha. A real gent sadly missed.
  9. Sorry John, I missed your post.....Yep, caught 5 of the critters, traps had been clear for 2 weeks so it looks like the job is done. I've now move the traps again and am hitting the squirrels hard....much more effective than shooting so far.
  10. I think you got hold of the wrong end of the stick here radio1ham, no-one was pulling your grouping to bits, just telling you (using their experience) that your method of testing was not the best. And I do know that the majority of those offering the advice have shot CF rifles for many, many years......
  11. Please please please tell me these were not free standing shots and you were actually resting on a bag/coat/sticks/tree/wall/fence or something when you used to do this?
  12. Trying out your homeloads whilst standing has proven absolutely nothing. You have no idea if they are any good or, as Martin points out, cheapo factory loads would be better. For proving and testing you need the steadiest replicated rest that you can...bipod and rear sand bag at the very least. Only then, will you be able to say whether your homeloads are working in your rifle.
  13. Speak to Roger at SYSS about the Wild Dog Thumbhole Tactical stocks. I have one on my 6.5x47 and love it.
  14. No. All head shots with probably .22CF caliber rifles? 38 beasts for 38 shots? Staged rubbish, over edited. What happened to all the fluffed shots? The beasts suffered for the good of TV ratings.
  15. I always full length resize new cases. No matter what the RFD says, brass will always get knocked about in transit.
  16. I'm afraid I have zero interest in the Olympics this year, and it will receive no TV time in the Browning household. The next Olympics will hold even less interest for me and will have exactly the same viewing time, especially knowing how much money has been wasted and will be wasted. Well done Mr Coe 'et al'.
  17. Do any of you guys have experience of Mink removal. One of the farm hands told me he's seen a couple of Mink around a pond which is only about 100 yards from one of my pheasant pens. With the poults due next week I need to act quickly and get rid of these pests. I was surprised to hear that he'd seen them because we have no rivers/streams on or near the land, just a few ponds dotted around the place. I have no experience with Mink, so could do with some advice from those who have experience. Obviousely I'll be sat out waiting for them, but I also want to buy a couple of traps so could do with first hand advice on which traps are most effective, where is best to site them etc etc. All help much appreciated
  18. Hi Paul, We were at Wedgenock on Sunday, usually go every couple of weeks, and you're welcome to come round with us next time we're there if you like. One general piece of advice though..... Get a few rounds of Skeet in before you attempt the Compact or Sporting, you'll learn more from Skeet with the repeatable angles etc etc.
  19. These are very good :unsure: AIM Fieldsports
  20. Very busy at the minute Brian, 1500 Pheasant poults coming end of this month so I'm flat out cleaning feeders and fixing pens at the moment. Remember the land around where you used to work at Appletree? I made enquiries with the landowner on your behalf when you were there....he got back to me last month !!! "Can you come and thin these damn pigeon, foxes and deer out" he says "Ok, I says, if you really want me to..... " Drove around the land with him, and it looks like theres plenty of shooting to be had, I've given the pigeon shooting to a mate, and I'll handle the foxes and Roe myself......happy days! Are you keeping busy?
  21. Nope, it is most definitely closed. I don't have my cert with me at work, but from what I remember the wording for an open cert is something like this... ….…..rifles and sound moderator and ammunition to which this certificate relates shall be used for the shooting of vermin and for zeroing on land over which the holder has permission to shoot with that class of firearm from the person by whom shooting rights are owned or from whom they may be leased or otherwise obtained. i.e Nothing about Chief of police deeming it suitable.
  22. Bloody Hell, a Scotsman missing a chance of making a few quid!! What Brian meant was....if you have any rabbits for sale he'll take them off your hands for £1.......
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