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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 11 hours ago, scotslad said:

    The article mentions starlings and crop/animal protection, starling s can eat a vast ammount of animal feed and spread disease (must admit i thought were on the GL) as mind as a kid shootng loads of them

    They used to be but not anymore.

  2. 19 hours ago, marsh man said:

    Yesterday we had what was the estate's owner day for his friends , we all had a lovely day with the weather being kind and the shooting was as good as it gets . I was picking up along with two others and it was one of those days where the dogs found most of what they were sent for and the bag was on par of what we expected , we started a bit late and seem to running a bit late for the rest of the day although with the days getting a bit longer it wasn't to much of a concern .

    We started the sixth and last drive around 3.30pm and time the beaters came through this large wood the light was beginning to fail , I was standing behind the guns on number 7 and 8 pegs , one old boy was a very good shot and is normally a perfect gentleman , the other gun wasn't that good a shot and failed to connect , the old boy shot five cock birds that all looked dead or didn't look like they would run to far .

    Anyway the whistle went and the drive was over so I started to make my way towards the two guns , I was getting close and my dog was already bringing a cock bird back when both of them walked off towards the guns wagon without saying a word about how many he got or where roughly they were , as it turned out I found the five fairly quick and there wasn't any runners .

    I thought it would have been the decent thing to do was just to let me know what he got and roughly where they were considering the light at the time was getting bad .

    So back to the title , Could you , or would you say anything and if so , what ?

    Another way of looking at it, maybe the old boy was confident the birds weren't going anywhere and new you were in a good position to see the birds?

    I certainly think guns should be pointing out where their birds are down.

    Happy to say the guest guns and paying guns have been friendly and chatty where we are this year, but its a smaller shoot. As for the Syndicate members what a bunch 😂😂😂 been a fun season.

  3. 1 hour ago, mel b3 said:

    My mom and dad used to have three large composting bins and a compost heap , they were fanatical( mainly my mom)about shredding things to put into the bins ,my mom was also very much on the ball with household refuse,almost everything got recycled, and they would only generate one carrier bag of refuse per fortnight. 

    Sounds like they were on the ball, compost needs to be moved around to aid the process, not just left sitting. The black Daleks we have are great for being out the way, but it slows things down.

  4. 17 minutes ago, Longbower said:

    I still have't seen one , to get a shot at yet this year. The feeders are being ignored. 

    My new Ultra SE .177  is feeling left out !

    Another new gun!! Did Santa Claus get it for you?

    3 hours ago, Fisheruk said:

    Another hide rigged in the wood this morning opposite Feeders 3 & 4.

    2, 3 and 4 Feeders are all being used, but not 1a. Shot 3 off 1a and it seems to have cleared that corner for the time being. So who is going to be the first to score from this new hide? Mice or Mick C?

    Or you? Just realised I've only shot squirrels off feeder one, and near 4, everything else has been in the trees?

  5. 4 hours ago, haynes said:

    Ive never bothered. Maybe a touch with a grinder if youve hit a stone or concrete. But i think if sharp like an axe it might stick. Hated using an axe to split. Too much effort needed to force the blow through the wood. Then every other blow would have it stick in the timber, especially if it was knotty. 


    3 hours ago, SxS said:

    Agree.  A felling axe needs to be sharp to go across the grain (you’re cutting!) but a splitting axe is used along the grain and instead of needing to be sharp needs the head to have a broad spread to open up the wood. Think knife vs wedge.

    I’d probably knock out any chips from the leading edge with a grinder, but that shouldn’t happen if you’re using a block (which you want to do anyway for safety). 

    Had also heard about the husqvana/witterlings, but went GB as my father in law is swift to “borrow” anything with Husqvana written on it! 

    cheers gents makes sense, mine is probably an Aldi special now i think about it.

  6. 45 minutes ago, haynes said:

    Buy a splitting maul. Cheap and heavy. Axe wont get stuck in a log. Either it splits it or stops dead. 

    I bought one of these a few years ago, nothing special fibre glass handle i think.

    question, should it be sharpened like an axe?

    also bought a splitting wedge, never really used either much.

  7. 11 hours ago, mel b3 said:

    Be careful when using litter bins for household waste , with sensible use nobody will notice ,but if you fill it to the point that others are putting rubbish on the floor, it will get noticed ,and I believe that people have been prosecuted for fly tipping when filling litter bins with household waste.

    It was only bagged dog waste in my case, i have no problem with fortnightly collection but your bin could get a bit smelly during summer.

  8. Not collecting during January and February is purely money saving.

    We now get charged £30 per year, but that's a bargain considering what we put in the brown bin during the year, compost what we can or want to but its amazing how much stuff you can put in a wheelie bin once you've shredded it.

    4 hours ago, Bigbob said:

    Our garden waste bin went from fortnightly all year  to monthly  december till march    which is a pain as i put all my ferret shavings in there and it stinks of ammonia  and can have a few maggots but nowhere nearly as bad as the fortnightly pick up . ( the council operator said it was fine as long as there was no meat waste in it so i put all the carcasses and dog poo in a double bag and put that in the landfill bin , Which is half the size of the other 3 ( no doubt so they can save money )  and that does have a few maggots but the collectors never moan about it . But it means i have to take all the household waste to the recycling centre  but im not taking bags of poo etc in the jeep as im paying my poll tax 

    As for smelly shavings and dog poo, bin bag it and put it in your nearest street bin which the council will empty, i did this with dog waste, but after dark to avoid strange looks 🤢

  9. 1 hour ago, JDog said:

    This picture was taken in my garden yesterday. As far as I can remember it is the first Rose I have ever had which has been in full bloom in January.

    So, having given the game away by saying that it is a rose, the game is to identify the cultivar. There are three prizes on offer, all books;

    1. 'How to become an expert on air rifles' by Ultrastu.

    2. 'The secrets of my success' by Pigeon Controller.

    3.'Missing made easy' by JDog.



    Thought we had done well having a few left in December, really mild still. Everything will get growing then get hammered by frost.

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