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    The Fens

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  1. How do you know they are all women !! Refer to the other sexual cr*p circulating everywhere at present !!
  2. Thank you for sharing this with us. You, and she!, have been thru an awful experience and hopefully you, she and her friends will get over it, but are now very beware of the trash walking our evening routes. If we were in USA, I would suggest the purchase of an appropriate handgun!
  3. Those are the right colours too. Should ensure the pigeons come in really close. I think what you need now is the same colours for your hide ??
  4. Same as you here in Ramsey !
  5. Thanks for all your work to get your super videos to us ! Happy New Year and keep well !!
  6. Done. If nothing else it will draw attention to the present numbers coming in, something that the present Govmt is not happy to do !
  7. Very good review of your day - well done to get the numbers you did. Over the many years I have shot pigeons, I have always found them particularly tricky at this time of year. I think they come from roost in large numbers, old and young, and their day is short, getting pigeon-dusk around 3.30 ish. So when they arrive with you, and you shoot a few, my view is that they won't stay around in the local trees/woods for long, but move on quickly to some other feed before the light starts to change. Of course, if there is very little OTHER feed available, they may hang around. I think its a question of big flocks, out from roost, find food - if scared find other food, if none hang around but be VERY cautious !! Thanks for your right-up Nick
  8. So sorry to hear this news - get well soon MM 🤞
  9. No problems 30 miles South of Wittering 😉
  10. Birds shot at ranges out to 40-50 yds the pellets usually go straight through the bird. Sometimes shot lodges next to major bones and doesn't exit, but its fairly normal to find shot has gone through.
  11. My last licence was dated 31/3/2024 from the Environment Agency and was a 2-sided, plasticised waterproof licence which I then signed.
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