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About Mice!

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  1. £8million a day I read, a day! But let's punish pensioners! The old folk should all be taking a boat trip and coming back to a hotel room and free ride
  2. It's in the papers as well, people know the celebrities that's why it's been pointed out, they've still lost whatever was in their houses, 10,000 homes it was saying. I said this about fire breaks, then I watched the news and saw the way the wind eas driving the flames, scary stuff. Then there's a house on the beach front made from concrete untouched with everything around it burned down 😳
  3. And they've got years to go yet 😳😳☹
  4. I thought I must be wrong when I saw the 30KW
  5. Well I wouldn't blame him if he was, but he's still been very quiet, but I'm not surprised, how could anyone say Labour are doing a good job??
  6. Sounds like a big tank. One of the lads in work was saying he's put one on his campervan bought off Amazon £100 odd quid, says its amazing, uses it either on the thermostat or sends a msg when their finished at the pub.
  7. Not at all, they could have sat back with their feet up, done nothing and things wouldn't be as bad. I have noticed that comrad Kier's friend @oowee has been very quiet lately
  8. Mice!

    Lynx bombing

    I said a bit ago to my Mrs, I can't imagine wandering around after dark in the woods filling squirrel feeders if there were bears or wolves around, probably a few areas in Scotland that are remote enough, but how do you stop a wild animal wandering to the first lot of sheep?
  9. Mice!


    Be more helpful saying where you aim? Guessing head shots being outside. We're they .22 then?
  10. Mice!


    I'm sure are shocked if they look at the autonomy of a pigeon. So where are you aiming at what angle? Birds are back to front compared with mammals, the lungs are at the back, thin neck, but hitting it will cause the flapping and bleeding out. I'm sure lots of pellets hit with a shotgun causing multiple wounds, but the Airgun pellet just needs going in the right place.
  11. Mice!


    .22 or .177 mate? They are quite a heavy pellet in .22 and my Rapid didn't like them. Were these angled shots?
  12. Mice!

    Hollow Points

    Sounds like a good idea, but most folk always have milk cartons waiting for recycling, I know they aren't the best medium to shoot into, but like you say the pellets were easy to retrieve. I've seen posts from others shooting into ballistic gel and the results always look great showing how different pellets act, some going deep, others slowing faster and you can normally see the shock wave. Definitely mate, the other issue for me is trying to minimise the chance of a pellet zipping through 👍 Glad the post has got some interest and ideas floating around. 😁
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