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    The Fens

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  1. Got a 5-bed house, £466 this year.
  2. Will be there 16 & 17 Oct - see you somewhere !!!!! Nick
  3. Drumlanrig You may remember we had a chat one day !!
  4. Well done Simon, great film, as always. Thanks for all your efforts !!!
  5. stockybasher


    Looking forward to all your future posts Simon !! I may not always respond to them, but they are all read and I am greatly in awe of your shooting/hunting skills. Glad we will see more !! Nick
  6. I think it is such a shame that somehow Simon has felt he doesn't want to be associated with the Forum in future ! Although not a regular rifle shooter, I have watched very many of his mails and have learned a lot. I will miss Simon's efforts to generate superb videos with supporting talk. Well done Simon and I hope you will feel that you have strong numbers of supporters, who will miss you, and WANT YOU BACK ! Nick
  7. That laid wheat looks almost as it it has been cut !!! Well done to you both 🙂
  8. Great picture that, its got it all, different light, the dust etc - well done !
  9. She seems to own the chair already !! 😄
  10. Well done BB and PC - what a day !!! BB I see you have 3 dogs out with you - do you have any issues with the dogs picking up in standing wheat / barley ?? I am dog-less, but a friend is very wary of them picking up in standing barley ! Any thoughts ?? Best Nick
  11. So lucky to have assistance to help get you out !! Sorry you wont be able to shoot for a while, bang on with the fishing instead 🙂 Take care !!
  12. One thing I have noticed in my area (Fens-ish) there are next to nil young birds so far. Is this a weather issue or...... Normally at this time, you see single birds (1 parent) back and fore, but I am seeing many pairs of birds, but few singles !! Taking this a bit further, by now we usually have a few pigeon nests in our garden / neighbours. This year zero so far. Plenty of birds trying the "dating game" but no nests etc ......?????
  13. Well done! Were you able to pick up ok in the barley ?
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