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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. We went on holiday last year and they had shooting comps on in the afternoons some days, winner gets a cocktail. Now bear in mind your a good 8mts away 😆

    My little lad had been saying since we said we were going again that he was going to do the shooting!!

    Glad to say he had a couple of goes, his sister had one go.

    I was surprised at how long people were willing to queue for 3 or 5 shots of an air rifle, with kids and adults all enjoying it.


    First time i had a go I was the last in the line, 3 shots highest score wins obviously, now here is the fun part and the idea, you have no idea where the first pellet is going to go, you can watch others but most are spraying them all over, 3 shots with a springer doesn't take long, two or three guns at country fairs run by basc or such for free could give people a positive impression of shooting??

    lots of banter as different people shoot, mostly kids first then the adults, a young Irish lad was winning on 27 with all the dads trying but failing to to beat it, my first shot went right and high clipping the 8, aimed left and low for the next two shots and managed two tens 🤠not clean tens but good enough.


    Next time I had a go I was first up of the adults, same gun so I aimed off left and low, expecting all bulls, first two shots were low but central!! Next two just clipped the ten and the fifth high left in the nine? giving me 43, a long wait then with lots of banter again as everyone seemed to shoot tens or nines on their first couple of shots then they could go anywhere, a couple of 40s then the Irish lad appeared shooting a 42, bum twitch time!! 

    Few other fellas were winding each other up enjoying themselves saying they were going to beat me but only getting 30s

    somehow a couple of women managed to completely miss the target from 8 mtrs? My misses appeared and shot a 26 which made her smile, little lad had another go with a huge smile on his face, needing help but he loved it.

    final fella steps up, I'd said to my misses to aim at the  left of the bull slightly low, this chap wasn't queuing but was listening apparently, up he goes shoots three 9s!! Everyone is clapping, the fella running the shooting is telling me I'm going down, final two shots were nowhere near 5 & 6 I think.

    Winner 🤗🤗 simple fun with a springer and open sights, the wife gets two free cocktails, and the lad is hooked 😃 

    Another idea for fun with your mates or at the range, all using the same gun open sights, your allowed to move the sight up or down left or right a few clicks after your shots so no one knows where the first pellet is going, hours of fun.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Smokersmith said:

    I make it a point to never holiday to any location where you can get an English Breakfast.

    The only way is up Jacko!!


    That must narrow down your choices?

    Hope things improve from now Jacko😎😎🍺🍺 

  3. 12 hours ago, Westward said:

    Taper roller bearings have to be accurately torqued up which can be problematic when you consider the average assembly worker's competence. For some 30 years, most manufacturers have switched to double race thrust bearings which are designed to take opposing lateral loads. The carrier hubs have to be very accurately machined in order to apply the specified pre-load but they are more cost effective in that (Rover Montegos aside) they have a lower failure rate due to less room for production errors.

    The Japanese kept using taper bearings much longer but their workforce is in a different league from anyone else's.

    some of the automotive places I've worked at machine to smaller tolerances than aerospace, this depends on the parts obviously and is so that every part is pretty much identical.

  4. On ‎16‎/‎08‎/‎2019 at 10:15, steve_b_wales said:

    Travelling to work last night, heading south on a dual carriageway, and then 'driving miss daisy' decides to drive towards me and the other motorists. I captured it all on my dashcam and the footage has now been forwarded to Operation Snap (Police)

    You just reminded me, this happened to me a couple of weeks ago, bit of fog on my drive home, I turned at the roundabout and a car went past me!! I was gob smacked, i imagined they had pulled out onto the wrong side because of the fog, but had there been another car on the inside lane chances are I'd have been going head to head with them🤬

  5. can't believe that?? It seems crazy and they probably do it every week and get away with it.

    At this late stage they probably know you don't want anything going wrong, but hit the phones bound to be someone else available, I'd rather drive a few hours to pick up a Luton for the weekend than get bent over.


  6. 48 minutes ago, samboy said:


    I tried loads on a few weeks ago, I've got wide feet, I was convinced the majority were sized wrong they were so tight.

    same with football boots, I lost one a few weeks ago so had to buy new boots, find some that fit was a nightmare, it's like my feet have spread out over the years.

  7. 39 minutes ago, stuartyboy said:

    In the airports they generally have several stands where you help yourself to the Sun and sometimes other papers.

    Yes, its to boost circulation figures so they can attract more advertisers at a higher cost.

    Annoys me as people pick one up. Scan it briefly, then bin it or leave it lying on the floor. Not exactly enviromentally friendly. 


    we flew from Manchester last week there was the sun, and I think the Times? We scanned the Sun, I imagined the airport gets them cheap and the papers get their advertising seen??

  8. 31 minutes ago, Old farrier said:

    Well today I’ve been at a busy riding school 

    heaving with kids ages from 5 to 12 

    probably 75 in total 

    so in true PW style I did a survey 😊

    who wants to have there own pony ? 

    All of them (no surprise) 

    than I asked them to choose the one they wanted 

    first place ....maple (guess it’s culor ) 

    2nd boffin grey

    3rd spirit/meg bay 

    absolutely none of them wanted humbug coincidentally the only one for sale

    then I asked the parents/grandparents

    who unanimously decided that riding school was the best place as there mixing with like minded kids and it’s cheap child minding drop them off a hour early and let them groom the horses picking them up hours after their ride is finished

    i tend to agree as most weren’t capable of doing the basics and after talking to the stable girls we agreed 10 years old was about the earliest they would get a kid it’s own pony as the younger ones grow out of them to fast 

    this yard does a have a pony for a week

    its yours and you have to do everything (under supervision)    For the whole week a bit of a shock for some of them 

    i then asked all the kids which was the best horse in the yard 

    and to think very carefully before they answered 😊😉

    the winner 👍😊


    That sounds spot on, And i showed the picture to my daughter, it got a massive gasp!! Winner winner 


    two horses, no fuss no hassle 😁 

  9. 3 hours ago, oldypigeonpopper said:

    hello, the above was my first PCP many years ago,   mine was multi shot, still around the 6.5llb  mark, about the same as a AA classic,    the Ultra comes out at 6llb, a lighter PCP is the FX verminator at 5.3 llb, i cannot think of any lighter PCPs, 

    What about the Titan bearcat?

    Maybe even a crossman catcher type seeing as your only shooting to 20 yards as you say?

  10. 31 minutes ago, JDog said:

    Those yellow flowers are Heleniums which bees love.

    As far as your Buddleia is concerned, when the flower on the leading shoot dies off cut the shoot off to the next pair of shoots and this secondary growth should flower within a month thus extending the length of time the butterflies can benefit.

    Thanks for that, the Heleniums were in when we moved in, we cut them back to the ground every year and they regrow every time, a cracking perennial, little effort maximum benefit.

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