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    Old British Bikes, Pre65 Scrambling, Shooting,

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  1. Will Brexit allow us to send back the Irish Travellers, assuming a political will to do so?
  2. Highland Outdoors are the distributors and they list both 1-8" and 1-9" for the two 24" varmint barreled actions in 223. http://www.highlandoutdoors.co.uk/Varmint-Barrelled-Actions/ Might be worth checking with them, because the only difference seems to be screw cut for a moderator on the 1-8".
  3. Johnson? Gove? Raab? Leason? They are all tainted and past their sell by dates. Offering much continuity from May and little improvement. They all sat on their hands as long as possible thinking no doubt of their careers and perks of office. It wasn't just Brexit for me with May, but her whole kowtowing to the globalist migration agenda and PC mindset. Just as they had no right to deny the democratic will of the people over Brexit, they had no right to change this country through mass migration and PC directives. They stole New Labour's clothes with the election of Cameron as leader in 2005 and haven't been conservative since. The party machine has been hijacked and is no longer fit for purpose, throwing out PC on message liberals as party candidates. Unless an untainted (by association with Cameron or May) true conservative comes forward we will just get more of the same, despite all their campaign rhetoric. They are highly unlikely to get my vote again, ever.
  4. A Team? Is that the Approved Team of MP's selected from the party's Approved List of Candidates? Where they are all vetted for their PC, Globalist and Pro EU views (with extra points for minorities and women) and then parachuted into a constituency that they have no ties with. It's time that local people took back control of whom they send to parliament to represent them and their views.
  5. Like at South Thanet in 2015?
  6. TriBsa

    Knife crime.

    If your local project works then great. But, with my cynical hat on here, aren't youth and community workers part of the problem that let thousands of vulnerable girls be groomed and abused by asian gangs? Failing in their most basic duties because their beliefs and dogmas would not let them face up to inconvenient truths? How can we be assured of their competency when it comes to knife crimes?
  7. Er no. We're going to be living next door, seperated by a waterway. Glancing across, we're going to see that her standard of living has declined without our contributions to the household budget. Some kids are getting increasingly unruly and threatening to move out. The place is falling apart. Desperate for company she is now eyeing up Abdul from Turkey to provide the unmentionables, her pulling power not being what it once was.
  8. Or this (May's deal) or stay as the options in a second referendum? That we are discussing such an obvious sellout of our democratic decision as a better option is testimony to the stark reality of our predicament. Most of us have now woken up to the sheer scale of the moral corruption in Westminster and realised that there is precious little we can do about it in the short term, if at all. Like imigration and the Tory pledge to limit it to tens of thousands, they are blatently ignoring all their election promises safe in the knowledge that our broken two party system will sail sweetly on.
  9. May's deal, backstop or not, is a dangerous road to take. We would still be shackled to the EU until December 2020, with all key EU control mechanisms in place. The next general election is not due until 2022 when those who feel betrayed will have a voice (vote). It doesn't take genius to predict that our current apology for a parliament will say "it's been 4 years now since we had a vote on leaving lets hold another referendum", and the whole merry go round will start again. I don't think in their insulated little bubble that our MP's fully realise the anger that their betrayal has arroused or the wrath that will befall many of them come the next general election. So until then it will be business (betrayal) as usual from them. If only we expressed our anger better, like the French for example.
  10. December 2020? That will be 4 1/2 years since we voted out! All we have had is feet dragging, deceit, delay and lies from this pathetic government. It took 9 months before they even got around to invoking Article 50 to supposedly get the ball rolling. We need to get out now, or I fear we'll never get out. Any more delays will be just another ruse to keep us in.
  11. Vihtavouri do not list the 7.62 x 54R, but they do list the 7.62 x 53R which is basically the same cartridge. In the Winter War of 1939 the Finns captured many thousands of Mosin Nagants which they rebuilt with new barrels of, I believe, a nominal 0.310" bore as opposed to the 0.312" bore of the Mosin. They called the rechambered rifles 7.62 x 53R, but they still fired captured stocks of Soviet 7.62 x 54R rounds from them. You should be fine using the 7.62 x 53R load data and using the 0.311" PPU bullets you have for your 303. Any doubts, email Vihtavouri.
  12. Does Mr Kipling do house calls?
  13. AKA The Star Spangled Sphincter.
  14. Automatic and Repeating Shotguns by Richard Arnold. There's just one cartridge related chapter (Chokes, Compensators and Ballistics) that lists the then complete Eley range.
  15. From a book published in 1958: Grand Prix High Velocity (crimped): BB, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Grand Prix (crimped): 4,5,6,7 Grand Prix (rolled): BB,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, LG(6),SG(9),Spec.SG(12),AAA(37),Spherical Ball,Rifled Slug
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