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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 53 minutes ago, bruno22rf said:

    Mice - the Wildcat and I are firmly in love after she shot 5/5 in the 10 ring yesterday morning - don't think I've ever done that before

    53 minutes ago, bruno22rf said:

    according to the shop that serviced it, is shooting 50 ish rounds with a max deviation of 7fps - I had sent it to have a service and a Reg fitting but they advised me to save my money.

    sounds good, look out squirrels 👍 

    must be a good shop as well 👍👍 

  2. 12 minutes ago, Ttfjlc said:

    Latest gun is an S410, this simply fits like a glove, is well built and is happy to hug JSB Heavies closely together all day long at 40 yards. 

    At half the money? Never read anything bad about a S410.

  3. 52 minutes ago, Ttfjlc said:

    It comes with a built in spirit level though figgy to keep it upright 

    Around £900 pal, I'd probably want an FX Wildcat if he had one of those in the rack as well . It's a walnut version with a £100 scope and a hugget moderater, he knows how to price things right, I'd have to sell the hw100 to help fund it that's the dilemma I'm in. 

    he's got you on the hook!!

    @bruno22rf so Bruno, what are your thoughts on the galahad?? 

    And how is the Wildcat treating you?

  4. 3 hours ago, Ttfjlc said:

    Evening all, I went to see the gunsmith who's been fine tuning my hw100 for me and while there he had a Galahad at the front of his gun rack, very conveniently placed for me to see in fact . He went on to tell me it will be for sale soon, what surprised me most was the weight of the gun, being a bullpup I thought it'd be a lot lighter than it was however I didn't want to put it down, does anyone on here own one? I was wondering what the reliability was like, I have read some reviews saying how ugly it is but I personally love how it looks! 

    Haven't seen one in the flesh, i like the look but what sort of money are you talking? Would you not prefer a FX?

    And your gun smith is sneaky 😂😂 

  5. 6 minutes ago, wyn said:

    I think the "stay tories" would lose the whip and be de-selected.

    Sorry i put it the wrong way round, I'd expect tories to be running a GE on leave, while comrade Corbyn and his magic money tree back remain 

  6. I caught most of it on the radio, sounds like he's laying down the gauntlet to me, back me or else its a GE, which I think would be stay or leave Tories v Labour.

    meanwhile Corbyn was in Salford saying he wants a GE??

    It's gonna get messy.

    Go on Boris stick it to them.

  7. Hopefully you have spooked the fella, get a lamping type torch, if he reappears give him a million candle thingy in the eyes as you approach, and tell all your neighbours so there on the look out as well.

  8. 31 minutes ago, Jaymo said:

    And vice versa also applies.

    Lets face it, we should agree to disagree and close the thread down. It’s been going around in circles, more times than the hands on Big Ben!

    Don't agree the thread should be shut down, but your right about it going round and round, you just have to ignore it.

    the next month could be interesting.

  9. 3 minutes ago, oowee said:

    How ever short the rough ride will be we are still trading several percentage points below where we could have been and we have not left yet. I doubt that ground can ever be made back and I would like to see a forecast of the lost tax revenues. 

    How many firms do you know sitting on a pile of 'just in case cash' that would otherwise have been invested. Add three years of non government and the cost is already out of proportion to any perceived and imaginary benefit of self rule. 

    To the first part, were still doing better than France and Germany and Holland aren't we? Not sure the rest really count?

    Firms might be sitting on money who knows, that's there choice. It was a choice given to the people not industry.

  10. 2 hours ago, marsh man said:

    I am not sure if the G L is the reason for the lack of pigeon shooters on the stubble fields , this time of the year a lot of Partridge chicks would be in the release pens and some would already be out on the stubble's , this would only be on land used for game shooting and that would mainly be on the bigger ones , we have got shoots near by that will start driven Partridge shooting next week , so with Pigeons doing very little harm on the stubble fields they are then left alone .

    Also have we got as many devotee pigeon shooters as we once had ?  , with modern day living people can only devote so much time to shoot pigeons in , how many people have got the time to look around the area , then the odd days shooting , stocking up with cartridges ect , storing and selling the pigeons and trying to run a happy house hold with paying the bills and family commitments , I guess not that many .

    P S.....Since P C have gone on his hols the reports on the medium to big bags have virtually dried up , and we know there are good numbers still around .


    That does make sense, I've been told before that a few folk have the shooting on land around there, but if their busy elsewhere the birds are being left alone.

    I don't think there will be partridges down in the area but there could be?

  11. 1 hour ago, ShootingEgg said:

    So the EU are now back to the table, one thing  TM could not get them to do, it was a take it or leave it.. 

    So maybe Boris is actually getting results with the way he is working. Not that the outraged remain group will see it

    exactly, how could TM expect to be taken seriously threatening no deal when parliament was constantly blocking her? 

    I'm not saying her deal was any good but how can you negotiate when the other side knows your bluffing?

    At least the EU are listening now.

    Get us out Boris 

  12. 19 minutes ago, Vince Green said:

    Big family BBQ on Saturday so we said we would buy the food. Went to Lidl today to buy the meat etc . Only to be told when we got to the checkout you can't buy all this stuff. You can only buy max 6 of any individual item. So six packets of burgers, six packets of bread rolls, six steaks, six bottles of any beer etc.

    I have never heard of such a thing, oh yes its company policy was the reply

    Anybody else heard of this ?



    So you buy six, your misses buys six then get some more another day? But I've never bought that many items the same.

    Think it's Morrison's advert that makes me laugh, wine on offer max per customer 36 bottles!!!

  13. 10 minutes ago, Dave-G said:

    I rather like the idea of ending the longest session of parliament for umpteen years where a new session gets a new speaker. The sour grapes brigade are seething about not being able to persist in destroying democracy as I beleive any debates in process terminate and need to be started again in the new session... with the new speaker sitting. 

    I understand any new PM gets to have a queens speech - but it seems remainers don't like the idea of Boris getting that opportunity to lay out his stall and make a mandate to stop the rabid claims from pillocks that he has no mandate.

    Absolutely, getting rid of Bercow alone is a step forward.

    25 minutes ago, oowee said:

    Holding the the government to account to deliver the acceptable deal it promised, is working for the democratic decision of the referendum. The Government is unable to secure the deal it promised and then shutting down the protest. 

    Protest and stalling is all that's been done by MPs for far too long, The idea Corbyn can become caretaker PM while not leaving the EU is ridiculous.

  14. I don't usually post in here because i don't shoot pigeon, but we've been to Southport a couple of times in the last few weeks.Some of the fields have already been bailed, they were full of pigeons a few weeks ago and it was the same again today, stubble that is at least three weeks old and the fields were blue, they seemed to be in every field we passed.

    I'd have thought the pigeons would have cleared those fields by now and moved to the other surrounding crops or natural foods available.

    Is it likely no one is shooting them and disturbing them?

    Any thoughts?

  15. 4 hours ago, bruno22rf said:

    I still find it hard to believe that nobody has congratulated Mice on attempting shots at 8m - way beyond his normal comfort zone!!!

    You cheeky 😅😅😅

    the kids went from about 5!! Talk about too close.

    One of the women was saying she couldn't see where she had hit at 8 mtrs😅😅 

  16. I imagine her majesty was delighted to be able to have some input into brexit and give members of the house a slap, she isn't getting any younger and i imagine seeing us back in control of our own futures has to put a smile on her face.

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