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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. Three less in Windermere today, had an invite from Sciurus to join him, first time I've seen a squirrel shot in the grounds of a castle 😃 and Sciurus had a cracking shot from a fir tree in a hotels grounds,  had a look around a few different places, some really picture post card scenery that's for sure.

    Had a play with his pulsar, and i can certainly see why people like them, being able to spot a squirrel without movement is a massive advantage.

    Thanks for day out.


    Certainly a better attitude to grey squirrel control in the Lakes than other areas that's for sure 👍 

  2. 17 hours ago, DECO290597 said:

    Hi all I'm a new member and I've tried everything to try and get permission on land to shoot pigeons. I have a .22 air rifle and have been shotting at a range for 3 years and have been asking for permission and just keep getting no after no for 4/5 months now. Tried knocking on doors, emailing and calling. I'm BASC registered and insured incase info get a permission but in all honesty this is something I'd really like to do and it is disheartening. I'm in no way begging for someone to invite me to the land they have got through their hard work but what advice or help did people get if they hard such a difficult time finding land? Thanks in advance

    I realise most of this has been said but going beating really helps and gets your face known.

    As for asking for pigeon shooting with an air rifle i wouldn't hold your breath, aim for the smaller places and ask about rats, if you can get a start somewhere it helps get the next place.

  3. 19 hours ago, Jason_ox said:

    We have a syndicate run on our farm, all the beaters who shoot are allowed pigeon shooting after season, all they have to do is ring one of us up beforehand to get the go ahead. They also get a beaters day and a walked up day if they want to. A couple of guns and beaters have used our land to gain FAC. I’d be positive that in the 5 years of the shoot running  we have never had a phone call for pigeon shooting and the guys who got FAC grants have possibly showed up a handful of times and have never been out at night for fox. Needless to say that we probably won’t be signing anyone’s renewals! Goes to show that even when they get permissions some don’t put any effort in to keep it. 

    Find that really strange, i understand some people will be happy beating just to work their dog, day out having a laugh with a brace of birds, but why would they not turn up to shoot after applying for FAC or vermin in general? Very strange.

  4. 7 hours ago, figgy said:

    No its not themed but it's full  black tie or smart morning suit women in ball gowns do in a local Stateley hall and in the ticket price is all your drink , premium spirits and foreign lagers beers like birra moretti. All the food you can eat I cluding all seafood including lobsters dressed crabs huge prawns and laguistines smoked salmon shellfish etc and full carvery's of meats  Along with cheeses cold meats  pastas paiellas everything you could want with numerous deserts. A live band this year was a take that tribute for part of the night then DJ till 2am. Fantastic night with good company. Will be booking for next year as soon as available.

    So your rough today I'm guessing?

    10 hours ago, panoma1 said:

    Spent the last 5minutes of 2018 and the 1st 10minutes of 2019 trying to extract a broken cork out of an unopened bottle of 12 yo Highland Park! 😡.......Bloody good start to 2019 eh?....got the blighter in the end tho!........happy new year all! 👍

    you weren't using a Swiss army knife were you?

  5. 3 minutes ago, GingerCat said:

    A good friend owns a drinks company. He gave a bottle of very nice and not too cheap whisky to a mate for his birthday. 

    This mate made every drop count and the bottle was lasting well, it was the sort of whisky you drank slowly on your own. Perhaps with a cigar and the world seemed a better place for it.

    That was until a fateful bbq was held and another "mate" was pouring large ones out with coke. His face was a picture. How I laughed. 

    you would though wouldn't you, long time ago, probably New years eve my old fella and his mate were drinking Dimple while giving the mates wife grouse 😂😂 

  6. 4 hours ago, bruno22rf said:

    5 in just under an hour and a half, seen 2 Muntjac, a couple of Nuthatches and a Linnet. 

    That sounds like a cracking morning to me, don't think I've ever seen a linnet? Off to look it up in a thing called a book.

    Apparently there was a squirrel sat on my bird table when I was out watching pheasant fly past me on Thursday, hoping it pops back tomorrow while I'm doing the pots.

  7. We had our beaters day on Thursday, and a strange day it was. Midges in December? 

    we started off well with 18 birds off the first drive, and went down hill from there 😅😅 thankfully the shot count wasn't done as I'm sure we all missed way more than we should have, me especially.

    A great day was had, with everyone enjoying themselves.

    Back to how things should be on the 5th, I'll have a stick not a gun 😄 

  8. 18 hours ago, marsh man said:

    Also nowadays the scaffolding company have to put a completion ticket on the scaffold to let people know it is safe to work on .

    We had to have a scaffold erected for a lead company to do some lead repairs on a lead gulley , we were told it would be ready by the Monday , on the Friday they finished so I informed the lead boys it was ready , come Monday two blokes turned up to carry out the lead repairs , after getting the gear out of the van they rang me up to say they are not allowed to go on it as there is no completion ticket on the ladder , I rang the scaffold company to tell them I have got two blokes standing about because they can't see this ticket , they said there chaps were working on another job and couldn't get there till around dinnertime , anyhow they didn't come till the lead boys had packed up and left the job , we got a bill for nearly £300 from the lead company for wasted time , this was passed on to the scaffold firm who took it off the bill , insurance won't let them on the scaffold without seeing this ticket. 


    fella round the corner from me, brickie had a load of scaffolding collapse on him, i believe it had been errected but wasn't finished, he was in a bad way for some time, so can't blame the lead lads.

  9. On ‎26‎/‎12‎/‎2018 at 23:17, Jaymo said:

    ‘it’s an MOT’ , by law they can’t just go around failing vehicles as they never know if they are being subjected to a VOSA check or not.

    I thought “it’s free” , what do I have to loose but, I stand to gain a free MOT if it passed...

    Not all garages are out to rip you off, doesn’t matter if it’s a franchise or your local Singleton, if they want to ‘drum up’ work then any of them could find faults.

    like others have said, halfords and others are used by the less knowledgeable car drivers, they will hint that things need fixing that simply don't, went in a Kwik fit or ats? Years ago in the wifes car, exhaust was blowing something awful, i asked if they do weld it while i waited " no sir, afraid you'll need a new back box coming in at £200 ish!!!! My local garage welded it three days later for about £30.

  10. Probably 2000, last time i saw someone get a brown envelope, a few die hards who didn't want their wives knowing what they earned.

    we've paid for a few jobs and even my car with part payment in a brown envelope though.

    certainly sounds like the boss should just be paying the money into their accounts while he's there.

  11. On ‎21‎/‎12‎/‎2018 at 12:49, Vince Green said:

    I am at a complete loss to understand what would motivate anybody to pay those sort of prices in the first place for a bottle of whisky (or wine).

    My sisters fella has done this, bought several bottles of whiskey over the years at crazy money saying its an investment? I would love for them to have a party a some point and someone walk in drinking from a bottle.

  12. 2 hours ago, silver pigeon69 said:

    Bought all the food from Aldi this year! Very impressed. The turkey was a 1/3rd of the price of the "bronze" medal one last year and tasted much better.

    We got the rolly Polly one, seemed dear but very nice

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