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About kingo15

  • Birthday 17/07/1975

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  • Gender
  • From
    Wellingborough, Northants
  • Interests
    Shooting, fishing, photography, canal boats

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  1. There are mixed views on this. But from my personal experience they are shocking. Fantastic gun to shoot with. I put my best scores in with it. But the finish is ****. I had to get rid of it in the end. Taking a major financial hit on it. It was that cafe at the essexs masters. They have never been the same
  2. Welcome to you new full time job of trying to keep that at bay. Also look at the serial number that will be next. Hopefully your internals won't go like mine did. Fingers crossed for you
  3. one of the shooters in Dubai brought 5 bottles of lager in a round i think it cost him near on £250 for that round
  4. Oh yeah it's that time of year again. Will give the other half something to do whilst on maternity leave. Seeing if we can get more raffle prizes. Wanna try and go bigger and better ?
  5. I've just started watching a tv series called Bosch on prime.
  6. Get an older version of Lightroom (free if you know where to look ) This will catalogue all your pictures but isn't straight forward to use. But plenty of you tube videos on how to.
  7. I have moved twice in about 4 years. I've never sent my license off. I've informed northants police my change of address and they have come out to inspect the cabinet and brought my new license with him.
  8. I agree it's a mind over matter more than anything else
  9. Can't shoot gun down on clays. Can shoot gun down on game and pigeon shooting thou. What I have started to do more on clays thou is soft mount on most targets. This has helped loads more
  10. kingo15


    Just watching it on iPlayer now. Looks stunning as ever
  11. Our first is due in Jan. It is looking like he I going to have a c section this time. Which helps me out as it looks like it will be the week commencing the 22nd of jan. Which is bonus a beaters day is on the 20th 👍👍
  12. cracking pictures. By far the best all round lens nikon have made. My default weapon of choice
  13. kingo15

    Gas safe cert?

    Where abouts are you then?
  14. I've started helping out this year on a very local shoot to me. Your topics have been very helpful btw and got me some brownie points. I did get worried on monday thou as the sky and weather did freak out the birds only saw about 30 birds were as normal there are a couple of hundred floating about during the day and early afternoon. It wasnt till about 4:30pm when things settled down weather wise and more appeared and came for good and to roost. Was a very nervous time
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